Hello there, I have one little and maybe dumb question: Is there a way to re-customize ship crew without breaking the .player file? I didn't find any already existing mods with such function, and my own programming skills seem to be not enough for this. I'll be thankful for the answers ':^
If you are just looking to change your crew's attire, then the following mod (Crew Customization Redux) sounds like it would do the trick: https://www.nexusmods.com/starbound/mods/683/?tab=description
Perhaps, but how to do so is beyond my knowledge. What did you mean about breaking the ".player" file, though? Have you seen this post on editing them: https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/opening-player-files.122343/ Or did you simply mean you would rather modify your companions via a mod instead of editing the ".player" file each time?
Once I have successfully changed the appearance of my character, but when I try to change the gender of some members of my crew, save just *POOF!* and disappears. Every time. After the whole day of fighting with .player file I gave up.
Hm. I wonder if that is because there is male and female clothing, and that both gender and clothing need to match. I need to get a crew member so I can test this myself...
Well, I got a crewmember, and tried changing everything related to his gender (portrait, gender and appearance). But something seems to be undoing my changes. The portrait changes seemed to stick (the portrait that you see when you view your crew from your ship's S.A.I.L.); I noticed a hairstyle difference. But his "live" appearance remained the same. I re-dumped the ".player" file that I had modified, and saw that a bunch of the stuff I had changed was back to their original values. The gender property seemed to retain its changes, but there was no visual difference in the character. The game never crashed on me, and the crewmember always spawned; but some of the changes we were looking for didn't stick. So either I'm doing something wrong, or something beyond the ".player" file would need to be changed. I apologize; it looks like I won't be able to solve this one for you.
Hm... When you change the gender, do you delete/add "fe-" in lines with the way to head'n'body sprites? Also it seems like sprites of chest armor split on "chestm" and "chestf". But anyway, thank you for helping me; I appreciate this.
In the crew and shipCrew sections for the crewmember there is a "gender" property under "config/parameters/identity", with a value of either "male" or "female". But for the "portrait" section, yes, I mostly changed "male" to "female", and "m" to "f", etc. as that was in keeping with the game's assets.
Hm but maybe you could try to do the same with my files? 'Cuz I can only break them ;-; And you, at least, can make save files work...
I guess I can try, if you want to post them. Although I'm not sure why you want just the gender and portrait changed, as it doesn't seem to have much effect on the gameplay. Unless you have a mod that has gender based stuff.
I do not have such mods but I just want to adjust my crew for the story I've made up in my mind (it's not delightful to realize that ones who you thought to be guys the whole time are actually girls) (Also I don't know which one disk should be used so I chose yandex disk ':^ )
Cool. I was just curious. Oh, I actually meant you could just attach the file to your post (via the "Upload a File" button beside "Post Reply"), although you likely would have had to zip it first; but the way you did it was fine too Well, I have some good news. For whatever reason, the gender changes I was testing seemed to stick (I also found out I can change the name of your crew members). I changed "Olga" from a female to a male (named "Olgam"), and he even looks like a male now. So that's cool. Maybe I simply couldn't discern the visual change from an Apex male to female in the tests on my crewmember. I forgot to ask before, though. What crewmembers do you want me to change? And what do you want them changed to?
Oh well, Nkilam and Wingmarch should be with changed gender. Also I wanted to change Biamla's "hair"-cut and Olga's hair with head accessory, but I still don't know on which so this is not necessary right now. Olga should stay female ':^ (Also minute of interesting facts: Male "Olga" is "Oleg". Now you know moooree~~~) But thank you very much for the help!!
I stand corrected; thank you. The zip folder containing the modified player file should be attached. Just to let you know, whenever I made a change to this player file, Starbound would crash once, and then start up fine afterwards. This could be due to the player not being created through my game. So if it crashes your game once, just try it again. Also, whenever I tested a change, there would be another set of crewmembers on the ship (5, then 10, then 15, etc.). To fix that, I deleted the shipworld file associated with that player. But if you run into that issue, you should probably back up your shipworld file first (or at least remove everything from your ship onto a planet of yours).