1. Please be advised of a few specific rules and guidelines for this section.

RELEASED Shadow Wolf TJC's Legacy Pack 4/29/17

A blast from the past, as some of your favorite features from the Koala and Giraffe versions return!

  1. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    Shadow Wolf TJC submitted a new mod:

    Legacy Dungeons - A blast from the past, as some of your favorite dungeons from the Koala versions make their return!

    Read more about this mod...
  2. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

  3. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

  4. matthew57778

    matthew57778 Phantasmal Quasar

    [07:17:42.233] Error: Could not apply patch from backend: Folder <../giraffe_storage/mods\Missing Layer Stat Fixer\.>.  Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'subsurface' in pathApply("/planetTypes/barren/layers/subsurface/secondaryRegion")
    [07:17:42.286] Error: Could not apply patch from backend: Folder <../giraffe_storage/mods\Legacy Dungeons\.>.  Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'dungeons' in pathApply("/planetDefaults/layers/surface/dungeons/-")

    What does this error mean and is possible to fix it? Is this a crash risk error or can i disregard it?
  5. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    Do you have the Missing Planetary Layer Fixer mod installed as well? Without the entire .log file, I can't really tell from just these 2 errors above, though the Missing Layer Stat Fixer mod was designed to build off of that mod as well.
  6. matthew57778

    matthew57778 Phantasmal Quasar

    I do indeed have all the ones required.

