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"Save game not found" need help (SOLVED)

Discussion in 'Support' started by diego.paoleli, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. diego.paoleli

    diego.paoleli Space Hobo

    Hello Concernedape.

    First, I love the game and want to play it for a long time and indicates it to my friends.

    I'm having a problem with my save file, when having to LOAD the message "NOT SAVED GAME FOUND" already researched on various topics and not found solution due to the fact that the steam cloud backs up the corrupt file. I will leave just below the link of my save folder copied from the address "roaming / stardew" I ask you to check the problem, because even that is captivating the game, losing a 50 hour progress is sad.
    For now Thank you, and sorry for agreement errors, really needed google translate, because I am Brazilian and I have difficulties with English.

    • diego.paoleli

      diego.paoleli Space Hobo

      solved directly by concernedape...

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