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Seasons are not the right color in town

Discussion in 'Support' started by Kimmichangs, Jun 23, 2018.

  1. Kimmichangs

    Kimmichangs Space Hobo

    So I am a farmhand on my husband's game and for some reason, when I go into town during fall and winter, everything looks like it does in spring. The bushes and the weather are correct for the season I am in, but the grass and trees, etc are spring. The rest of the map is fine, it's just inside of town that isn't right. It seemed the colors were correct in summer, but I'm not sure if everything broke when it transitioned from summer to fall or if it's just summer and fall that are broken.

    I can't find that anyone else has this problem, but if someone has or has any idea why this might happen and how to fix it, it would be greatly appreciated!
    • Blorp

      Blorp Big Damn Hero

      SMAPI problem, see here.

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