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Server Discussion SharpStar - Proxy server with support for C#, Python, Javascript, and Lua plugins

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Mitch528, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    You can find the wiki page here.
  2. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    - Added group permissions

    Essential Commands Plugin Update:

    - Added group permission commands
    • /creategroup
    • /deletegroup
    • /addgroupperm
    • /removegroupperm
    • /setdefaultgroup
    • /setusergroup
  3. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    Essential Commands Plugin Update:
    Added more commands:
    • /mute
    • /unmute
    • /spawnplanet
    • /setspawn
    • /unsetspawn
  4. Brockway

    Brockway Pangalactic Porcupine

    Seem pretty clear, but i have to ask what does those commands ?

    • /spawnplanet
    • /setspawn
    • /unsetspawn
  5. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    I'm gonna guess a lot and say that /spawnplanet either gives you the info from the spawn planet, or moves your ship there.
    I'm guessing that /setspawn while standing on a planet, will set that world to be the default world everyone appears in when they log in into the server
    and I'm also guessing that /unsetspawn disables completely the "all new players appear in the same planet" thing.
  6. Blaze9

    Blaze9 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Any recent developments?
  7. Mortalsinn

    Mortalsinn Zero Gravity Genie

    using Essentials, how do you set someone as Admin for the first time? I tried /makeadmin {name} from the console and it just crashes it. I tried with out the / and nothing happens.
  8. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    I've been studying for midterms for the past few days, so I haven't really had much time to work on SharpStar. After midterms are over, I should have enough time to work on it some more.

    I'll fix that. Meanwhile, you can use the command op (to make a user an admin) and deop (to remove a user's admin status) in the console. The makeadmin command is for in-game.
  9. Mortalsinn

    Mortalsinn Zero Gravity Genie

    Thank you. Does Essentials have or will have some sort of planet protection? I see the PlanetProtect.LUA but it requires the admincommand.lua and that's discontinued.
  10. Mortalsinn

    Mortalsinn Zero Gravity Genie

    Also when I /op [name] I get the error "user does not exist" when I'm clearly on the server lol. Do I have to /op their UUID or something?
  11. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    The planet protect part of Essentials is almost done. I'll release it soon.

    You need to create an account first. SharpStar uses the Starbound login for authentication instead of UUID.
    Use the in-game command: /createacct username password
    After you create the account, use the op command and then login.
  12. Mortalsinn

    Mortalsinn Zero Gravity Genie

    Thank you :D
  13. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    - Event attribute can now handle more than one event
    - Added ThrowerEntityId property to ProjectileEntity

    Essential Commands Plugin Update
    - Added planet protection commands (see wiki for details)
    - Requires SharpStar version
  14. Blaze9

    Blaze9 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Do you know if you can directly warp someone from one planet surface to another planet surface?
  15. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    I don't think that's possible at the moment. :/
  16. Blaze9

    Blaze9 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It would be cool if you could (gates between points of interest etc.).
  17. Mortalsinn

    Mortalsinn Zero Gravity Genie

    Everything is working perfectly.

    Suggestion - is it possible to add tags to the groups so users can Identify the moderators / admins?

    Also, possible to add an in game /help command that will show you your commands that you have the permissions for?
  18. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    Yeah, it would. Unfortunately, I don't think it's doable for now.


    - Added descriptions for in-game commands

    Essential Commands Plugin Update
    - Help command added
    - Optional prefix for groups (command: /setgroupprefix <group name> <prefix>)
    - Requires SharpStar version
  19. Mortalsinn

    Mortalsinn Zero Gravity Genie

    Amazing wow, thank you for the epic fast response

    I'll throw in one fast suggestion and I don't expect this one to be accepted or done as fast, it's something that would more satisfy my OCD lol

    you know how there is a perm so a user can protect a planet? I was thinking of adding that to a VIP package but then I thought someone could go around protecting every planet.

    Is it possible to add a permission to that command with limited number of planets they could protect?

    example: planetprotect.1 or planetprotect.2

    This way when they have that permission they can protect based on the limitation
  20. Underbalanced

    Underbalanced Phantasmal Quasar

    This is why you should invest time in learning how to program :). Asking others to add features so you can charge players money. Hope you donate some of that to mitch!

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