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RELEASED SBSP - 1000+ Starbound Song Pack

Discussion in 'Musical Instruments' started by thelux, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. thelux

    thelux Poptop Tamer

    Starbound Song Pack (SBSP) is a large collection of in-game playable songs for from around the web. This includes a number of notable song packs and my entire .abc song library, in total more than 1,000 songs. The collection has been open-sourced and I hope that it continues to grow.

    • download the zip file here
    • upzip, copy the desired .abc files into Starbound's asset/songs directory:
      - on windows: Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\assets\songs
      - osx: Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/assets/songs
    • Then start the game, grab an instrument, and play new songs.


    I did not make any of these songs. Most .abc files contain attribution. A number of songs were merged from publicly available song packs, these include:

    • "WTF? Do we really need another song pack?"
      As a player, I personally do not want to deal with downloading 20 different song packs. I just want them all. Thousands of popular songs, ready to go. Why? Because sooner or later that perfect musical moment will come. Maybe it will be the game of thrones intro song, or maybe eye of the tiger. Sometimes benny hill is appropriate. Or maybe some enya on a banjo. Whatever the situation, if you want to make music, you need to be prepared and have a LOT of songs loaded and ready to go.

    • "Will new songs be added to the pack?"
      Yes - I will merge in large song packs as they are released. Also, I have created a github open source project for the archive, which means that anyone can contribute additional songs or song packs. You can do this on the project page here: https://github.com/luxx/sbsp or if you are not familiar with git, feel free to post links here and I will see about getting them added.

    • "Is there an easier way to browse songs in-game?"
      While there is not currently a way to search songs, I would recommend the Extended Songbook mod by v6ooo, which allows viewing more songs at once.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
  2. ollj

    ollj Big Damn Hero

    include http://tinyurl.com/abc2014b to that github and highly suggest also installing a mod like extended-songbook and use some sort of subfolders.

    (updated from a link to my backup of 230 songs to this backup pf 500 songs)
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2014
    v6ooo and Svarr Chanston like this.
  3. ollj

    ollj Big Damn Hero

    list of errors (that brings it down to 900 abc files):

    so far I only listened to all songs in maestro (and I did not check for the current incompatibility with "K: C Maj" that crashes clients, but i found a few of those, too)


    bad files:

    Black Sabbath - N.I.B.
    Cab Calloway - Minnie The Moocher
    Cake - The Distance
    Cat Stevens - Morning Has Broken
    Dream On
    Katy Perry - Hot n Cold
    Los Lobos - Cancion Del Mariachi
    Louie Louie - Lute
    Mt. Ordeal , wrong file format
    piano man
    Tchaikovsky - Nutcracker Overture
    Various - La Bamba (is also bad namespace and likely a dupe, too)

    , all have "unexpected characters" that are incompartible with maestro, and likely other programs.

    sometimes its "\" "|" (or instead of []) or "I" (capital i) to set an instrument for lotro.

    2001 , is an empty file and its not the name of the song.


    duplicate files:

    bliall EQUALS Blink 182 - All the small Things
    crebad EQUALS Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising
    Danger Zone EQUALS DangerZone
    DannyBoy EQUALS Danny Boy (2)
    dieall EQUALS Die Toten Hosen - Alles aus Liebe
    halint EQUALS Halo Intro
    hotelbass EQUALS Hotel California - Bass ,,, and 2 other hupes
    huepow EQUALS Heuy Lewis - Power of love
    labamba EQUALS la bamba
    Star Wars EQUALS StarWars
    X-Files EQUALS X Files

    hors... has 3 duplicate files
    trog... has a few dupes

    "Europe - inal Countdown" IS-A-DUPLICATE with a bad name
    Hakuna Matata (2) IS-A-DUPLICATE with a bad name

    Impression that I get ,, seems to have instrument tracks missing
    Jurrasicpark - horn ,, seems to have instrument tracks missing

    bad namespaces (these are just a waste of space and cause duplicate entries):

    Bohemian... IS LIKE queen... ,,, too many versions of that song too far apart
    "Theme -" is just a dumb namespace to add to a song name. get rid of all of it
    "Various -" is just a dumb namespace to add to a song name. get rid of all of it

    I didnt even check for dupes on all of these, but i am sure 50% of those are dupes.


    abc files with multiple abc tracks in a single file (maestro can read those, but i doubt abc files are meant to be like that. starbound does not have those in mind yet):

    Aha - Take on Me
    America - Horse with no Name
    Doors - Light my Fire
    Eminem - Mockingbird
    Heart - Barracuda
    Little Fuge
    Police - Message in a Bottle
    Various - Chicken Dance
    Various - Wake Me Up

    Last edited: Dec 25, 2013
  4. thelux

    thelux Poptop Tamer

    Ollj – The abc230 pack is not yet merged in, but your song/namespace suggestions have been applied, more than 100 in total. Thank you for the contribution!