    Start logging at: 2016-06-14 17:20:45.357
    [17:20:45.357] Info: Star::Root using bootstrap file 'D:\Starbound\win64\sbboot.config'
    [17:20:45.357] Info: Star::Root using storage directory 'D:\Starbound\giraffe_storage\'
    [17:20:45.357] Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    [17:20:45.365] Info: Detected mod 'FrackinUniverse' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\FrackinUniverse.modpak'
    [17:20:45.365] Info: Detected mod 'Peculiar_Planets' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Peculiar Planets v1.0.2.modpak'
    [17:20:45.365] Info: Detected mod '!0_More FrackinUniverse Critters!' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\!0_More FrackinUniverse Critters!\.'
    [17:20:45.365] Info: Detected mod 'moregreebles' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\greebles.modpak'
    [17:20:45.365] Info: Detected mod 'Rebalanced Tenants' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Rebalanced Tenants\.'
    [17:20:45.365] Info: Detected mod 'New Tenants' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\New Tenants\.'
    [17:20:45.365] Info: Detected mod 'Rebalanced Tenants Addon - New Tenants' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Rebalanced Tenants Addon - New Tenants\.'
    [17:20:45.365] Info: Detected mod 'DangerousWeather' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Dangerous weathers\.'
    [17:20:45.365] Info: Detected mod 'Universal Uncrafter (Glad Giraffe)' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Universal Uncrafter v1.45 (Glad Giraffe).modpak'
    [17:20:45.365] Info: Detected mod 'Missing Biome Placeables Fixer' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Missing Biome Placeables Fixer\.'
    [17:20:45.365] Info: Detected mod 'CreativeMode' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\CreativeMode\.'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'Missing Planetary Layer Fixer' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Missing Planetary Layer Fixer\.'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'Missing Layer Stat Fixer' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Missing Layer Stat Fixer\.'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'Legacy Dungeons' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Legacy Dungeons\.'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'Kao Celestials' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\kao_celestials.modpak'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'Pixel Voxel Change's' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Pixel Voxel Change's.modpak'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'detailed species' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Detailed Species\.'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'Extended GUI' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\extended_gui_1_0_0.modpak'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'Legendary Treasures' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Legendary Treasures\.'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'Upgrade Nerf Mod' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Upgrade Nerf Mod.modpak'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'expandedcolors' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Lexi's Expanded Colors\.'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'Matter and Ship Changes' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Matter and Ship Changes.modpak'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'Tanz Lighting Overhaul - Tile Fixes' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\TanzLO-v1.3.5-tile-fixes.modpak'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'monsterpartmod' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Monster part mod pack\.'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'More Starbound Critters' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\More Starbound Critters\.'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'More Starbound Scenery' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\More Starbound Scenery\.'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'Ownship Teleport' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Ownship-Teleport.modpak'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'ReducedRespawnCost' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\ReducedRespawnCost\.'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'Tanz Lighting Overhaul - No player aura' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\TanzLO-v1.3.5-aura-none.modpak'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'Tanz Lighting Overhaul - Frackin' Universe support' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\TanzLO-v1.3.5-FU.modpak'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'Tanz Lighting Overhaul - Main' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\TanzLO-v1.3.5-Main.modpak'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'Tanz Lighting Overhaul - No pass-through' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\TanzLO-v1.3.5-passthrough-none.modpak'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'UI Scaling' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\ui_scaling\.'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Detected mod 'WhiteBeam' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\whitebeam.modpak'
    [17:20:45.366] Info: Loading Configuration with config file: 'starbound.config'
    [17:20:45.367] Info: Loading Star::Configuration from 'Just (.\..\giraffe_storage\starbound.config)'
    [17:20:45.368] Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '.\..\giraffe_storage\starbound.config'
    [17:20:45.378] Info: Initializing Star::Root with 36 assets sources
    [17:20:45.378] Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    [17:20:45.378] Info: Client Version 'Beta v. Glad Giraffe - Update 3' Revision: 30555b17a491c2a97ab0afbff3b848a1fd937dbd Protocol: 711
    [17:20:45.378] Info: Initialized SDL
    [17:20:45.415] Info: Initialized SDL Video
    [17:20:45.427] Info: Initialized SDL Joystick
    [17:20:45.427] Info: Initialized SDL Sound
    [17:20:45.445] Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
    [17:20:45.445] Info: Loading Assets
    [17:20:45.445] Info: Loading assets from: '../assets/packed.pak'
    [17:20:45.446] Info: Loading assets from: '../assets/user'
    [17:20:45.446] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\FrackinUniverse.modpak'
    [17:20:45.446] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Peculiar Planets v1.0.2.modpak'
    [17:20:45.446] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\!0_More FrackinUniverse Critters!\.'
    [17:20:45.446] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\greebles.modpak'
    [17:20:45.446] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Rebalanced Tenants\.'
    [17:20:45.447] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\New Tenants\.'
    [17:20:45.447] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Rebalanced Tenants Addon - New Tenants\.'
    [17:20:45.447] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Dangerous weathers\.'
    [17:20:45.447] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Universal Uncrafter v1.45 (Glad Giraffe).modpak'
    [17:20:45.447] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Missing Biome Placeables Fixer\.'
    [17:20:45.447] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\CreativeMode\.'
    [17:20:45.447] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Missing Planetary Layer Fixer\.'
    [17:20:45.447] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Missing Layer Stat Fixer\.'
    [17:20:45.447] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Legacy Dungeons\.'
    [17:20:45.447] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\kao_celestials.modpak'
    [17:20:45.447] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Pixel Voxel Change's.modpak'
    [17:20:45.448] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Detailed Species\.'
    [17:20:45.448] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\extended_gui_1_0_0.modpak'
    [17:20:45.448] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Legendary Treasures\.'
    [17:20:45.448] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Upgrade Nerf Mod.modpak'
    [17:20:45.448] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Lexi's Expanded Colors\.'
    [17:20:45.448] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Matter and Ship Changes.modpak'
    [17:20:45.448] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\TanzLO-v1.3.5-tile-fixes.modpak'
    [17:20:45.449] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Monster part mod pack\.'
    [17:20:45.449] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\More Starbound Critters\.'
    [17:20:45.449] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\More Starbound Scenery\.'
    [17:20:45.449] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Ownship-Teleport.modpak'
    [17:20:45.449] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\ReducedRespawnCost\.'
    [17:20:45.449] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\TanzLO-v1.3.5-aura-none.modpak'
    [17:20:45.449] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\TanzLO-v1.3.5-FU.modpak'
    [17:20:45.450] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\TanzLO-v1.3.5-Main.modpak'
    [17:20:45.450] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\TanzLO-v1.3.5-passthrough-none.modpak'
    [17:20:45.450] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\ui_scaling\.'
    [17:20:45.450] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\whitebeam.modpak'
    [17:20:46.241] Info: Done loading Assets in 0.796 seconds
    [17:20:46.249] Info: Initializing SDL Window
    [17:20:46.278] Info: Loading NameGenerator
    [17:20:46.285] Info: Done loading NameGenerator in 0.00699997 seconds
    [17:20:46.285] Info: Loading ObjectDatabase
    [17:20:47.430] Info: Done loading ObjectDatabase in 1.145 seconds
    [17:20:47.430] Info: Loading PlantDatabase
    [17:20:47.596] Info: Done loading PlantDatabase in 0.166 seconds
    [17:20:47.596] Info: Loading ProjectileDatabase
    [17:20:48.326] Info: OpenGL version: '4.5.13399 Compatibility Profile Context 15.200.1062.0' vendor: 'ATI Technologies Inc.' renderer: 'AMD Radeon HD 5800 Series' shader: '4.40'
    [17:20:48.326] Info: Created initial window 1024x754
    [17:20:48.327] Info: Renderer initialized
    [17:20:48.630] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [17:20:48.630] Info: Initializing SDL Window
