Hello and welcome to my thread. I've been playing Starbound for quite a while so I thought I could draw some art of it too because it's such a good game ;u; I'll be posting some drawings as well as some comics too. Hopefully I don't get too stupid here; comments as well as criticisms are very much appreciated (and if you happen to have any kind of questions, feel free to ask too (answering is fun)). Anyways These are the main characters I play this game with; I gave them some personality too because I am that kind of person. Shameless selfinsert slut for mods | has a chaotic mind | likes to build houses | bad english Kit Bet the ruin (without the influence of any mods) | Thinks he’s super wise and cool and shit | usually very calm | whishes things were like the good ol’ days Benny likes to help people | does bounty hunting for a hobby | very nice but also very sensitive | wonders how many people can fit in his ship Yrian Joined the Protectorate because the game gave him no other choice | likes to flirt around but probably hates everyone | steals everything he gets his hands on
Your style is simple yet it clearly shows you have really great skills underneath, I want to see more! Would love to see them interacting with each other