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Server Discussion SharpStar - Proxy server with support for C#, Python, Javascript, and Lua plugins

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Mitch528, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    php+mysql linked to the registration process, creates an account on accesscontrol and an account on the website database, simple script could check into the user db from the wrapper to get the current permission group of the user (would have to link the account to the character somehow) and have the website show different things. At least that's how I'd do it.

    My CMS gives guests, registered users, mods and admins different permissions on the website, not really complicated and it's not a big deal, but an admin has to manually change the permission group for the website since the in-game users aren't linked to accounts, yet.

    I can see why people wouldn't want to share their complete website, but I really don't get why people don't share their code, functions or at least an explanation on how it works, sharing your code can potentially make it better by having other people find flaws and adding extra functions you couldn't or didn't think about. 2014 people, open source is good.
    Bacon likes this.
  2. I'm yet to understand if this wrapper allows something like that to happen, or if it does own its accessconfig file so it doesn't need one restart to update it, that would allow login via the wrapper itself, and populate the file would be easier via one site registration :)

    But, can we force LOGIN to enter server with that file populated? Or players can still enter only with server IP?
    @Mitch528 can you provide some info if Sharpstar can help something like that?
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2014
  3. Yup because Sharpstar could the wrapper itself capable to have its own accesscontrol file without need to use the built-in one due the restart to any change thing, so the wrapper could be the one doing the auth. :)
  4. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    SharpStar uses SQLite.

    SharpStar does override the default Starbound login. It also does not require a restart after creating an account. As for restricting players from joining without logging in, I'll implement that in the next version.

    I'm working on a Web API at the moment, which can be used to query information from SharpStar and issue commands to it (such as registering an account).
  5. Underbalanced

    Underbalanced Phantasmal Quasar

    Anyone here familiar with MCBANS? If you do please let me or Mitch know. We are looking for administrators who are willing to work with us and under our guidance on administrating and setting up a moderated system with moderators who are well vetted. We are going in on a join venture. Check it out then come back to this post.


    We would follow the same banning guidelines for this. Each wrapper type, StarNub and Sharpstar will have its own plugin who hook into this.
    Bacon likes this.
  6. Thanks for your work on this, i'm waiting for such to happen, then it's only a way to populate the database file and we can have one server based on a community site with auth!
    About server restarts, if the parent server crashes, can the wrapper restart it?
  7. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    Yep, using the Server Management Plugin.
  8. That's what i have been testing, i installed it, i run it, start the server via the command server start, i kill the server process, but shartstar did not take action to start it. Did i did something wrong?
  9. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    Try starting the Starbound server the normal way, then type in "server restart" in SharpStar. After that, you should be able to start the server through SharpStar.
  10. Yup that's what i did so the config file was updated with the server path, but once i start it through SharpStar and then i kill the parent server process myself, isn't SharpStar supposed check it and automatically start it again?
  11. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    Yes, it is supposed to. SharpStar checks it at a specified interval though. The interval can be changed in the config file.
    Bacon likes this.
  12. Yup now it's working correctly! The commands to start / restart / stop the server would be very useful if integrated on the irc plugin. But i find interesting what you're going to do with the Web API, i tried to create one registration script to write the account on default group on the database file, however i can't manage to understand how to get the passwords correctly stored with the hash and salt being separate columns.
  13. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    Yeah, I can integrate it into the IRC plugin, probably by later today or tomorrow. I also just released the Web API Plugin, so try working with that.
  14. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    IRC Plugin Update
    • Can now execute Server Management commands (requires the Server Management plugin)
    Bacon likes this.
  15. I have noticed something that happens with the wrapper on, that is, the tile damage effects do not revert, when you're mining that "breaking" effect that is supposed to disappear after few seconds... it stays there, only going to ship/back the effects disappear.

    EDIT: Suggestion ~~
    About IRC Plugin with Start/Stop/Restart Commands, can the bot parses back the errors/warns also? Like starting it when it's already running (it can be hanging), or restart it when there is no process running. ;) It could also parse back to the IRC the auto-restart INF message, not sure how you built it to work, but if it can do such things it would be good. ^^
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2014
  16. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    Fixed that in new update.

    Hmm... I'll see what I can do about the IRC plugin.


    • Added remote plugin repository
    • Automatic plugin updates
    • Download/Install/Remove/Update plugins via console. Thanks to Underbalanced/StarNub for the idea.
      • Console Commands
        • installplugin <plugin name>
        • uninstallplugin <plugin name>
        • updateplugin <plugin name>
        • updateplugins
    • In the process of fixing TileDamageUpdatePacket.
    Bacon likes this.
  17. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero


    I updated the IRC plugin to output DEBUG/INFO/WARNING/ERROR messages. Each one can be enabled or disabled (per channel). You'll need SharpStar version

    • Added events that are triggered when something is logged.
    Bacon likes this.
  18. Thanks @Mitch528 it works nicely.
    However re-reporting the Block Damage issue is still present:

    Madness! :eek:
  19. Mitch528

    Mitch528 Big Damn Hero

    I'm not encountering that issue on the latest version of SharpStar. What version are you using?

  20. It is fixed yes, admin used the branch directly it did not work that way to see this changes take effect. It was the latest version but it wasn't working correctly :p

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