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RELEASED Seed Extraction 1.0

Extract seeds from crops!

  1. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

    Nate McCloud submitted a new mod:

    Seed Extraction - Extract seeds from crops!

    Read more about this mod...
  2. rpg4e

    rpg4e Phantasmal Quasar

    Hi Nate, could you expand your mod to do this for the vanilla-trees too ( those with fruits like coconut ) and for the plants and trees of the mod "Fracking Universe" ?
    Would be really nice, your mod is great, thanks a lot ;)
  3. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

    Thank you for the feedback! Unfortunately, with the way trees work, it isn't that simple. :( Trees have a lot more variables to work with than crops do, and I'm not really skilled enough to figure those out yet.

    I will see what I can do about adding FrackinUniverse crops, though I can't promise it will be included in this mod! More than likely, I will be releasing an expansion mod that requires this one and FrackinUniverse to run.

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