Second person situtation+

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by SawioS, May 11, 2018.

  1. SawioS

    SawioS Space Hobo

    What is the role of the second person in SV multiplayer?
    Cause im playing with my friend, and she can't even read Junimos scrolls.
    Is that a bug or second person is like your companion when you're a main character of the story?
    EDIT1:She has "The rat problem quest" but she cant do anything with that
    Edit2: After few days she got the letter from wizard, maybe important thing is that she has internet issues sometimes and she's losing conection (Problem of Internet not of our connection) Do you think it could desync us?
      Last edited: May 11, 2018
    • NomiChi

      NomiChi Seal Broken

      From my experience playing multiplayer each person completes quests individually. Once you both have the community center quest started you only have to complete bundles once.

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