Story SEPTINIUM (Chapter 2)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by XiG0, Mar 22, 2018.

  1. XiG0

    XiG0 Tentacle Wrangler


    This is a story written by Xigo. Don't make a story with a different name with a similar idea or steal this story/idea and publish it here or somewhere else.

    Plagiarism isn't cool man, get your own ideas.


    [+] CHAPTER 2 [+]
    Stereotypical Assumptions
    Raena held tight to the manipulator, not wanting to lend it to a novakid. She gave Ethyl a hostile look, as Ethyl had his hand out. The ship stopped the hyperspeed, and has arrived its destination... Or did it?

    "Oh, we're here?" Milli walked over to the flight deck.

    "Hello? You alive?" Ethyl tilted his head, looking at Raena.

    "Why... Do you need Ms. Portia's manipulator...?" Raena suspiciously looked at Ethyl.

    "I just need to borrow it so I could scan it and–"

    "No! I'm not lending it to you! I've heard of your kind, you all have an attitude, short attention spans, and some of you even have bad intentions! Heck, one of you even bombed a planet!"

    "Are you just lumping me in the same group with that–!?" Ethyl growled, putting his hand down and looking away. "Jeez, those are all just stereotypical assumptions..." He mumbled.

    "What?" Raena didn't hear Ethyl's mumble clearly, but was insulted.

    "Ethyl...!" Milli called out to Ethyl.

    "Yeah?" Ethyl looked over the flight deck, where Milli was checking the fuel.

    "We... Ran out fuel..." Milli scratched her head, grinning with a sweat drop on her head.

    Ethyl sighed. "Then we really need to get fuel." He looked at Raena, who is looking down at Portia's manipulator, and whispered to Milli. "We kinda need that manipulator already too..."

    "Hmm..." Milli widened her eyes, having an idea. She walked out the flight deck and called out to someone. "Lulu!"

    A bunny hops out the door from the back of the room. "A bunny...?" Raena widened her eyes with a smile.

    "Care to entertain our guest for a bit while capt'n and I fix the fuel hatch?" Milli pointed at Raena with her thumb. The bunny nodded in reply, then jumps on Raena's lap.

    "She's fluffy!" Raena giggled as she pets the bunny.

    Milli smiled mischievously, as Ethyl covered his lips with a closed hand, trying to hold in his laugh. The bunny jumped off from Raena and kept hopping, wanting to play with her.

    "You wanna play?" Raena tilted her head, as the bunny nodded. Ethyl walked over next to Milli and raised his right hand, that had a gaunlet, a bit up to his chest. The gauntlet was gold and brown colored, and had small lines with a circular glass piece on the palm. (Must be a blaster like Iron Man?)

    Raena put the manipulators on her belt, hers on the right and Leda's on the left. Raena's left was facing Milli and Ethyl. Just as Raena stood up, the lines and the glass piece of Ethyl's gauntlet lit a blue light. He moved his hand up and the hook that was hanging Leda's manipulator on Raena's belt broke. "Jump!" Ethyl commanded the bunny.

    The bunny jumped and headbutted the manipulator with enough strength that it would reach Ethyl. He kneeled and catched it with the gauntlet. "Thanks Lu." He turned and walked back to the ship deck.

    "Hey!" Raena ran over to Ethyl, but Milli raised her hands towards her and blocked her way.

    "Just let him do what he has to do okay?!" Milli tried to calm Raena down, but was desperate to take the manipulator back from him. Although, Raena didn't try to push her away.

    "Out of my way, Milli!" Raena raised her voice at Milli, as Ethyl takes out a chip from the manipulator and scans it in the pilot's seat. A voice message was sent to Ethyl's earpiece from the chip.

    "How did he break my belt?! What tech was he using!?" Raena tried to push Milli away, but she struggled to not let Raena pass.

    Ethyl heard the voice message in his earpiece. "Amazing how Portia's manipulator has a unique voice messaging system..." He mumbled.

    "He used his manipula–" Milli covered her mouth, realizing what she just said. Ethyl looked back at them, kind of terrified of what she just blurted out.

    "He has... a manipulator...?" Raena widened her eyes in shock, as Ethyl got out from his chair. "How... Why?"

    Ethyl hid his gauntlet behind his back and looked away. "How do you have one...? When did you have one...?" Raena asked Ethyl with a serious voice.

