I don't think I'm going to try and make an elevator more than 5 floors ever. For as simple as this thing is it was way to much work. EDIT: This method is a hot mess. I'm going to clean it up. Don't attempt to try and build what I built. If you look at the youtube video I linked below his is more organized.
Tutorial? Dude, I probably couldn't explain how to make light switches using XOR Gates let alone this mess. Best I can do is link the thing I watched that got me started. Though watching it now, his is so much more organized.
I know what you mean. I had my share of nightmares before launch, when I tried making a clock. I am pretty sure there are lots of redundant nodes, but I was so happy it was functioning right for my world with 6 hours of 24 minutes of 13 real seconds (if memory serves me right)... That is, until I realized the only part that was working as intended were the seconds' counter.
I used that same video and got me a six floor one (and a few others, but the six floor one is the most involved.) I could feasibly run it to at least ten floors without requiring relays, provided I put the nerve center somewhere in the middle: Plus wiring: