Secret door at the bottom of the farm?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Afterscore, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. Rejgnar

    Rejgnar Starship Captain

    In addition, is there a connection to this

      Attached Files:

    • Caudyr

      Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

      WHat is that even? That image is so small I can't even tell what's going on in it, heh. =x
      • Siertes

        Siertes Aquatic Astronaut

        I doubt it. That's just a room in the Wizard's Tower that you get access to when you have enough hearts with the wizard.

        I'm thinking the door could just be a visual easter egg, possibly a "fairy door", where the fairies that help your plants come from.
        • DatYandereGirl

          DatYandereGirl Big Damn Hero

          That's where the Keebler Elves live.
            Lanx12 likes this.
          • Lanx12

            Lanx12 Ketchup Robot

            I wonder if they would be willing to trade some cookies for some of my wheat :p
              DatYandereGirl and Morichinatsu like this.
            • Rejgnar

              Rejgnar Starship Captain

              found this pic on google. but siertes said its a room in the wizard tower
              • Morichinatsu

                Morichinatsu Space Spelunker

                Siertes is right. It's where you can change your character's look in-game as far as I'm aware.
                • Lanx12

                  Lanx12 Ketchup Robot

                  Indeed its true I visit often to change me look once a week in game.
                  • DukeOfRiven

                    DukeOfRiven Giant Laser Beams

                    It's the world's tiniest image file.

                    Also, as per the above: A Wizard Did It.
                      DatYandereGirl and Lanx12 like this.
                    • DatYandereGirl

                      DatYandereGirl Big Damn Hero

                      Yep. ;3 TV Tropes ftw!
                      • Boolianne

                        Boolianne Space Hobo

                        I actually saw that just earlier today too and googled it. The only reason I saw it (I'm on year 6, how have I not noticed it before :p) was because I was watching that silhouette of the owl fly across the farm, and it disappeared right at the door. Maybe they're connected somehow? Also, someone posted a video about this (and actually glitched out of the map) and tried to interact with it. He also finds some super cool unfinished secret stuff. It wasn't on the wiki so I was thoroughly confused about it.
                        Also yes I understand I am very late to this party, over a year late actually lol
                          Last edited: Apr 1, 2017
                          Corraidhín likes this.
                        • ishizu29

                          ishizu29 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                          it´s an entrance to wonderland :)

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