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RELEASED Simple Extended Character Creation Mod: Now, even easier! 1.3.3

Just a clean looking modification to the character creation screen, for custom races.

  1. Heliostorm

    Heliostorm Phantasmal Quasar

    This. People really need to stop uploading directly to the site as it's incredibly buggy and does not work most of the time.
    Horus-the-Chorus likes this.
  2. mauttykoray

    mauttykoray Space Hobo

    I really like this mod for the custom species and hope the devs work with you to implement one similar. I like having the separated window and having the ability to scroll would make it perfect for people who like to play custom races while still keeping the vanilla species clean and tidy.

    Definitely downloading it due to the felin and hopefully a couple other races I'll get to goof around with once they're more completed.
  3. VIcariousViking

    VIcariousViking Void-Bound Voyager

    I actually followed the instructions on your Argonian mod page Sabboth. I spent like 5 hours trying to get it working. I installed your mod in the mods directory, got notpad ++, made all the required changes absolutely correctly to the .species and .config fiile ....then it just crashes when I try to launch the game. I can have one mod working with the extended character creation mod, but anytime I try to add one I make sure it has a unique ID, I make sure sure it's in both the .species and .config file, and then i make sure the position is set properly to the 2nd slot [235, 0]
  4. VIcariousViking

    VIcariousViking Void-Bound Voyager

    argonian.species file line 3 reads "index" : 6,

    Charcreation.config for argonian starting at line 187 reads:

    "id" : 6,
    "image" : "/interface/title/argonianfemale.png",
    "position" : [208, 0]

    kangaru.species file line 3 reads "index" : 7,

    charcreation.config for kangaru starting at line 187 reads:

    "id" : 7,
    "image" : "/interface/title/kangarufemale.png",
    "position" : [235, 0]

    So my Argonin should show up in slot 1, and my Kangaru should show up in slot 2....

    Now if I remove one of these 2 race mods from the starbound/mods folder the other shows up in game exactly where it should in the character creator and everything works as it should. As soon as I add the other with the correct info above the game just crashes. This is retarded.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
    Murlocking likes this.
  5. Xochi

    Xochi Intergalactic Tourist

    Since Kawa checks this thread or even Xander might know:

    Is there something different about your mod that makes it more difficult to use in conjunction with this? I noticed there is no position line on your species file and no matter if I add it or not it will position in its default spot. No conflicts at all, just won't move into the correct window.
  6. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    With URL I was able to conjoin 7-8 new races together.
    URL is based off of this.
  7. Spammerman

    Spammerman Aquatic Astronaut

    I've tried the same thing as Viking, with no success. I even tried adding a unified charcreation.config, copied from Kawa's race mod, and then with all the positions altered to match. Crash on load.

    I can get Kawa's race mod to load perfectly, but I can't use the Elf or Argoanian races because of dependencies on SECC.
  8. RockyTV

    RockyTV Big Damn Hero

    Seems like my mod is incompatible because the Argonian race occupies the 6th slot, and I wont change it cuz I'm lazy :p
  9. espilonarge

    espilonarge Big Damn Hero

    I managed to talk to Bartwe and his already aware of the issue with race ID's conflicting with each other for race mods. Hopefully something is being done by the time the merging/overriding ability is available.
    Kawa likes this.
  10. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

  11. VIcariousViking

    VIcariousViking Void-Bound Voyager

  12. Tyty

    Tyty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It means we won't have IDs anymore, potentially. Instead, races will probably just go by name.

    You know, like they do in player.config and other files. Really, only the character creation menu actually uses IDs it seems.
  13. VIcariousViking

    VIcariousViking Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh. Yeah. I pieced it together.

    so, about this....

    argonian.species file line 3 reads "index" : 6,

    Charcreation.config for argonian starting at line 187 reads:

    "id" : 6,
    "image" : "/interface/title/argonianfemale.png",
    "position" : [208, 0]

    kangaru.species file line 3 reads "index" : 7,

    charcreation.config for kangaru starting at line 187 reads:

    "id" : 7,
    "image" : "/interface/title/kangarufemale.png",
    "position" : [235, 0]

    So my Argonian should show up in slot 1, and my Kangaru should show up in slot 2....

    Now if I remove one of these 2 race mods from the starbound/mods folder the other shows up in game exactly where it should in the character creator and everything works as it should. As soon as I add the other with the correct info above the game just crashes. This is retarded.
  14. Tyty

    Tyty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You need to merge their player.config, universe_server.config, and any other files all races share it sounds like. Check your starbound.log and see what it's having problems with.
  15. VIcariousViking

    VIcariousViking Void-Bound Voyager

    I'll have to check it when I get home from work.

    But...why does it sound like that? I thought all I was supposed to do was make sure each raced had a unique ID, and that ID was in it's .config and .species file respectively. Make sure the mod was in the right folder and had the right dependency entered in the modinfo files, and that the appropriate button location was entered in the .config.

    I haven't seen any instructions anywhere talking about merging player and universe_server.config files.

    I thought this mod was supposed to make multiple races easy? This is starting to sound ludicrously complicated.
    Murlocking likes this.
  16. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    No character creation expansion mod can fix the merging problem. The next SB update will resolve the player.config and universe_server.config merging thing, and hopefully the ID thing.
  17. VIcariousViking

    VIcariousViking Void-Bound Voyager

    Ohhh okay. So basically these character creation mod expanders don't really work as intended yet.

    This merging thing one has to do should really be stated somewhere on this mod page, if you need to do it for this mod to work as it's advertised. The average modder (me) I don't think could easily figure this out.
  18. Fox234

    Fox234 Space Spelunker

    I would love to give this a try, but I'm unable to download it. As people have already said, Its probably a good idea to upload this to a different site like Nexus Mods or something.
  19. Xander Kau

    Xander Kau Phantasmal Quasar

    To all asking, I will be able to upload the mod, with the updated elf mod, to a mirror very soon. Lots of business away from the computer so I am sorry I have not been able to keep up with your questions these last couple days. Will be sure to answer those questions that I can.
  20. Kapra

    Kapra Void-Bound Voyager

    Is there anything I can do to make my Leporid mod compatible with yours? (Besides releasing it in a mod compilation that also includes your mod.)

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