    [17:20:48.760] Error: Exception caught loading asset: /projectiles/guns/teslagun/ffteslasmall2.projectile, (AssetException) Could not read JSON asset /projectiles/guns/teslagun/ffteslasmall2.projectile
    [0] 140431933
    [1] 14042e2c8
    [2] 14042e3f8
    [3] 13fe8b8e0
    [4] 1405e952e
    [5] 14057e910
    [6] 14057b8b4
    [7] 77a7d351 RtlRestoreContext
    [8] 13fe8d6e2
    [9] 13fe852ef
    [10] 13fe88d36
    [11] 13fe86859
    [12] 13fe8e8a6
    [13] 13fddaaa0
    [14] 13fe84635
    [15] 13fe83a68
    [16] 13fe8384c
    [17] 13fe83442
    [18] 13fe830fd
    [19] 13fe7f936
    [20] 14015979a
    [21] 140158db5
    [22] 13fe0dcf5
    [23] 13fe0b4ba
    [24] 13fe05962
    [25] 13fe087d0
    [26] 13fe096f9
    [27] 13fe0910c
    [28] 13fe0885e
    [29] 13fe0872e
    [30] 13fe134b2
    [31] 1404970ca
    [32] 1404969d1
    [33] 140445f0d
    [34] 77665a4d BaseThreadInitThunk
    [35] 77a5b831 RtlUserThreadStart
    Caused by: (JsonParsingException) Cannot parse json file: /projectiles/guns/teslagun/ffteslasmall2.projectile
    [0] 140431933
    [1] 14042e2c8
    [2] 14042e3f8
    [3] 13fe8bb60
    [4] 1405e7d32
    [5] 14057e910
    [6] 14057b8b4
    [7] 77a7d351 RtlRestoreContext
    [8] 13fe827e5
    [9] 13fe8d6e2
    [10] 13fe852ef
    [11] 13fe88d36
    [12] 13fe86859
    [13] 13fe8e8a6
    [14] 13fddaaa0
    [15] 13fe84635
    [16] 13fe83a68
    [17] 13fe8384c
    [18] 13fe83442
    [19] 13fe830fd
    [20] 13fe7f936
    [21] 14015979a
    [22] 140158db5
    [23] 13fe0dcf5
    [24] 13fe0b4ba
    [25] 13fe05962
    [26] 13fe087d0
    [27] 13fe096f9
    [28] 13fe0910c
    [29] 13fe0885e
    [30] 13fe0872e
    [31] 13fe134b2
    [32] 1404970ca
    [33] 1404969d1
    [34] 140445f0d
    [35] 77665a4d BaseThreadInitThunk
    [36] 77a5b831 RtlUserThreadStart
    Caused by: (JsonParsingException) Json object contains a duplicate entry for key 'lightColor'
    [0] 140431933
    [1] 14042e2c8
    [2] 13fe0ec35
    [3] 140493be0
    [4] 13fe19241
    [5] 13fe19d7c
    [6] 13fe19344
    [7] 13fe094e2
    [8] 13fe827e5
    [9] 13fe8d6e2
    [10] 13fe852ef
    [11] 13fe88d36
    [12] 13fe86859
    [13] 13fe8e8a6
    [14] 13fddaaa0
    [15] 13fe84635
    [16] 13fe83a68
    [17] 13fe8384c
    [18] 13fe83442
    [19] 13fe830fd
    [20] 13fe7f936
    [21] 14015979a
    [22] 140158db5
    [23] 13fe0dcf5
    [24] 13fe0b4ba
    [25] 13fe05962
    [26] 13fe087d0
    [27] 13fe096f9
    [28] 13fe0910c
    [29] 13fe0885e
    [30] 13fe0872e
    [31] 13fe134b2
    [32] 1404970ca
    [33] 1404969d1
    [34] 140445f0d
    [35] 77665a4d BaseThreadInitThunk
    [36] 77a5b831 RtlUserThreadStart
    [17:20:48.763] Error: Could not read projectile '/projectiles/guns/teslagun/ffteslasmall2.projectile', error: (AssetException) Error loading asset /projectiles/guns/teslagun/ffteslasmall2.projectile
    [17:20:48.784] Info: Done loading ProjectileDatabase in 1.188 seconds
    [17:20:48.784] Info: Loading MonsterDatabase
    [17:20:49.019] Info: OpenGL version: '4.5.13399 Compatibility Profile Context 15.200.1062.0' vendor: 'ATI Technologies Inc.' renderer: 'AMD Radeon HD 5800 Series' shader: '4.40'
    [17:20:49.019] Info: Re-created window 1280x962
    [17:20:49.019] Info: Renderer initialized
    [17:20:49.020] Info: Loading ImageMetadataDatabase
    [17:20:49.020] Info: Done loading ImageMetadataDatabase in 0 seconds
    [17:20:49.439] Info: Done loading MonsterDatabase in 0.655 seconds
    [17:20:49.439] Info: Loading NpcDatabase
    [17:20:49.564] Info: Done loading NpcDatabase in 0.125 seconds
    [17:20:49.565] Info: Loading StagehandDatabase
    [17:20:49.565] Info: Done loading StagehandDatabase in 0.000999928 seconds
    [17:20:49.565] Info: Loading VehicleDatabase
    [17:20:49.568] Info: Done loading VehicleDatabase in 0.00300002 seconds
    [17:20:49.568] Info: Loading PlayerFactory
    [17:20:49.623] Info: Done loading PlayerFactory in 0.0550001 seconds
    [17:20:49.623] Info: Loading EntityFactory
    [17:20:49.623] Info: Loading VersioningDatabase
    [17:20:49.625] Info: Done loading VersioningDatabase in 0.00199986 seconds
    [17:20:49.625] Info: Done loading EntityFactory in 0.00199986 seconds
    [17:20:49.625] Info: Loading ItemDatabase
    [17:20:50.378] Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '.\..\giraffe_storage\starbound.config'
    [17:20:57.218] Info: Loading FunctionDatabase
    [17:20:57.284] Info: Done loading FunctionDatabase in 0.066 seconds
    [17:20:57.287] Info: Loading ParticleDatabase
    [17:20:57.400] Info: Done loading ParticleDatabase in 0.113 seconds
    [17:20:57.463] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [17:20:57.463] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [17:20:57.817] Info: Done loading MaterialDatabase in 0.354 seconds
    [17:20:57.824] Info: Done loading LiquidsDatabase in 0.361 seconds
    [17:21:02.114] Error: Could not load image asset '/items/guns/unsorted/generic-bulletrocket.png', using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No such asset '/items/guns/unsorted/generic-bulletrocket.png'
    [17:21:09.238] Info: Done loading ItemDatabase in 19.613 seconds
    [17:21:09.238] Info: Loading TerrainDatabase
    [17:21:09.291] Info: Done loading TerrainDatabase in 0.0530002 seconds
    [17:21:09.291] Info: Loading BiomeDatabase
    [17:21:09.806] Info: Done loading BiomeDatabase in 0.515 seconds
    [17:21:09.806] Info: Loading StatusEffectDatabase
    [17:21:09.901] Info: Done loading StatusEffectDatabase in 0.095 seconds
    [17:21:09.901] Info: Loading DamageDatabase
    [17:21:10.100] Info: Done loading DamageDatabase in 0.199 seconds
    [17:21:10.100] Info: Loading EffectSourceDatabase
    [17:21:10.126] Info: Done loading EffectSourceDatabase in 0.0259998 seconds
    [17:21:10.126] Info: Loading TreasureDatabase
    [17:21:10.267] Info: Done loading TreasureDatabase in 0.141 seconds
    [17:21:10.267] Info: Loading DungeonDefinitions
    [17:21:11.126] Info: Done loading DungeonDefinitions in 0.859 seconds
    [17:21:11.126] Info: Loading TilesetDatabase
    [17:21:11.126] Info: Done loading TilesetDatabase in 0 seconds
    [17:21:11.126] Info: Loading EmoteProcessor
    [17:21:11.127] Info: Done loading EmoteProcessor in 0.00100017 seconds
    [17:21:11.127] Info: Loading SpeciesDatabase
    [17:21:11.140] Info: Done loading SpeciesDatabase in 0.013 seconds
    [17:21:11.140] Info: Loading QuestTemplateDatabase
    [17:21:11.190] Info: Done loading QuestTemplateDatabase in 0.05 seconds
    [17:21:11.190] Info: Loading AiDatabase
    [17:21:11.205] Info: Done loading AiDatabase in 0.0149999 seconds
    [17:21:11.205] Info: Loading TechDatabase
    [17:21:11.217] Info: Done loading TechDatabase in 0.0120001 seconds
    [17:21:11.217] Info: Loading CodexDatabase
    [17:21:11.378] Info: Done loading CodexDatabase in 0.161 seconds
    [17:21:11.378] Info: Loading BehaviorDatabase
    [17:21:11.466] Info: Done loading BehaviorDatabase in 0.0880001 seconds
    [17:21:11.466] Info: Loading DanceDatabase
    [17:21:11.469] Info: Done loading DanceDatabase in 0.00300002 seconds
    [17:21:11.469] Info: Loading SpawnTypeDatabase
    [17:21:11.495] Info: Done loading SpawnTypeDatabase in 0.026 seconds
    [17:21:11.497] Info: Done fully loading Star::Root
    [17:21:11.528] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [17:21:13.575] Error: Could not apply patch from backend: Folder <../giraffe_storage/mods\Missing Layer Stat Fixer\.>. Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'subsurface' in pathApply("/planetTypes/barren/layers/subsurface/secondaryRegion")
    [17:21:13.598] Error: Could not apply patch from backend: Folder <../giraffe_storage/mods\Legacy Dungeons\.>. Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'dungeons' in pathApply("/planetDefaults/layers/surface/dungeons/-")
    [17:21:15.144] Info: Renderer initialized
    [17:22:32.550] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [17:22:32.573] Info: UniverseServer: Acquiring universe lock file
    [17:22:32.626] Info: UniverseServer: Loading settings
    [17:22:32.627] Info: UniverseServer: No default world set; using randomized starter worlds
    [17:22:32.633] Info: UniverseServer: Logged in player 'Oleg Loria' locally
    [17:22:32.633] Info: UniverseServer: Logged in account '<anonymous>' as player 'Oleg Loria' from address local
    [17:22:32.676] Info: UniverseServer: Spawning player at ship
    [17:22:32.676] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Oleg Loria' <1> (local) connected
    [17:22:32.677] Info: UniverseClient: Joined server as client 1
    [17:22:32.677] Info: UniverseServer: Starting UniverseServer with UUID: 88bf3d48b6545217d34ff7ad9da97d5b
    [17:22:32.716] Info: UniverseServer: Creating new client ship world ClientShipWorld:81e40bc8b4604f62732d07acafc99e71
    [17:22:33.751] Info: Renderer initialized
    [17:22:35.718] Error: Could not apply patch from backend: Folder <../giraffe_storage/mods\Missing Layer Stat Fixer\.>. Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'subsurface' in pathApply("/planetTypes/barren/layers/subsurface/secondaryRegion")
    [17:22:35.772] Error: Could not apply patch from backend: Folder <../giraffe_storage/mods\Legacy Dungeons\.>. Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'dungeons' in pathApply("/planetDefaults/layers/surface/dungeons/-")
    [17:23:32.561] Info: UniverseServer: Creating celestial world 972006620:-756181924:-279100618:10:1
    [17:23:34.733] Info: Placing dungeon naturalcave
    [17:23:35.783] Info: Generating dungeon naturalcave (NOT FORCED)
    [17:23:35.785] Info: Placing dungeon at (426, 875)
    [17:23:42.476] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: castledungeondoor direction: 0 position: (826, 763)
    [17:23:42.476] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: castledungeondoor direction: 0 position: (871, 763)
    [17:23:53.998] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:972006620:-756181924:-279100618:10:1 due to inactivity
    [17:23:54.098] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:972006620:-756181924:-279100618:10:1
    [17:24:38.685] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [17:24:38.687] Info: UniverseClient: Client disconnecting...
    [17:24:38.698] Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
    [17:24:38.812] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Oleg Loria' <1> (local) disconnected
    [17:24:38.913] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:81e40bc8b4604f62732d07acafc99e71
    [17:24:39.286] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping UniverseServer
    [17:24:39.446] Info: Renderer initialized
    [17:24:40.865] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [17:24:40.865] Info: Application quitting!
    [17:24:40.865] Info: Client shutdown gracefully
    [17:24:41.031] Info: Shutting down Star::Root

