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Server Discussion SharpStar - Proxy server with support for C#, Python, Javascript, and Lua plugins

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Mitch528, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Okay, report incoming, something with the Wrapper Auth system, that is we register in-game, login correctly for a while, etc.. etc...
    But from sudden we try to login and it always returns Wrong Password. Why is this?

    Maybe it was because we updated the wrapper? I'm unsure, sysadmin is looking into it soon to see if we can provide something more detailed on how to reproduce it, but on both the dedicated server & my windows test run (on older and newest version) this happens.

    ~~ On Other Note we're having fun with the IRC Plugin update, easier to manage the server, a tweak that may be simple would be on the !say command, can you parse the IRC username of who did spoke? As the command is public people think it's always one admin sending messages to the game but there are normal players around the channel.

    ~~ Another cool thing is the Restart command timer, i remember Starrybound time when we could instant restart or just put a timer of /restart X Seconds that would warn in-game the server is going to restart in X Seconds.
    It's very... Very useful, so we can alert our players with time to they save their stuff before it goes down. ^^
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2014
  2. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    When you updated SharpStar, did you move or delete SharpStar.db? That's the file that contains the account information. Try creating an account that was previously made; if it succeeds, then somehow the SharpStar.db file was deleted. If not, let me know.

    Both of the plugins have been updated.

    /restart - Restarts immediately
    /restart <time in seconds> - Restarts after a certain amount of time has passed.

    !say now uses the IRC nick in the message.
  3. We have deleted the Addins db folder, was getting a lot of errors when starting sharpstar, that may be what caused it to passwords to stop working.
    Not sure if i'm annoying you or if you appreciate the suggestions i have been making, but here comes another:
    - To avoid spam, can the countdown count only 10/10 seconds, like i set 30, it says Server restart in 30,20,10... So i can trigger 1minute to restart so it alerts the players 6 times in-game. ;)
    - IRC Bot to also allow us to set the time till it restarts (i believe you made it happen but i think the bot only detects the !restart no matter what)
    - Joins and Leaves messages must-have, people always feel they're alone in the Universe, eh!

    We're installing VisualB in our dedi so we can keep up with all your commits but tweak things, like chat colors (like the IRC messages in-game to be some grey not the server green color), remove that <server> prefix message before every command, things to make it clean as possible. I see you already did it with the in-game /server command that is, groups of commands, instead of like the protect, a command to /protect, /unprotect /addbuilder,etc.... There could be the /protect only then it's "/protect add , /protect remove, /protect allow/deny user" (actually protect could make use of a list so when add we could setup a name for our protected Planet to don't lose track of what planets we're protected), so on the help lists they only see the main command, when they use it, it shows all the sub-commands and the command list gets clean and more player-friendly.

    Thanks for fix and implement stuff so fast. :love:
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2014
  4. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    I always appreciate suggestions :).

    - Yeah, I'll change it to do that.
    - Ah, forgot about modifying the IRC part for restart. I'll do that too.
    - Alright, I'll implement that as well.

    SharpStar is coded in C#, not Visual Basic.
    Hmm... Yeah, I probably should group commands instead of making them all individual. I'll work on that for the next version.

    Also, please note that the SharpStar Git repositories have now been moved. Link: https://github.com/SharpStar
    Bacon likes this.
  5. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    Notice (for Linux servers):
    If you are running Mono on a version that is below 3.2.8, you may encounter problems that could cause SharpStar not to work correctly. Every server running SharpStar should update to version 3.2.8 if you have not already done so.
  6. Onirim35

    Onirim35 Void-Bound Voyager

    A big THANKS for developping this Wrapper for Windows :)
    I enjoy it very much :)
  7. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    Your welcome! :)


    • Major update to networking code.

    There have been a few other previous releases that I have not posted about. Here is a brief overview:
    • Logging is now in color
    • Configuration options for ip binding.
    • Ignore Starbound commands (exceptions can be made via config file)
    • UDP Implemented
  8. gooberg

    gooberg Phantasmal Quasar

    Any instructions (New to doing the Servery kinda stuff)
  9. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    Sorry if this may sound like a stupid question, but are the un downloadable plugins built into it now? or do we have to build them ourselves?
  10. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    Yeah, you can find instructions here.

    No, they're not built in. You can install plugins by using the command "installplugin PluginName" in the SharpStar console. You can find a list of plugins here.
  11. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    Oh cool, thank you .
  12. gooberg

    gooberg Phantasmal Quasar

    I can't find sharpstar.json Halp me!
  13. Have you already ran the wrapper for the first time?
  14. gooberg

    gooberg Phantasmal Quasar

  15. Start it, it should generate all necessary config files on the main wrapper folder.
  16. Liendil

    Liendil Poptop Tamer

    Hi, I'm new here and first of all : Thanks for this great job you've already done !

    I'm on Win7.

    So my issue is this one :
    1) I start the StarBound server
    2) I start SharpStar (I've already installed Essentials and Server Management)
    3) It seems that everything went fine, except that I can't use any of the commands listed in the wiki :(

    Any idea/clue? Cause I'm struggling with this issue since yesterday afternoon :([DOUBLEPOST=1410379990][/DOUBLEPOST]SharpStar gives me this :
    INFO - SharpStar Version
    INFO - Listening on port 21024
    INFO - Loading plugins...
    INFO - Loaded CSharp Plugin "Essential Commands"
    INFO - Loaded CSharp Plugin "Server Management Plugin"
    INFO- Plugins Loaded!
    The StarBound Server Console doesn't show anything special except sometimes something like a connection received and then instantly closed and aborted (from my local IP).
  17. Hey @Liendil far that tells sharpstar is listening on 21024, are you trying to join to starbound default port (no custom ip set) being 21025?
    If yes, then you must point the server join ip to yourip:20124 so you can join via the wrapper and be able to make use of commands, etc.
  18. Liendil

    Liendil Poptop Tamer

    Oh nice Bacon ! Thanks for the fast answer, that was the solution (the port after the ip) !
    Bacon likes this.
  19. gooberg

    gooberg Phantasmal Quasar

    Where is the file to start it? (Sorry for being so newby... Trying to get a not-so-dedicated server)
  20. Liendil

    Liendil Poptop Tamer

    If you have downloaded the SharpStar archive (.zip/.rar), and after you have unzipped it, you must have an executable named SharpStar.exe. That's the thing you have to execute.

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