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Bug/Issue Server has closed the connection - Multiplayer connection error issue

Discussion in 'Support' started by Lyrahtu, Jun 9, 2018.

  1. Lyrahtu

    Lyrahtu Space Hobo


    I have various online friends in the US. We all want to play stardew together, but I keep encountering a particular problem. Every time I try to join with the invite code, it accepts the code and then 'connects' before saying that the connection has failed. After a restart, I am able to connect and upon creating my character I get booted out of the game and it says that the 'server has closed the connection'. Furthermore, the same 'server has closed the connection' crash occurs even when I have successfully entered the game; albeit allowing me to roam around for a few seconds before crashing completely. On an earlier occasion, I was playing with two other people and the game completely glitched out for the other players - furniture duplication, and my friend getting stuck under a table. I believe that these two incidents are due to connection issues. I have unlimited internet use and no firewall whatsoever. Furthermore, I have a Mac OS High Sierra Version 10.13 and stardew is played on fullscreen. This issue continues to repeat no matter the method of joining - by code, friend invite, etc.

    I do hope that someone can assist me with this issue so I may play with my online friends! If you need any further information, please let me know! Thank you!

    ~ Lyra

    Mac version: Mac OS High Sierra Version 10.13
    Stardew is played on: Fullscreen
    BuildID - 2841548
    Error images: Attached
    Error logs: Failed to find them in the game files, though I suppose that it wasn't a crash as to so much as a connection error

      Attached Files:

    • Lyrahtu

      Lyrahtu Space Hobo

      Update: I have been able to sort of join, but in the rare times I have been able to successfully do so for the short periods of time, I am unable to see any other player move. The time also does not progress but I am able to move around freely.
      • RenaiRoa

        RenaiRoa Space Hobo

        Did u change any settings that made it possible for u to join?
        • Lyrahtu

          Lyrahtu Space Hobo

          No, actually. It was after a vast amount of restarting the game and attempting to join. It was probably by chance that I managed to get slightly in.
          • Lyrahtu

            Lyrahtu Space Hobo

            Bump! Please assist me in this issue!
            • cydie

              cydie Space Hobo

              since the multiplayer went public, i too have been having this issue, never encountered it in beta, but seems to happen at least once every half hour real time

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