  7. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    I suspect that there might be some mod compatability problems. I'll have to check those mods that were listed within the .log file that you posted.
  8. matthew57778

    matthew57778 Phantasmal Quasar

    Ah ok please do so. I might do the same.
  9. CaptainFoxx

    CaptainFoxx Pangalactic Porcupine

    I think they also cut the USCM Underground bunker dungeon, when I was exploring dungeon assets I could not find it, just the prison and something else unrelated

    Would any of these dungeons (Like the Shipwreck) Possibly be found in asteroid clusters?
  10. Sergeant Sneeky-Pants

    Sergeant Sneeky-Pants Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Love the idea of this mod, however it seems to conflict with something else I'm using, or just has errors. I'm not sure which it is. I use frackin universe and several other mods that might interfere with worldgen, and I think it's causing the game to boot me to my ship (and in one instance crashed to desktop). I have a couple starbound.log files I'll drop here for you, hopefully it might be useful.

    [20:51:19.477] [Info] Root: Preparing Root...
    [20:51:19.478] [Info] Root: Done preparing Root.
    [20:51:19.478] [Info] Client Version 1.0.5 (windows x86_64) Source ID: 7d4a2bbba04d43bd7f43f0ca940db23b2187edc1 Protocol: 724
    [20:51:19.480] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory '..\assets\'
    [20:51:19.963] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory '..\mods\'
    [20:51:20.414] [Warn] Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'Readme.txt', skipping
    [20:51:20.414] [Warn] Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'mods_go_here', skipping
    [20:51:20.414] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'base' at '..\assets\packed.pak'
    [20:51:20.414] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'ElevatorGet' at '..\mods\ElevatorGet.pak'
    [20:51:20.414] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'FrackinUniverse' at '..\mods\FrackinUniverse'
    [20:51:20.414] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'ImprovedTurrets' at '..\mods\ImprovedTurrets'
    [20:51:20.415] [Info] Root: Detected unnamed asset source at '..\mods\Legacy Dungeons'
    [20:51:20.415] [Info] Root: Detected unnamed asset source at '..\mods\Missing Biome Placeables Fixer'
    [20:51:20.415] [Info] Root: Detected unnamed asset source at '..\mods\Missing Layer Stat Fixer'
    [20:51:20.415] [Info] Root: Detected unnamed asset source at '..\mods\Missing Planetary Layer Fixer'
    [20:51:20.415] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'No railplatform interaction' at '..\mods\NoRailplatformDrop.pak'
    [20:51:20.415] [Info] Root: Detected unnamed asset source at '..\assets\user'
    [20:51:20.415] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\assets\packed.pak'
    [20:51:21.007] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\ElevatorGet.pak'
    [20:51:21.008] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\FrackinUniverse'
    [20:51:21.973] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\ImprovedTurrets'
    [20:51:21.974] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\Legacy Dungeons'
    [20:51:21.994] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\Missing Biome Placeables Fixer'
    [20:51:21.998] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\Missing Layer Stat Fixer'
    [20:51:21.999] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\Missing Planetary Layer Fixer'
    [20:51:21.999] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\NoRailplatformDrop.pak'
    [20:51:21.999] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\assets\user'
    [20:51:26.112] [Info] Assets digest is 375c2f56ecb980f3bab0bc4a775e67e49a4ce1d1b8cb4b5e1c826313fb7c3818
    [20:51:26.113] [Info] Root: Loaded Assets in 6.63453 seconds
    [20:51:26.117] [Info] Application: Initializing SDL Video
    [20:51:26.122] [Info] Application: Initializing SDL Joystick
    [20:51:26.191] [Info] Application: Initializing SDL Sound
    [20:51:26.316] [Info] Initialized Steam services
    [20:51:26.317] [Info] Application: Creating SDL Window
    [20:51:26.479] [Info] Application: Enabling VSync with late swap tearing
    [20:51:26.494] [Info] Application: Opened default audio device with 44.1khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
    [20:51:26.504] [Info] OpenGL version: '4.5.0 NVIDIA 368.22' vendor: 'NVIDIA Corporation' renderer: 'GeForce GTX 750 Ti/PCIe/SSE2' shader: '4.50 NVIDIA'
    [20:51:26.507] [Info] Application: initialization...
    [20:51:26.511] [Info] Root: Loaded Configuration in 0.00329294 seconds
    [20:51:26.830] [Info] Application: renderer initialization...
    [20:51:26.968] [Info] Root: Loaded ImageMetadataDatabase in 1.94369e-05 seconds
    [20:51:27.004] [Info] Application: main update loop...
    [20:51:27.176] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729427264' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729427264'
    [20:51:27.177] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729998760' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729998760'
    [20:51:27.177] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729754278' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729754278'
    [20:51:27.177] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '731354142' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731354142'
    [20:51:27.177] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729427606' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729427606'
    [20:51:27.178] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '731592371' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731592371'
    [20:51:27.178] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '730117759' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730117759'
    [20:51:27.178] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729773633' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729773633'
    [20:51:27.179] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729801206' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729801206'
    [20:51:27.179] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729726478' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729726478'
    [20:51:27.179] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '733139672' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733139672'
    [20:51:27.180] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '731044896' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731044896'
    [20:51:27.180] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729532886' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729532886'
    [20:51:27.180] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '732277574' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732277574'
    [20:51:27.181] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '730378641' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730378641'
    [20:51:27.181] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729467376' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729467376'
    [20:51:27.181] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729788913' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729788913'
    [20:51:27.182] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '730119660' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730119660'
    [20:51:27.182] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '733286032' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733286032'
    [20:51:27.182] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '739563813' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\739563813'
    [20:51:27.183] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '733606478' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733606478'
    [20:51:27.183] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '732860513' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732860513'
    [20:51:27.183] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '742376260' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\742376260'
    [20:51:27.183] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '745573454' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\745573454'
    [20:51:27.184] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '731358672' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731358672'
    [20:51:27.184] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729426797' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729426797'
    [20:51:27.185] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '741194961' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\741194961'
    [20:51:27.185] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '734173371' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734173371'
    [20:51:27.186] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '731683297' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731683297'
    [20:51:27.186] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '731644566' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731644566'
    [20:51:27.186] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '732384503' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732384503'
    [20:51:27.187] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '730684624' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730684624'
    [20:51:27.187] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '730686715' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730686715'
    [20:51:27.187] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '733713314' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733713314'
    [20:51:27.188] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '740177390' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\740177390'
    [20:51:27.188] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '739703276' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\739703276'
    [20:51:27.189] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '743604545' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\743604545'
    [20:51:27.189] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '732703524' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732703524'
    [20:51:27.190] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '744900140' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\744900140'
    [20:51:27.190] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '737195784' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737195784'
    [20:51:27.191] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729653828' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729653828'
    [20:51:27.191] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729450872' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729450872'
    [20:51:27.191] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '737162474' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737162474'
    [20:51:27.192] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '734170655' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734170655'
    [20:51:27.192] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '730852387' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730852387'
    [20:51:27.193] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729444820' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729444820'
    [20:51:27.194] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '730960596' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730960596'
    [20:51:27.194] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '734570477' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734570477'
    [20:51:27.194] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '737027388' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737027388'
    [20:51:27.195] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '731086746' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731086746'
    [20:51:27.195] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729441837' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729441837'
    [20:51:27.195] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '730881181' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730881181'
    [20:51:27.196] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '733238864' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733238864'
    [20:51:27.196] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '734160466' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734160466'
    [20:51:27.197] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '734131958' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734131958'
    [20:51:27.197] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729428037' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729428037'
    [20:51:27.197] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '731465268' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731465268'
