RELEASED "Sebastian and Alex (UP!)" portraits mod.

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by paenghammy, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. paenghammy

    paenghammy Void-Bound Voyager

    I think they look better with nose(S) ><
    • Elysana

      Elysana Void-Bound Voyager

      They're so cute!!!! <3 I hope to see Alex soon!
        paenghammy likes this.
      • stunvn

        stunvn Void-Bound Voyager

        Can you make their eyes looking at the player? (Like Haley)

        More realistic.
          paenghammy likes this.
        • Necro2k

          Necro2k Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          ♥ Awesome Artwork ♥
          I really love this and I check everyday this side *-*
          I hope to see more soon.
          Can you do all Villager please? *-*
            paenghammy likes this.
          • Nightscaled

            Nightscaled Tentacle Wrangler

            They look super nice with the noses!! I just might end up adding them to Haley and Penny and Abigail for my own use later, since I like the look so much eheh
              paenghammy likes this.
            • Kurim

              Kurim Void-Bound Voyager

              Omg they look totally awesome <3

              Will you also do sprites?
              • Olette

                Olette Void-Bound Voyager

                Oh my GOD Harvey!! *faint*
                When I think I can't fall in love with Harvey more than I already love him... BOOM! you do it! I love it :nuruflirt:
                  paenghammy likes this.
                • paenghammy

                  paenghammy Void-Bound Voyager

                  I don't know if I have enough time to do that.
                    Kurim likes this.
                  • paenghammy

                    paenghammy Void-Bound Voyager

                      Necro2k, Nightscaled and Kurim like this.
                    • stunvn

                      stunvn Void-Bound Voyager

                      awesome :rainbowbarf::rainbowbarf::rainbowbarf::rainbowbarf::rainbowbarf::rainbowbarf:
                        paenghammy likes this.
                      • LilBunny

                        LilBunny Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        *waits for sebby* QuQ everyone is so cuuutee ahhh
                          Nightscaled and paenghammy like this.
                        • paenghammy

                          paenghammy Void-Bound Voyager

                            nickelcurry, MtGO and Kurim like this.
                          • CookieMomo

                            CookieMomo Space Spelunker

                            Are u planning to do rest NPC ? For example Shane :lickitung:
                            • keodau27

                              keodau27 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                              Ohhh this is cute, i really like your style and i love how you make Harvey and Elliot older than the other bachelors ( like they should be! ). Even though im using another mod i will try your out when it's done, keep up the good work !

                              Also are you interest in making portrait mods for genderbent version of both bachelors and bachelorettes?
                                paenghammy likes this.
                              • adiekin

                                adiekin Orbital Explorer

                                Loving your work:nuruflirt:
                                Girls are sooo cute! and Guys are cool and manly<3
                                love them as they are right now, but hope to see a back to the original version (Leah's sigle braid, Harvey's face hair)someday:kitten::kitten:

                                Will definately use this mod for my 2nd run when its complete:catface:(still playing without mods)

                                Keep up the great work & take care:kitten2::kitten::kitten2:
                                  Last edited: Apr 11, 2016
                                  paenghammy likes this.
                                • paenghammy

                                  paenghammy Void-Bound Voyager

                                  Yes, I have plan to do all of them. :>
                                    vanilla alpaca likes this.
                                  • paenghammy

                                    paenghammy Void-Bound Voyager

                                    Oh! That's very interesting. I hope I have time to do that :rofl:
                                    • Euxiac

                                      Euxiac Master Chief

                                      I'm torn, the girls are abit too cutesy for me to use ingame but Harvey looks like david tenant, I love it xDD
                                        paenghammy likes this.
                                      • paenghammy

                                        paenghammy Void-Bound Voyager

                                        Screenshorts UPDATE
                                          Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
                                        • SasuraUchiha

                                          SasuraUchiha Cosmic Narwhal

                                          Oooooh! Love that Sebastian! <3
                                            paenghammy likes this.

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