    I also updated the FAQ to include a recommendation for v6ooo’s extended songbook mod.

    I talked to the folks I normally play with and our initial thought was not to put song packs / artists into sub-directories for the time being. Two reasons for this: a) the directories quickly overflow the song list width, making it impossible for people without mods to use the collection. b) At present one big list is easier to sort alphabetically, rather than by alphabetically within each folder. The main use case where this matters is for friends to find the same song easily when playing in a band, since they just need the prefix, not the pack name + prefix. That said, I am curious how people prefer to search for songs?

    Ideally there would be find by artist, find by song name, but search alone will probably make the whole interaction a lot easier. I realize as people convert entire CDs, the collection could become unwieldy. Perhaps there needs to be some kind of ‘unsorted’ or ‘misc’ directory, and another set of album or pack directories which have semantic “artist name – album name”. Open to ideas on this.
    v6ooo likes this.
  5. ollj

    ollj Big Damn Hero

    You use folders for groups because starbound likes folders.
    You sort by game-theme, movie-theme and other recorded music. Using folders for that easily makes it optional to put all files out of each folder.

    Artist names are irrelevant for midi quality unless the song name is too ambiguous. And starbounds browser does not show too many characters. That's why you remove artist names or put them at the end of filenames. And you can always make a FOLDER to sort by artist. But that option fades away if you a re dumb enough to put the artist name it the start of a filename. Same foes for movie and game titles.

    Names of groups never belong at the start of multiple file names. They belong at the start of a folder name instead!
    because folders can be renamed or removed more easily

    For multitrack songs, I put a number for each instrument at the start of the file and make a folder named by the song. some tracks can easily be merged, shown by having multiple numbers at the start.

    At one point you have multiple versions of the same melody. I use subfolders that are just named with a simple number to separate piano versions with <4 tracks from orchestral versions with >4 tracks, number showing the number of tracks. that way if you have a group of 3 you easily find songs with 3 tracks. sort alphabetically or by track-count by shuffling folders.

    a subfolder named "x" puts all less sorted items on the top of the list, leaving "y" and "z" reserved for more important things.

    pack names are absolutely irrelevant.

    a zip archive in your music folder keeps songs there but they wont show up for the game.


    or you can just upload 200 songs named "title" with no metadata in them.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2013
  6. aleaallee

    aleaallee Big Damn Hero

    could you add night moves from bob seger and songs from creedence clearwater revival please?
  7. Bladetrain3r

    Bladetrain3r Big Damn Hero

    Duke Nukem 3D Song (Grabbag) in 3 parts

    Attached Files:

  8. Theyoussef123

    Theyoussef123 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Can you tell me exactly what song packs are in this mega-pack?
  9. Terashi

    Terashi Pangalactic Porcupine

    Let's see.

    No Castlevania - Bloody Tears
    No Chrono Trigger AT AL
    No FF8 - Force Your Way
    Only Linkin Park song you've got is In The End
    More than one Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
    No Zelda - Song of Healing
    Way too much country music

    ...yup, this collection is rubbish.
  10. availablespace

    availablespace Space Hobo

    After long google search and comparison, i finally find a simply method to download ABC song to MP3, WAV, M4A, FLAC, AAC on Mac or Windows [​IMG]
  11. bobbilc

    bobbilc Void-Bound Voyager

    Is shadow is israphel in this?
  12. kidthig

    kidthig Void-Bound Voyager

    can yo uget the mask of zorro theme
  13. Starproject

    Starproject Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    can you please update this
  14. geralt2

    geralt2 Void-Bound Voyager

    so you have MGS main theme but no "rules of nature" you are a failure
  15. Bannnana_boat

    Bannnana_boat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  16. Dnksh

    Dnksh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Cheri cheri lady would be great

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