    [20:51:27.197] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '733403716' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733403716'
    [20:51:27.198] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '733972635' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733972635'
    [20:51:27.198] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '732371478' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732371478'
    [20:51:27.198] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '737968580' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737968580'
    [20:51:27.198] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '730587191' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730587191'
    [20:51:27.198] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '738750475' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\738750475'
    [20:51:27.198] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '730345453' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730345453'
    [20:51:27.199] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '729492334' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729492334'
    [20:51:27.199] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '738847539' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\738847539'
    [20:51:27.199] [Info] Loading mods from user generated content with id '733063633' from directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733063633'
    [20:51:27.199] [Info] Reloading to include all user generated content
    [20:51:27.199] [Info] Root: Reloading from disk
    [20:51:27.199] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '..\storage\starbound.config'
    [20:51:27.273] [Info] Root: Loaded Configuration in 0.00151878 seconds
    [20:51:27.273] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory '..\assets\'
    [20:51:27.734] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory '..\mods\'
    [20:51:28.107] [Warn] Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'Readme.txt', skipping
    [20:51:28.107] [Warn] Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'mods_go_here', skipping
    [20:51:28.107] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729427264'
    [20:51:28.107] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729998760'
    [20:51:28.107] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729754278'
    [20:51:28.109] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731354142'
    [20:51:28.110] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729427606'
    [20:51:28.114] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731592371'
    [20:51:28.114] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730117759'
    [20:51:28.115] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729773633'
    [20:51:28.117] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729801206'
    [20:51:28.118] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729726478'
    [20:51:28.118] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733139672'
    [20:51:28.119] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731044896'
    [20:51:28.119] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729532886'
    [20:51:28.120] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732277574'
    [20:51:28.121] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730378641'
    [20:51:28.121] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729467376'
    [20:51:28.127] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729788913'
    [20:51:28.131] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730119660'
    [20:51:28.133] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733286032'
    [20:51:28.134] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\739563813'
    [20:51:28.135] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733606478'
    [20:51:28.136] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732860513'
    [20:51:28.136] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\742376260'
    [20:51:28.140] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\745573454'
    [20:51:28.141] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731358672'
    [20:51:28.144] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729426797'
    [20:51:28.145] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\741194961'
    [20:51:28.146] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734173371'
    [20:51:28.146] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731683297'
    [20:51:28.147] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731644566'
    [20:51:28.147] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732384503'
    [20:51:28.148] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730684624'
    [20:51:28.148] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730686715'
    [20:51:28.149] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733713314'
    [20:51:28.149] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\740177390'
    [20:51:28.150] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\739703276'
    [20:51:28.150] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\743604545'
    [20:51:28.151] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732703524'
    [20:51:28.152] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\744900140'
    [20:51:28.152] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737195784'
    [20:51:28.152] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729653828'
    [20:51:28.153] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729450872'
    [20:51:28.159] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737162474'
    [20:51:28.159] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734170655'
    [20:51:28.166] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730852387'
    [20:51:28.166] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729444820'
    [20:51:28.175] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730960596'
    [20:51:28.175] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734570477'
    [20:51:28.175] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737027388'
    [20:51:28.177] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731086746'
    [20:51:28.177] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729441837'
    [20:51:28.178] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730881181'
    [20:51:28.178] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733238864'
    [20:51:28.196] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734160466'
    [20:51:28.197] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734131958'
    [20:51:28.197] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729428037'
    [20:51:28.198] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731465268'
    [20:51:28.199] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733403716'
    [20:51:28.201] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733972635'
    [20:51:28.205] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732371478'
    [20:51:28.205] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737968580'
    [20:51:28.206] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730587191'
    [20:51:28.206] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\738750475'
    [20:51:28.207] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730345453'
    [20:51:28.208] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729492334'
    [20:51:28.215] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\738847539'
    [20:51:28.216] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733063633'
    [20:51:28.216] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'base' at '..\assets\packed.pak'
    [20:51:28.216] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'onehandedvehiclecontrollers' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\738750475\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.216] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'FrackinRaces' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729492334\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.216] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'ElevatorGet' at '..\mods\ElevatorGet.pak'
    [20:51:28.216] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'FrackinUniverse' at '..\mods\FrackinUniverse'
    [20:51:28.216] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'ImprovedTurrets' at '..\mods\ImprovedTurrets'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected unnamed asset source at '..\mods\Legacy Dungeons'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected unnamed asset source at '..\mods\Missing Biome Placeables Fixer'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected unnamed asset source at '..\mods\Missing Layer Stat Fixer'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected unnamed asset source at '..\mods\Missing Planetary Layer Fixer'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'AI Restorer' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729801206\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Extended Songbook' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729427264\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'chuckleTidus' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729998760\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Undertale Music Pack' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729754278\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Extended GUI' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729426797\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Improved Food Descriptions' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731354142\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Metroid's Varia Suit Armor Mod' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\738847539\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected unnamed asset source at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731592371\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Novaskin' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730117759\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'CrazyFreak's Musical Collection' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729773633\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'WiringServicePanels' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733063633\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Weapon Stats' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729726478\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Earth's Finest - Crew Improvements' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733139672\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'CompactCrops' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731044896\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Universal Uncrafter v1.46' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729532886\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'PerennialCrops_FU_Edition' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732277574\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'PerennialCrops' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730378641\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Tanz Lighting Overhaul' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729467376\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Reki's Anime Music Pack' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729788913\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Starface' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730119660\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Not another Starbound song pack' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733286032\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'PlasmaGunCollection' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\739563813\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'eppfix' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733606478\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Iron Asteroids' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732860513\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Ground Seeders' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\742376260\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'steambound' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\745573454\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Craftable Seeds' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731358672\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'FreedomofMovement' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734173371\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Enhanced Party Interface' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731683297\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Enemies Aren't Stupid!' