Modding Help Schedule editing with dialog and animation

Discussion in 'Mods' started by shsammy, May 10, 2018.

  1. shsammy

    shsammy Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi, so first time ever modding really and honestly I'm only trying to mildly... edit a mod that i already got, to fit my wants. This mod adds in a new animation that some characters do, but there is an issue where if you try to speak to them during the animation, they don't have any dialog and it just errors out. So I'm trying to add some dialog in by just following the format I can see elsewhere, but it's not working. somehow I ended up making the animation stop and the dialog doesn't happen either.

    Current code for the wizard (easiest example):
    content:  #!Dictionary<String,String>
        rain: "GOTO spring" #!String
        spring: "700 WizardHouse 5 17 2/1400 WizardHouse 12 14 wizard_anim\"Nothing magic about this, just a new animation!$h\"/1900 WizardHouse 5 17 2" #!String
        default: "700 WizardHouse 5 17 2/1400 WizardHouse 12 14 wizard_anim\"Nothing magic about this, just a new animation!$h\"/1900 WizardHouse 5 17 2" #!String
    The only part I changed was the dialog part, so the code had been:

    content:  #!Dictionary<String,String>
        rain: "GOTO spring" #!String
        spring: "700 WizardHouse 5 17 2/1400 WizardHouse 12 14 wizard_anim/1900 WizardHouse 5 17 2" #!String
        default: "700 WizardHouse 5 17 2/1400 WizardHouse 12 14 wizard_anim/1900 WizardHouse 5 17 2" #!String
    What am I doing wrong? Is it just in the wrong order or is it just not possible to have both an animation and some dialog at the same time?
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