After a few testing, it turns out that what random quantity or ancient seed comes out is seeded (no pun intended). The result is based on the time that you place an item into the seed maker. The quality or type of item has no effect on how many seeds pop out but position of the seed maker does matter. On Winter 14. Year 1, 10:00 in the morning yields me an ancient seed.
Hrm...does it matter WHAT seed you use? Does it have to be a Corn Seed or can it be ANY seed? Does it have to be at EXACTLY 10am, or is it any time on that day? Does it have to go in that position in the expanded house to get the seeds...or can it be done in ANY location to get ancient seeds out of it? Does it work this way on any other known days? I know that there I got mixed seeds from putting an ancient fruit in there once...and I was like: WELL IT'S A GOOD THING THE PLANT ISN'T A ONE OFF! lol =x
I listed the factors at the top of the screen but since the screenshot stretched it out, I'll organize it better here. What does not matter. Type of crop inserted Quality What does matter Time Position of the seed maker Untested Day/Season/Year Type of house
I see...and by position, you mean those two locations where the Seed Makers are currently are both confirmed to work? I don't think you can rotate them, after all...
I don't think the position matters because I had mine in the bottom right corner of the bedroom of the 2nd house upgrade and I got tons of ancient seeds from it and the time when I did it was 12:20pm in winter.
While this would be pretty awesome if so, I'm quite sure that the random 'seed' of the day is decided upon the night before, and saved before you start your day. Meaning that it doesn't matter how many times you restart your day, you will consistently have the same random things happen to you. I have restarted several days several times myself, only to find out that a lot of the day was entirely the same as the last day I played. With a few exceptions. Geodes gave out the same type of items, like: mineral, mineral, ore, coal. But the minerals themselves were random. I believe ladders in the regular mine are always in the same position if you restart a day, and apparently this is too. So to confirm what you just did, all you need to do is create another game, get to Winter 14 on year 1 again, place the seed maker there and put in a crop to figure out if this is truly so. I'm afraid it won't be. Alternatively however, I believe the bigger discovery here is how to circumvent the RNG seed, and try out different things when restarting days.
I'm about to enter into Winter of year 1 here myself, so I should have an answer as to whether that exact time/place/etc works tomorrow, hopefully (I did manage to upgrade my house before then, too, it's even the same "location"!). =x
Just so it is clear, the seed maker is the one underneath the point of the triangle (right side) since I think you mistaken the two recyclers for seed makers. Thanks for helping with the test.
Yeah, I always mix them up until I SEE them, heh. Thanks for clarifying that. ^^ EDIT: Isn't there a bundle that gives the seed maker as a reward, too? EDIT 2: ...Nevermind, it's not something I'm likely to get in time, unless there's some serious luck in the pig merchant or from trash cans, heh. =x
Hitting farming 9 should let you craft them. I don't have the bundle that is needed either but I made my own.
Yeah, my farming was maxed like...a full season ago. It's just...I knew there was one in the bundles so I wanted to avoid making one if I could complete the bundle in time, is all. ^^
Well, if you insert an ancient fruit you'll get an ancient seed everytime, so in fact it does matter what crops you insert^^
Not every time, you can still get the mixed seeds from it. I had it happen once. ^^ Also, we're talking about the chance of getting ancient seeds from NORMAL crops, too...w/o having the ancient seed drop from a chest/dig spot, heh.
I didn't state it but think we can assume that is a constant where the whatever you put in will always come out of the same type every time except for mixed seeds and ancient seed. My original reason was to just to test the seeded random generator, having ancient seeds appear was just a happy side effect (and I got my greenhouse up just before that winter ended).
BTW I'm about to start working towards that day that's necessary to test the first post in the thread, heh.
Ok, just got to this day and time...the seed maker was in the exact same location, as well. I even used corn, just like just gave me corn seeds. It seems it really is RNG, it's just...the RNG seed or whatever is determined for the day at the START, probably. =x
Still interesting enough though. Going to run one separate test to discover another aspect. Will post result when I figure it out.