Well a wee bit of viewer's bonus, check out these awesome covers by talented guys! (Overture) (Stillness In The Rain) (Summer - Crescendo) (Outlaw) (Winter - Nocturne of Ice) And thank you @EvilPoptart81, as always!
Update with haste! Maru is here as well. And a bit of gift I picked from DeviantArt, you don't wanna kill these Slimes for sure!
I just saw Riley in my art thread, I cannot thank you enough! You've got a great skill for making mine craft skins! Please keep up the great work my friend!
That's okay though! You've done a great job so far with the skins you've made! I look at references too to help when I draw, so there's not much difference there. ^^!
the right one looks better to me. there's much more depth for the shoes and the overalls, so it looks a lot more natural.
Now I decide to redo Leah's skin a bit, since she's the one that made me started my journey! Which one do you prefer?
OMG I really love those! I really like minecraft, too. So these are just great! Is there any chance you're gonna be doing some of the bachelors or soon-to-be-bachelors, to? I'd really like to see what they'd look like in minecraft. Great work!
I haven't made a solid schedule, yet. Mostly I would do when I feel like to... (That's also why I did some of the other artist's farmer skin as well.) Anyway, after two more ladies and I will eventually do some gentlemen's skins.
Notice : For those who play older version of Minecraft : Read me first! : All the skins I have made uses the new skin template of 1.8 MC and newer -- utilize overlaying layer such as clothing, hair, etc. using them in older version lead to unexpected result! If you really need legacy-friendy skins, PM me.
Hello there! Sorry if this thread is begin to fill with random stuff recently, as I busy messing around with line-arts thread. (along with Animated Minecraft thread, was abandoned for quite long after that short animated expression. Not to mention my suppose-to-be-fanfic thread) And, I came here for another propose as well : this Minecraft screenshot! Selfie? I'd rather call 'Self Expressionism'! Left to Right : Toonyoza's Anime-like Portrait, Anthro Character, Vanilla, MCMC's Portrait
Hey I'm digging the "overture", nice job! Redstone is such a pain in the buttocks sometimes but you wrangled it into an enjoyable rendition