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RELEASED SAIL MentalModel-I401 1.0

Anime Girl S.A.I.L. from Arpeggio of BLUE-STEEL [蒼き鋼のアルペジオ].

  1. ryomaco_514

    ryomaco_514 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Luna likes this.
  2. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    Have her as a Ningen SAIL character :D
  3. ryomaco_514

    ryomaco_514 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2015
  4. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    Yep, I'm waiting for it as well. And say, when we'll have a Takao SAIL? And if we'll have a base to sprite our Anime SAILs, I imagine many KanColle SAILs being uploaded here soon!
    ryomaco_514 likes this.
  5. Pohany

    Pohany Parsec Taste Tester

    Thanks again! [​IMG]
    ryomaco_514 and Hatsya Souji like this.
  6. Rider91

    Rider91 Void-Bound Voyager

    Just a curious thought, i wonder if there's a way to include a NPC of her to walk around the ship as well that would bring up the same interface as the wall computer
    ryomaco_514 and Pohany like this.
  7. ryomaco_514

    ryomaco_514 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    TAKAO!! YES I DO!! and HYUGA too!!! (I think I need a little time.)
    But about KanColle, There is a possibility that violates the FanMade Rules by DMM.
    It seems dont make a game that made it the theme.
    I will try ask DMM, but I think had better not expect.[DOUBLEPOST=1423064030][/DOUBLEPOST]
    It's looks great! Thank you for fun!![DOUBLEPOST=1423064278][/DOUBLEPOST]
    It's great Idea!! But I'm sorry to I can not make it.
    Hey, Please Someone make it!
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2015
    Pohany likes this.
  8. Rider91

    Rider91 Void-Bound Voyager

    if i was any good i'd make it, but i currently have no clue how to do the mods lol
  9. ryomaco_514

    ryomaco_514 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    スクリーンショット 2015-02-05 9.25.16.png
    I'm working on it.
    Pohany, Hatsya Souji and Rider91 like this.
  10. Rider91

    Rider91 Void-Bound Voyager

    well i think i'm going to attempt to make the NPC for the ship and i'll let you know if i succeed or not. if all goes great for IONA i might make one for each AI you make and add them into the overall mod.

    if i do get a functional NPC mod of it i will definitely post a link to your mod because it would go together perfectly i think

    [quick update]

    i made a little progress, got the NPC to spawn.

    i still need to lock its look so it doesn't generate a random - looking NPC.
    i still need to build a spawner for in-game that works
    need to get the vanity clothing done aswell - head, chest, legs.

    i also have had little luck attaching the AI S.A.I.L. interface to the NPC
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2015
    ryomaco_514 likes this.
  11. ryomaco_514

    ryomaco_514 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ryomaco_514 updated I-401 MentalModel Installer with a new update entry:

    1.2 - TAKAO added.

    Read the rest of this update entry...[DOUBLEPOST=1423157174][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Wow! Sounds great. Just exciting.[DOUBLEPOST=1423157615][/DOUBLEPOST]Now, TAKAO included this mod. I'm wondering is, should I release TAKAO as another MOD?
    or, I put together in one place all of "Arpeggio" MentalModels?

    How do you think?
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2015
  12. Rider91

    Rider91 Void-Bound Voyager

    i think putting them together in the download giving them the choice to pick the AI they want

    .-. i wish i knew how to do the visual part of clothing
  13. Rider91

    Rider91 Void-Bound Voyager

    good news, the spawner actually works and fixed the crafting recipie for it too, still no luck with the looks tho [i have started on clothing :D pixel by pixel]
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2015
    ryomaco_514 likes this.
  14. ryomaco_514

    ryomaco_514 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ryomaco_514 updated I-401 MentalModel Installer with a new update entry:

    1.3 - Added HYUGA, and Updated IONA.

    Read the rest of this update entry...[DOUBLEPOST=1423486199][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Really sounds good. Nice job, Good Luck.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
  15. Rider91

    Rider91 Void-Bound Voyager

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
  16. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    I think all you have to do is add...

      "interactAction" : "OpenAiInterface"
    ...to the npc file. I know adding that line to other objects opens up the S.A.I.L. interface just like the tech station. Don't know if that works for npc files though.
  17. Rider91

    Rider91 Void-Bound Voyager

    i tiried that one - no luck, i think it will have to be setup in the .lua code like the merchant stuff, currently messing around with that to find out
  18. ⑨Cirno⑨

    ⑨Cirno⑨ Void-Bound Voyager

    I know I'm probably a bad person for asking this but.. can you add *Hyun-Ae and *Mute from the Analogue VN series..? (I want this mod for someone...special...to me, so I can get them into this game)
  19. ryomaco_514

    ryomaco_514 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    In my opinion, it would be good of you make. Because, although I have made it because I love Arpeggio,but I don't know Hyun-Ae.
    If I make it, It will not make sure good visual.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
  20. Rider91

    Rider91 Void-Bound Voyager

    .-. stuck on the last 2 parts of the NPC. they both seem impossible to get right mainly because i haven't seen or heard of anyone figuring it out

    1 > making it so the right look spawns on the npc
    2 > access to the AI interface through the npc. [ if i can atleast get this part i will upload it so people can try to get the right look by mass - spawning ]

    if anyone has ideas about the second part feel free to send me a msg,
    im gonna take a little break form this and work on something else i wanna make

    >> also have you considered making the I-104 a custom ship? i might give it a try but i cant find a decent side-shot for reference to start
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015

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