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731644566\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Better Flares & Glowsticks' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732384503\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'TrueSpace' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730684624\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'TrueSpaceFUSubmod' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730686715\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.217] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'AdvancedProximitySensor' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733713314\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'SensibleFossils' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\740177390\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Pay Up - Valuables' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\739703276\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'HoloRuler' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\743604545\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Better Chat Bubbles and Chat Window' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732703524\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'dynlightsensor' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\744900140\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Missing Music Addition [Soundtrack]' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737195784\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Drumsticks + Tail Feathers ' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729653828\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'greebles' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729450872\greebles.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Working Bunk Beds' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737162474\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'AnTiVegetation' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734170655\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'EverFrogg' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730852387\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Unlimited Active Crewmembers' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730960596\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Complete augment list at Lana' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734570477\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Enhanced Chat Readability' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737027388\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'kao_boatfix' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731086746\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Strong Oshrooms' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729441837\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Pixel Goods Store' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733238864\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'BetterCraftedBlocks' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734160466\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Pixel Compressor Plus' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734131958\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Skippable Cinematics' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729428037\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Enhanced Matter Manipulator' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731465268\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Augment Slots for Armor' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733403716\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Augment for Frackin Universe Armors' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733972635\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'shadowedatmospheres' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732371478\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Parallax Fixes' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737968580\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'One-Handed Torch' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730587191\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Themed Colony Deeds' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730345453\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'No railplatform interaction' at '..\mods\NoRailplatformDrop.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'ftllimit' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730881181\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Improved Containers' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729427606\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'Unbreakable Teleporters' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\741194961\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'macrochip' at 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729444820\macrochip.pak'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Root: Detected unnamed asset source at '..\assets\user'
    [20:51:28.218] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\assets\packed.pak'
    [20:51:28.761] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\738750475\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.763] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729492334\contents.pak'
    [20:51:28.770] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\ElevatorGet.pak'
    [20:51:28.771] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\FrackinUniverse'
    [20:51:29.774] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\ImprovedTurrets'
    [20:51:29.775] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\Legacy Dungeons'
    [20:51:29.798] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\Missing Biome Placeables Fixer'
    [20:51:29.802] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\Missing Layer Stat Fixer'
    [20:51:29.802] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\Missing Planetary Layer Fixer'
    [20:51:29.802] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729801206\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.803] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729427264\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.803] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729998760\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.803] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729754278\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.806] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729426797\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.806] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731354142\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.807] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\738847539\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.808] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731592371\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.808] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730117759\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.810] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729773633\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.812] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733063633\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.812] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729726478\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.813] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733139672\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.814] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731044896\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.814] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729532886\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.815] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732277574\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.817] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730378641\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.819] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729467376\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.829] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729788913\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.834] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730119660\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.836] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733286032\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.837] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\739563813\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.838] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733606478\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.839] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732860513\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.840] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\742376260\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.844] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\745573454\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.846] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731358672\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.849] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734173371\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.849] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731683297\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.850] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731644566\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.850] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732384503\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.850] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730684624\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.851] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730686715\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.851] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733713314\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.852] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\740177390\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.852] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\739703276\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.852] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\743604545\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.853] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732703524\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.853] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\744900140\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.853] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737195784\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.854] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729653828\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.854] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729450872\greebles.pak'
    [20:51:29.860] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737162474\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.860] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734170655\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.868] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730852387\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.868] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730960596\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.868] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734570477\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.868] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737027388\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.869] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731086746\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.869] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729441837\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.870] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733238864\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.931] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734160466\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.932] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\734131958\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.933] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729428037\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.934] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\731465268\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.935] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733403716\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.938] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\733972635\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.943] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\732371478\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.943] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\737968580\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.944] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730587191\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.944] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730345453\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.945] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\mods\NoRailplatformDrop.pak'
