REQUEST Show number of times an item has been crafted....?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by sukuyan.the.fallen, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. sukuyan.the.fallen

    sukuyan.the.fallen Void-Bound Voyager

    So we have info on our tool tips that show how many times a dish has been cooked, and we can see how many of each item we have shipped but we can't see how many of each item we have crafted. Is there anyone out there that can create a mod that can do this. I currently use SMAPI launcher to play the game, not sure if you have to make the mod compatible with that. I don't know anything about modding so I have no clue how to do this myself. I am also going to put in a request on the forums for the developers to add this into the game since it's something that makes sense (to me) we should have. I can't believe it would be to hard to have the tool tip show this info...but I could be wrong. If anyone knows of a mod out there that already does this please let me know. I looked and searched but couldn't find anything even remotely close to what I'm asking for here....but I could have completely missed it.

    Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer!


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