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Bug/Issue Serious Framerate drop - No easy fix

Discussion in 'Support' started by EriktheFunk, May 2, 2018.

  1. EriktheFunk

    EriktheFunk Space Hobo

    I was able to reproduce this 3 times in a row.

    Using the save file attached I repeated these steps exactly. I did all of these actions by about 9:00am, so keeping a good pace:
    1. After waking up, go outside and place new iron in the forge
    2. Read Mail
    3. Gather + Refill all crab pots (10+)
    4. Add trash to recyclers (3)
    5. Harvest all crops
    6. Deposit no-star hops in chest next to the tribal scarecrow (north east corner of crops)
    7. Deposit 1 gold corn in chest to the south of the main farm exit (right)
    8. Sell all other produce and crab pot fish in the deposit box
    9. Place new trash into recycler.
    10. By this point performance hits pretty low, waiting around makes it worse. Leaving the farm improves framerate, but returning still has a serious framerate issue. It gets so bad I can't move around or do anything eventually! Help!

    It just progressively gets worse, I tried removing my recyclers/forge to fix the issue based on a previous post but it didn't do anything. I'm sure also a few of these steps are nonsense in regards to the bug, but I repeated exactly my steps and got the issue each time.

      Attached Files:

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