    [20:51:29.945] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\730881181\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.946] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729427606\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.952] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\741194961\contents.pak'
    [20:51:29.953] [Info] Loading assets from: 'C:\Users\Tiff\My Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\729444820\macrochip.pak'
    [20:51:29.961] [Info] Loading assets from: '..\assets\user'
    [20:51:34.110] [Info] Assets digest is 0199a8d209e71bcd9212f366c8d7eb5005d3977fdf3c1dd9bfbcdd852474f36d
    [20:51:34.110] [Info] Root: Loaded Assets in 6.83653 seconds
    [20:51:34.112] [Info] Root: Loaded ImageMetadataDatabase in 5.39915e-06 seconds
    [20:51:34.116] [Error] OpenGL errors this frame:  GL_INVALID_VALUE
    [20:51:34.117] [Info] Root: Loaded NameGenerator in 0.00609753 seconds
    [20:51:34.371] [Info] Root: Loaded PlantDatabase in 0.253552 seconds
    [20:51:35.122] [Info] Root: Loaded ObjectDatabase in 1.01092 seconds
    [20:51:35.548] [Info] Root: Loaded ProjectileDatabase in 1.17735 seconds
    [20:51:35.551] [Info] Root: Loaded MonsterDatabase in 0.429099 seconds
    [20:51:35.553] [Info] Root: Loaded StagehandDatabase in 0.00177362 seconds
    [20:51:35.572] [Info] Root: Loaded VehicleDatabase in 0.0189132 seconds
    [20:51:35.649] [Info] Root: Loaded NpcDatabase in 0.100818 seconds
    [20:51:35.683] [Info] Root: Loaded PlayerFactory in 0.110717 seconds
    [20:51:35.686] [Info] Root: Loaded VersioningDatabase in 0.00305133 seconds
    [20:51:35.686] [Info] Root: Loaded EntityFactory in 0.037033 seconds
    [20:51:35.753] [Info] Root: Loaded ParticleDatabase in 0.0671301 seconds
    [20:51:36.514] [Info] Root: Loaded MaterialDatabase in 0.827572 seconds
    [20:51:36.530] [Info] Root: Loaded TerrainDatabase in 0.0163735 seconds
    [20:51:36.621] [Error] Could not apply patch from source: ..\mods\Legacy Dungeons.  Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'undergroundPlaceables' in pathApply("/undergroundPlaceables/items/-")
    [20:51:36.647] [Error] Could not apply patch from source: ..\mods\Legacy Dungeons.  Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'undergroundPlaceables' in pathApply("/undergroundPlaceables/items/-")
    [20:51:36.662] [Error] Could not apply patch from source: ..\mods\Legacy Dungeons.  Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'undergroundPlaceables' in pathApply("/undergroundPlaceables/items/-")
    [20:51:36.686] [Error] Could not apply patch from source: ..\mods\Legacy Dungeons.  Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'undergroundPlaceables' in pathApply("/undergroundPlaceables/items/-")
    [20:51:36.878] [Info] Root: Loaded BiomeDatabase in 0.347725 seconds
    [20:51:36.882] [Info] Root: Loaded LiquidsDatabase in 0.00415654 seconds
    [20:51:36.932] [Info] Root: Loaded StatusEffectDatabase in 0.0495558 seconds
    [20:51:37.136] [Info] Root: Loaded DamageDatabase in 0.204223 seconds
    [20:51:37.150] [Info] Root: Loaded EffectSourceDatabase in 0.013561 seconds
    [20:51:37.185] [Info] Root: Loaded FunctionDatabase in 0.0346453 seconds
    [20:51:37.284] [Info] Root: Loaded TreasureDatabase in 0.0997822 seconds
    [20:51:38.154] [Error] Could not load image asset '/cinematics/busy2.png:{frame}', using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No such frame {frame} in frames spec /cinematics/busy2.frames
    [20:51:38.233] [Info] Root: Loaded DungeonDefinitions in 0.948924 seconds
    [20:51:38.234] [Info] Root: Loaded TilesetDatabase in 0.000156305 seconds
    [20:51:38.238] [Info] Root: Loaded StatisticsDatabase in 0.00401319 seconds
    [20:51:38.238] [Info] Root: Loaded EmoteProcessor in 7.45083e-05 seconds
    [20:51:38.247] [Info] Root: Loaded SpeciesDatabase in 0.0087693 seconds
    [20:51:38.274] [Info] Root: Loaded QuestTemplateDatabase in 0.0267906 seconds
    [20:51:38.276] [Info] Root: Loaded AiDatabase in 0.00206976 seconds
    [20:51:38.279] [Info] Root: Loaded TechDatabase in 0.00328484 seconds
    [20:51:38.290] [Info] Root: Loaded CodexDatabase in 0.0107635 seconds
    [20:51:38.417] [Info] Root: Loaded BehaviorDatabase in 0.127174 seconds
    [20:51:38.422] [Info] Root: Loaded DanceDatabase in 0.00479768 seconds
    [20:51:38.435] [Info] Root: Loaded SpawnTypeDatabase in 0.012712 seconds
    [20:51:38.444] [Info] Root: Loaded RadioMessageDatabase in 0.00875472 seconds
    [20:51:42.821] [Info] Root: Loaded ItemDatabase in 7.1383 seconds
    [20:51:45.893] [Error] Could not apply patch from source: ..\mods\Legacy Dungeons.  Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'dungeons' in pathApply("/planetDefaults/layers/surface/dungeons/-")
    [20:51:45.936] [Error] Could not apply patch from source: ..\mods\Missing Layer Stat Fixer.  Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'underground4' in pathApply("/planetDefaults/layers/underground4/secondaryRegion")
    [20:51:45.982] [Error] Could not apply patch from source: ..\mods\Missing Planetary Layer Fixer.  Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'scorched' in pathApply("/planetTypes/scorched/layers/space")
    [20:51:54.182] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '..\storage\starbound.config'
    [20:52:04.192] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '..\storage\starbound.config'
    [20:52:11.626] [Info] UniverseServer: Acquiring universe lock file
    [20:52:11.629] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading settings
    [20:52:11.631] [Info] UniverseServer: Starting UniverseServer with UUID: 29f0ffe8979f2032348f0f6e2c3c2c4f
    [20:52:11.661] [Info] UniverseServer: Logged in player 'Slace Detrianus' locally
    [20:52:11.661] [Info] UniverseServer: Logged in account '<anonymous>' as player 'Slace Detrianus' from address local
    [20:52:11.712] [Info] UniverseServer: Reviving player at ClientShipWorld:d6233e41ec1b4f08697ad119aa356828
    [20:52:11.712] [Info] UniverseServer: Client 'Slace Detrianus' <1> (local) connected
    [20:52:11.720] [Info] UniverseClient: Joined server as client 1
    [20:52:11.741] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:d6233e41ec1b4f08697ad119aa356828
    [20:52:12.403] [Info] Setting steam rich presence connection as steam id 76561198044771007
    [20:52:12.411] [Error] Cannot set Steam achievement kill10poptops
    [20:52:12.411] [Error] Cannot set Steam achievement dismisscrewmember
    [20:52:14.313] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to ClientShipWorld:d6233e41ec1b4f08697ad119aa356828=1023.98.1025
    [20:52:19.919] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading celestial world 777692302:71557414:80876311:6:1
    [20:52:21.170] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to CelestialWorld:777692302:71557414:80876311:6:1
    [20:52:21.188] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world ClientShipWorld:d6233e41ec1b4f08697ad119aa356828
    [20:52:21.208] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
    [20:53:14.655] [Info] Skipped event recording for nonexistent entity 594
    [21:02:39.636] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: castledungeondoor direction: 0 position: (2459, 481)
    [21:02:39.636] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: castledungeondoor direction: 0 position: (2504, 481)
    [21:04:05.536] [Error] Could not load image asset '/dungeons/microdungeons/randomencounter/unsorted/avian/aviancave.png', using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No such asset '/dungeons/microdungeons/randomencounter/unsorted/avian/aviancave.png'
    [21:04:05.551] [Error] Could not load image asset '/dungeons/microdungeons/randomencounter/unsorted/avian/aviancaveobjects.png', using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No such asset '/dungeons/microdungeons/randomencounter/unsorted/avian/aviancaveobjects.png'
    [21:04:05.568] [Error] Could not load image asset '/dungeons/microdungeons/randomencounter/unsorted/avian/aviandock.png', using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No such asset '/dungeons/microdungeons/randomencounter/unsorted/avian/aviandock.png'
    [21:04:05.580] [Error] Could not load image asset '/dungeons/microdungeons/randomencounter/unsorted/avian/aviandockobjects.png', using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No such asset '/dungeons/microdungeons/randomencounter/unsorted/avian/aviandockobjects.png'
    [21:04:07.662] [Error] WorldServerThread exception caught: (WorldStorageException) WorldStorage generation failed while generating from queue
    [0] 13fa51ee3 Star::captureStack
    [1] 13fa50c6e Star::StarException::StarException
    [2] 13fa50d58 Star::StarException::StarException
    [3] 13ff89a30 Star::WorldStorageException::WorldStorageException
    [4] 1403506cf `Star::WorldStorage::generateQueue'::`1'::catch$281
    [5] 7fee6a0c220 _C_specific_handler
    [6] 7fee6a029b2 _FrameUnwindFilter
    [7] 777e0c21 RtlRestoreContext
    [8] 13ff8cc13 Star::WorldStorage::generateQueue
    [9] 13ff7e3aa Star::WorldServer::update
    [10] 13ff85762 Star::WorldServerThread::update
    [11] 13ff851c8 Star::WorldServerThread::run
    [12] 13fa4ea0e Star::ThreadImpl::runThread
    [13] 7768652d BaseThreadInitThunk
    [14] 777bc521 RtlUserThreadStart
    Caused by: (DungeonException) Error generating microdungeon named 'humanencounter'
    [0] 13fa51ee3 Star::captureStack
    [1] 13fa50c6e Star::StarException::StarException
    [2] 13fa50d58 Star::StarException::StarException
    [3] 13fb36570 Star::DungeonException::DungeonException
    [4] 1402ec5d1 `Star::MicroDungeonFactory::generate'::`1'::catch$304
    [5] 7fee6a0c220 _C_specific_handler
    [6] 7fee6a029b2 _FrameUnwindFilter
    [7] 777e0c21 RtlRestoreContext
    [8] 13fbd4237 Star::MicroDungeonFactory::generate
    [9] 13ff1bac0 Star::WorldGenerator::generateMicroDungeons
    [10] 13ff8d08c Star::WorldStorage::generateSectorToLevel
    [11] 13ff8cfd1 Star::WorldStorage::generateSectorToLevel
    [12] 13ff8cfd1 Star::WorldStorage::generateSectorToLevel
    [13] 13ff8cc13 Star::WorldStorage::generateQueue
    [14] 13ff7e3aa Star::WorldServer::update
    [15] 13ff85762 Star::WorldServerThread::update
    [16] 13ff851c8 Star::WorldServerThread::run
    [17] 13fa4ea0e Star::ThreadImpl::runThread
    [18] 7768652d BaseThreadInitThunk
    [19] 777bc521 RtlUserThreadStart
    Caused by: (MapException) Key 'serpentdroid' not found in Map::get()
    [0] 13fa51ee3 Star::captureStack
    [1] 13fa50c6e Star::StarException::StarException
    [2] 13fc19d44 Star::MapMixin<std::unordered_map<Star::String,Star::MonsterDatabase::MonsterType,Star::hash<Star::String,void>,std::equal_to<Star::String>,std::allocator<std::pair<Star::String const ,Star::MonsterDatabase::MonsterType> > > >::get
    [3] 13fc1bb3b Star::MonsterDatabase::produceMonsterFamily
    [4] 13fc12d09 <lambda_c0c1a03b90716818c3e078f206339ff0>::operator()
    [5] 13fc12d3d <lambda_d7a44d64865872d49d041076f41a0355>::operator()
    [6] 13fc0e4bf Star::LruCacheBase<Star::OrderedMapWrapper<std::unordered_map,std::tuple<Star::String,unsigned __int64,Star::Json>,std::pair<__int64,Star::WeightedPool<Star::MonsterVariant> >,Star::BlockAllocator<std::pair<std::tuple<Star::String,unsigned __int64,Star::Json> const ,std::pair<__int64,Star::WeightedPool<Star::MonsterVariant> > >,1024>,Star::hash<std::tuple<Star::String,unsigned __int64,Star::Json>,void>,std::equal_to<std::tuple<Star::String,unsigned __int64,Star::Json> > > >::get<<lambda_d7a44d64865872d49d041076f41a0355> >
    [7] 13fc1b3a2 Star::MonsterDatabase::monsterFamily
    [8] 13ff218bb Star::DungeonGeneratorWorld::spawnNpc
    [9] 13fb43950 Star::Dungeon::DungeonGeneratorWriter::flush
    [10] 13fb3e1bc Star::DungeonGenerator::buildDungeon
    [11] 13fbd4237 Star::MicroDungeonFactory::generate
    [12] 13ff1bac0 Star::WorldGenerator::generateMicroDungeons
    [13] 13ff8d08c Star::WorldStorage::generateSectorToLevel
    [14] 13ff8cfd1 Star::WorldStorage::generateSectorToLevel
    [15] 13ff8cfd1 Star::WorldStorage::generateSectorToLevel
    [16] 13ff8cc13 Star::WorldStorage::generateQueue
    [17] 13ff7e3aa Star::WorldServer::update
    [18] 13ff85762 Star::WorldServerThread::update
    [19] 13ff851c8 Star::WorldServerThread::run
    [20] 13fa4ea0e Star::ThreadImpl::runThread
    [21] 7768652d BaseThreadInitThunk
    [22] 777bc521 RtlUserThreadStart
    [21:04:07.752] [Error] UniverseServer: World CelestialWorld:777692302:71557414:80876311:6:1 has stopped due to an error
    [21:04:07.752] [Info] UniverseServer: World CelestialWorld:777692302:71557414:80876311:6:1 shutdown, kicking 1 players to their own ships
    [21:04:07.852] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:d6233e41ec1b4f08697ad119aa356828
    [21:04:10.039] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to ClientShipWorld:d6233e41ec1b4f08697ad119aa356828
    [21:04:10.147] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  11. Psygnosis

