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Save Backups Questions

Discussion in 'Support' started by gabieppsilva, Jan 30, 2021.

  1. gabieppsilva

    gabieppsilva Space Hobo

    Hi! I'm confused about something. I tried finding the answer on Stardew Valley WIKI and others, but couldn't. So sorry for making a new thread. :confused:

    My question is:

    I copied my save files today (January 30th) as a backup. If I play tomorrow and afterwards, do I have to copy my save files again so I have an updated backup? Like, do I have to do this every time I play the game to have the most recent playthrough backup? For example: if I played again on February 8th but something goes wrong when I try to play on February 9th, if I restore my save from this backup I made on January 30th, will it be my playthrough from January 30th? Or it will be updated (from the last time I played it, therefore from February 8th)?

    Thank you so much for your attention! :casper:

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