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Server Discussion SharpStar - Proxy server with support for C#, Python, Javascript, and Lua plugins

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Mitch528, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. ArchGaden

    ArchGaden Big Damn Hero

    I should probably look up the naming conventions myself. Each language has it's own sort of culture with it's on standard... but also each company you work for, each professor you write assignments for, ect. It's a messy world out there. I'll dig through Sharpstar a bit and try to match up my own convention with that. Sharrybound has had a few authors I think, so no surprise that things end up messy in such an informal environment as hobby projects. We get what we pay for after all!
  2. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    Version 0.2.6
    • Bug Fixes
    • Lag should *hopefully* be less of an issue now. If you experience any though, please let me know.

    Note: I have not yet updated the .NET 4.5 version.
  3. Blaze9

    Blaze9 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I have already said in this thread that I was running Aegis Gaming's server, kind of sad you didn't make that connection to the Aegis Wrapper.

    What made you change your mind about java?

    Edit: (On the subject of full rewrite) As most of you probably know, someone is/was working on a rewrite of the server from scratch.
  4. Underbalanced

    Underbalanced Phantasmal Quasar

    I know your vaporware. Shall we pull up old post regarding your promises and lack of. Whats funny is you said a java wrapper....like you never heard of one yet you wanted PEX style permissions. Which is a java plugin for a java server managment tool. I also have not changed my mind. Was working and distracted. Probably worded it wrong.

    We all know about the server re-wright. At least those who hang in dev channel.
  5. Blaze9

    Blaze9 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I know what PEX is, having used it extensively for over a year, but the idea of PEX is not limited to java. It is just a node based permissions system which is fully modular. The permissions system in StarryPy requires you to edit base permissions as well as every single individual plugin. Instead of having each plugin defer permissions to a single location.

    The trouble that got Aegis Wrapper and (probably) ROFLCopter's server development stuck is the handshake packet encryption, if you want good server software decode it and post it or figure it out yourself. The Aegis Wrapper was running on our server from pretty much launch up until Enraged Koala, and it had no performance issues, even with the large amount of players we had daily.
  6. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    So what are the benefits of this wrapper compared to starrybound, aside from the plugin system?

    Does it perform well for instance? Is it relatively bug free? (i.e. no major bugs that prevent people from joining/playing at all).

    Can I use it on linux? (could not find info about this in the main post, I guess it's somewhere in the thread)

    EDIT: nevermind that last question, was just below the main post :)

    Another question though, does it automatically start the starbound server too if I start the wrapper?
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2014
  7. ArchGaden

    ArchGaden Big Damn Hero

    From what I can tell, the core of what makes up SharpStar is,
    - Decodes game packets and creates mirrors of various game structures (players, entities, projectiles, ect) for reference
    - Provides an optional account system (users can login using account/password fields)... as UUID (character IDs) are easily copied, this is a big deal
    - Provides extensive plugin support giving plugins access to that information

    I'll stress that the plugin system is a major advantage. The plugins can be very powerful, allowing you to add practically any feature that can be supported with what we know of Starbound's packet structure. Sadly there is still a lot we don't know about those packet structures, but we know enough to do quite a few useful things. The account system is the other big advantage. The other wrappers tend to use character IDs (UUID) to authenticate. At this point, if you do that, you're handing over the keys to the kingdom to any griefer that wants to look for it. With a simple client mod, you can capture UUIDs of any player that exists on your current world.

    As far as performance, I ran an initial test on a server with 20-30 players logging in at the time... it did not perform well. There is, however, a recent fix that should address that. I hope to run another test tonight, but we'll see how that goes.

    The wrapper does not automatically start starbound. That would be rather platform specific, so it stands to reason SharpStar wouldn't support it so early in production. You could do that with a plugin though.... basically start the starbound process when the plugin loads. Start a timer. Check for the process each time the timed function runs and restart starbound if the starbound process isn't found.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2014
    Archer likes this.
  8. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    Thank you for your helpful answers, that's all I needed to know!
  9. Blaze9

    Blaze9 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hope the test runs well, but I would say that it is easier to setup a restart script which will take less resources/keep the server software slim (if you are having a lot of traffic on your server).
  10. Underbalanced

    Underbalanced Phantasmal Quasar

    A restart or managment of the .exe for sb really ... resource wise would not take anything extra enough to make a difference.
  11. ArchGaden

    ArchGaden Big Damn Hero

    I tested the 0.26 version wrapper with my chat bypass plugin. There were 30-40 players on at the time. No trouble! There didn't seem to be any more movement/monster/ect lag than normal. It was a fairly short test... only about 15 minutes live, so hardly conclusive, but things do look good now.

    I won't be around this weekend to test more, but I'll get back on things when I return.
  12. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    Great news! :). Keep me updated on your tests.
  13. Blaze9

    Blaze9 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Why would you want to add any unnecessary load to the wrapper even if it is small?

    Was your chat plugin separate from the Access Control plugin?
  14. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    Version 0.2.7:

    - Clients now have an Id assigned to them
    - General Bug Fixes
    - Misc changes

    New Plugin (Item Blacklist Plugin):
    - Allows you to block certain items (will kick player if blacklisted item is detected).

    Note: At this current time, it will only detect items in the ship locker. This is because player data is not transferred to the server, so this is a WIP until Chuckleflush decides to transfer player data from client to server.
  15. Blaze9

    Blaze9 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    How is the client ID assigned/different than UUID?
  16. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    The client id is just used to track online players internally; every time a player joins it assigns an id to the connecting client. This is more reliable than tracking online players by name/uuid.
  17. ArchGaden

    ArchGaden Big Damn Hero

    Being an int, the client ID is much quicker for compares than the UUID, which is a string. This matters for performance in code that will run a lot.

    The client ID will be a major boon for plugins that want to store their own data on each player, as they have to do those compares quite often. I've been using object compares to match player data, which is better than string compares, but not ideal, since I have to check to make sure object references are valid first. I'll be switching over to client IDs right away. It will be slightly faster with less potential for error.

    Hell yes! This will be a bigger help than you might have expected.
  18. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    Great! Glad I could help. :)

    Version 0.2.8:
    - Fixed warp methods in StarboundClient
    - Assign Entity Ids to the players
    - A few minor bug fixes

    New Plugin (Essential Commands Plugin):

    • /makeadmin
    • /removeadmin
    • /kick
    • /ban
    • /broadcast
    • /giveitem
    • /addperm
    • /removeperm
    • /setmotd
    • /warpto
    • /warptome
    • /kill
  19. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    - New way for C# plugins to register commands/events. (example below)
    - Events are now also triggered for packets that are sent from SharpStar (including plugins).

    public class MyAwesomePlugin : CSPlugin
        public override string Name
            get { return "My Awesome Plugin"; }
        public override void OnLoad()
            MyAwesomePluginCommands commands = new MyAwesomePluginCommands();
        public override void OnUnload()
            //code here
    public class MyAwesomePluginCommands
        public void MyCommand(SharpStarClient client, string[] args)
            //code here
        public void MySecondCommand(SharpStarClient client, string[] args)
            //more code here
        public void HandleSomeEvent(IPacket packet, StarboundClient client)
            //code to handle event here
    By registering commands/events this way, it is now a lot easier to split them up into as many different classes as needed.

    Essential Commands Plugin Update:
    Added more commands:
    • /addadvert
    • /removeadvert
    • /toggleadvert
    • /ship
    • /who
    • /worldwho
  20. Blaze9

    Blaze9 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    ArchGaden, have you been able to perform more tests with the wrapper?

    Also, Mitch do you have all these commands listed with syntax somewhere? (on a wiki?)

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