    Psygnosis Ketchup Robot

    Yup, this mod have some conflicts / compatibility issues with Frackin' Universe stuff, sometimes u get kicked back to ur ship while walking at some point on the surface AND u can't beam down on some planets

    Removing the mod will fix everything, no need to create a new char ( creating a new one doesn't fix the issue with this mod )

    Would be cool if the creator of this mod pass the stuff to the Frackin' Universe one, to have more ( and old ) Dungeons, compatibility and constant updates !
  12. SonicundMario

    SonicundMario Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Is this mod still working? Do you plan on updating it and adden other missing dungeons like the USCM Bunkers? And Frackin Universe Support?

    I love the mod!
  13. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    Just wanted to announce that, while this mod is currently being worked on to get it updated for version 1.1, I'm also thinking about expanding on it to include more beta stuff, including old biomes that are no longer being used (such as the poisonous swamps from the Koala versions, or the heck biome assets). I'll also be breaking it down into multiple mods that would be bundled into a neat package (like with my Satellites Pack), such as Legacy Dungeons, Legacy Microdungeons, Legacy Biomes, etc.
  14. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    Shadow Wolf TJC updated Legacy Pack with a new update entry:

    Finally, an update (albeit an unstable one) for the full release of Starbound!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. Zaroth

    Zaroth Pangalactic Porcupine

    Glad to see this revived. Had to pull it out after 1.0 because a lot of stuff caused crash to ship due to missing or then incompatible assets.
    Will check out the new version tomorrow, hoping the frequency of glitch sewer and glitch castle fragment micro dungeons has been reduced.
  16. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

  17. Zaroth

    Zaroth Pangalactic Porcupine

    Alright, just a little bug busting for now.

    First, certain npc's cause conflict with frackin' universe, as a duplicate asset error. these being bunkerpyro, hellprisoner, and bunkerguard. I had to delete them to actually start the mod.
    Got kicked back from the first planet I tried, a radioactive jungle. Tried to include that log, but the site won't let me. Will get another soon. Will send it by PM if you'd prefer. But most errors revolved around not finding a given dungeon type.
    Kicks sometimes happen in general exploration, however.

    Lastly, I encountered some of those bunny people, which is nice. Forgot they existed, might include them as a tenant race in my librarian thing.
    I'm curious, is the dialogue you gave them their original dialogue? Because one line refers to Greenfinger the individual. Certain bits like that line, that now actively conflict with current lore, should perhaps be excluded.
    Lastly, one of said bunny people, after giving me a couple of quests, wanted to join my crew, transforming him back into an apex. NPC's who's existence rely on a costume should be excluded from becoming crew, and perhaps, selectively, from offering quests from the lost friend and hat pools. The latter for obvious reasons, the former because the friend is always the same race, perhaps the same npctype (not sure on that one).

    Edit: Found another busted planet. Here's a log.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2016
  18. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    Strange. My mods should've added those. I presume that some other mod might be interfering with dungeon generation on barren worlds. This is especially likely, since some of the mods in my Legacy Pack (particularly the ones that I'm using to lay down the framework which Legacy Dungeons, and other mods that I develop, would rely upon) have a priority of -100, which means that they're almost certainly guaranteed to be loaded 1st (even if other mods don't have a priority setting, which would cause them to default to a priority of 0). This was done in order to make it more likely that they could be built upon by other mods. (For the record, Legacy Dungeons, Legacy Microdungeons, and Legacy Monsters and NPCs all have a priority of 1.)

    I don't have all of the mods shown within the .log file, but I'd personally want to see what's causing the conflict between my mods and theirs.

    Edit: After a brief look at Frackin Universe, I realize just how little has been done to make it compatability-friendly with other mods, including my Legacy Pack. (His mod even lacks a priority setting.) Oh well. I can only hope that sayter will, in the future, consider breaking up his mod into smaller, more manageable chunks so that it would be easier to make them more compatable with other mods. If need be, then he could create utility mods (like the ones included in the Legacy Pack) to lay down the framework.

    For the time being, if you can't live without Frackin Universe, then perhaps it'd be better to remove my Legacy Pack from your mods folder? I've also noticed that Frackin Universe contains much of the same content that the Legacy Pack contains, such as dungeons and npcs, (but not quest support).
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
  19. Zaroth

    Zaroth Pangalactic Porcupine

    You might consider talking to him, he'd possibly work with you a bit. I understand it being a pretty dirty mod, considering its scope, though. But given that it's basically an essential mod, asking people to choose is usually gonna be a losing situation for you.
    I didn't even know that a priority option existed, and it's not impossible he didn't either.

    Not really. It adds a lot of new stuff, but very little legacy content, except where it was essential to something. Except the wrecked ships. Those are everywhere.
    Was pretty exciting coming across these old dungeons again. Because, to be quite honest, there has been very little purpose to going underground since 1.0, except for actually looking for ore. Gone are all the microdungeons, outposts and ruins. Rarely find anything below ground interesting than busted old wooden shacks and the most boring variants of avian mini tombs.
  20. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    I only recently found out about priorities myself, so I understand.

    Anyways, I think that my next project is reviving my Dungeons Everywhere mod from the grave. I'm not sure if I can add the newer dungeons though, since I still don't know how they're made or modified.

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