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Science [Deleted]

Discussion in 'Outdated Mods' started by I Said No, Jan 17, 2015.

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  1. RaginCajun

    RaginCajun Phantasmal Quasar

    So I have a suggestion I'd like to make. It struck me the moment I saw this mod. I know it's probably a very difficult step so feel free to take it or leave it or wait til you have the mod farther along. I would love to see a physics component that allows you to move items around your base. Like an air tube or magnets that suck things up. This would let you do things like automate your farming when they finally fully flesh out the farming aspect. It would also allow you to sort items in your base into specific areas which would even help this mod. So you can sort things into their respective fields of science wherever you have them stationed in your base.
  2. I Said No

    I Said No Cosmic Narwhal

    I Said No updated Science with a new update entry:

    Bits and Pieces 1

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. WolffeHeart678

    WolffeHeart678 Void-Bound Voyager

    Hello, I've played around with this mod, and I've found it very fun, and though I can't help with any of the technical work on this mod, I do have a few suggestions I thought would be interesting. I noticed you can only split salt into chlorine, but I thought of a few neat ideas with sodium. Maybe you could use it for depth charges, or some kind or underwater torch, or flares by using it and water instead of gunpowder. Also, I'm having a bit of trouble with the DNA analyzer, mainly that I can't find the guide to it.
  4. MiroslavAliyeva

    MiroslavAliyeva Void-Bound Voyager

    I really liked your mod and I was delighted with Hydroponics Tray. I dare to ask: Can you add support for Ore Plants +?
    Мне очень понравился ваш мод и я была в восторге от Hydroponics Tray. Осмелюсь спросить: можете ли вы добавить поддержку Ore Plants+?
  5. I Said No

    I Said No Cosmic Narwhal

    I actually have plants in this mod that can grow ores, but sure, i'll look into making a cross-plugin for that mod.
    MiroslavAliyeva likes this.
  6. MiroslavAliyeva

    MiroslavAliyeva Void-Bound Voyager

    I managed to get metaltech seed and meatvine bulb but they do not grow in hydroponics tray. I made a mistake? Or the seeds are not intended for hydroponics tray?

    мне удалось получить metaltech seed и meatvine bulb однако они не растут в hydroponics tray. Я совершаю ошибку? Или эти семена не предназначены для hydroponics tray?.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2015
  7. I Said No

    I Said No Cosmic Narwhal

    Ah, those don't grow in there. The Hydroponics tray is only for basic plants. It'd be pretty overpowered to grow metaleech seeds in a hydroponics tray I think.
  8. MiroslavAliyeva

    MiroslavAliyeva Void-Bound Voyager

    I am saddened. I'll wait for cross-plugin Ore Plants. I'll wait a week. I'll wait a month. I will wait a year. I will wait as long as necessary
    Thanks again for your work already done
    Я опечалена. Я буду ждать cross-plugin Ore Plants. Буду ждать неделю. Буду ждать месяц. Буду ждать год. Буду ждать столько, сколько нужно
    Еще раз спасибо за уже проделанную вами работу
  9. I Said No

    I Said No Cosmic Narwhal

    I Said No updated Science with a new update entry:

    Bits and Pieces 2

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. I Said No

    I Said No Cosmic Narwhal

    I Said No updated Science with a new update entry:

    Bits and fixes?

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. ThaOneDon

    ThaOneDon Parsec Taste Tester

    lol, its the old issue with website not updating the page or mod links :3
  12. I Said No

    I Said No Cosmic Narwhal

    I didn't think the site was updating my mod at all so I kept trying. Dammit! :facepalm:
    Well I deleted all the duplicates anyhow. Sorry for the alert spam!
  13. MiroslavAliyeva

    MiroslavAliyeva Void-Bound Voyager

    I've updated the game, updated science and now I see
    If you remove the science then the problem disappears.
    What should I do?
    VoidSeeker likes this.
  14. VoidSeeker

    VoidSeeker Master Chief

    I'm getting an error while updating the mod from version 1.1 to 1.2.1. Client exits with message "[17:19:32.940] Error: Fatal Exception Caught: (StarException) An error occurred during loading: (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/black.material
    Caused by: (MaterialException) Duplicate material id 990 found for material blackblock"
    MiroslavAliyeva likes this.
  15. I Said No

    I Said No Cosmic Narwhal

    Hmm, that looks like a conflict with another mod. Which mods are you both running besides mine?
  16. Carch

    Carch Void-Bound Voyager

    the last update to the mod with the last unstable update to starbound gives errors on launch. getting material exceptions at 'black material' something? it won't let me copy the error message.

    EDIT: aaand it just showed me the posts just above me. weren't there when I was typing this. erm.. I'm using bees, lights on sticks and a lossless voxel (no pixel loss when compresing)
  17. I Said No

    I Said No Cosmic Narwhal

    Hmm, i've looked at those mods and none of them have materials that should conflict with mine. Are there any other mods you're running? Also, which dev branch are you playing - stable, unstable or nightly?
  18. VoidSeeker

    VoidSeeker Master Chief

    I've tried with no mods except this. Effect is the same. I'm using the last unstable version.
    Client Version Beta v. Spirited Giraffe - Update 1 Revision: 87da513f66c7102dc9b986af2d3727b7b7bc7f1c Protocol: 676[DOUBLEPOST=1428251707][/DOUBLEPOST]The Science 1.1 is still running perfectly on this version of Starbound. Problem appears only with Science 1.2.1
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2015
  19. MiroslavAliyeva

    MiroslavAliyeva Void-Bound Voyager

    I use it.I use it. Version of the game is the newest

    Attached Files:

  20. Carch

    Carch Void-Bound Voyager

    as I s
    as I said above, unstable. and those are the only mods I'm running. I was trying out the latest unstable with the teleporters and pets and such.
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