    "...I had it the whole time." Ethyl showed Raena his gauntlet, passing by her as he was walking towards the ship's teleporter. "I took it and modified it to my liki–"

    "Took... It?" Raena looked down, on the verge of shedding tears. Ethyl stopped walking and turned around

    Milli went behind Raena and tried to calm her down. "Raena... Let him explai–"

    "Are you Novas THIS bad!?" Raena cried. "First, you tricked me and now you're telling me you stole a matter manipulator?!"

    "I didn't really–" Ethyl tried to explain, but Raena kept cutting his sentence.

    "The matter manipulator is earned and given to the protectors!" Raena cried as she hugged her manipulator close. "Not stolen by some novakid like you!!"


    Ethyl stood there, speechless.

    "Raena! Calm down!" Milli put her hands on Raena's shoulders.

    "Don't touch me!" Raena pushed Milli's hands away. "I don't even know why you side with him!"

    "I have no time for this, I need to go." Ethyl kept turned and entered the teleporter. "Milli, please stay with the Septinium and watch over–"

    Raena growled and pushed Ethyl as they both teleported to the destination. "H-Hey!"

    "Guys!" Milli reached her hand out, calling out to them.


    Ethyl and Raena rolled down a very long staircase, and eventually fell on the ground after a while. "Ow..." Ethyl had his face flat on the ground, while Raena was laying on top of his back. "Get off!"

    Ethyl stood up and Raena fell off him and let out a short high-pitched scream. "Kya!"

    "Ethyl?" A voice that sounded kind of odd, like it was some kind of creature, called out to Ethyl.

    Raena looked up and saw a tall male Floran with a sniper rifle. Ethyl walked over to the Floran and greeted him.

    "Hey, Sineeda!" Ethyl pat the Floran's arm. "How was the mission?"

    "It went well, wass alsso quite tiring." Sineeda replied. "And I've got an attached little lady on my leg."

    "Hi!" A female floran with pink and blue leaves as her hair peeks from behind Sineeda.

    "Nuru?" Ethyl tilted his head. "What are you doing here?"

    "Ah, sso you know me, glowing person?" Nuru went closer to Ethyl. "What am I doing here? Well, Ssineeda here wass a good hunter sso I decided to tag along with him!"

    "Uh... Okay?" Ethyl looked over at Sineeda again. "Do you have the artifact though?"

    "I ssuccessfully retrieved it." Sineeda replied, as he took out something that looked like a sharp C-shaped bone. "It was the trophy for winning."

    "I see." Ethyl examined the artifact, as Sineeda showed it to him. Raena stood up and brushes off the dust from her pants.

    "Hey! You guys alright?!" Milli jumped down halfway down the staircase and landed just fine. She noticed Sineeda and waved. "Hey Sinnie!"

    "Hey Milli!" Sineeda waved back, then noticed Raena. He went down to Ethyl and whispered to his ear. "Who'ss the human?"

    "That's Raena." Ethyl replied. "We picked her up from Earth when it was destroyed by the Ruin."

    "The Ruin took Earth already too... Huh?" Sineeda frowned.

    "Yeah, sadly... Portia's gone too."

    "How unfortunate..."

    "Where are we?" Raena looked around, seeing the giant statues, holograms, and the giant door.

    "The Ark." Ethyl replied. "If you don't wanna tag along, go back up the staircase and walk straight. The outpost is there, you might find other humans there that would know where the evacuation ship headed to."

    Raena stayed quiet, as Ethyl and the other went to the smaller staircase to the area where the giant door is standing. She turned around, about to go to the outpost... But then hesitated. She looked back at them, and decided to follow.

    She sees the group standing there. They seem like they're talking to someone, but she can't see who it was because they were blocking the view. Nuru stepped away and walked over behind Sineeda, where she tries to climb him up.

    Raena couldn't believe her eyes when she saw someone unexpected to be in a place like this.


    (Art drawn by GX, from the Starbound Amino)

    "This is really fantastic writing, dude! I love it! :0"
    -PixelatedRainbow, Starbound Amino Member

    "Yo hecc man, this is some good shit"
    -GX, Starbound Amino Member

    "This is a beautiful story! alsojeezmanwhydoyougotaaflattermewiththatnodtopropane"
    -InsertCreativeName, Starbound Amino Leader

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