S.A.I.L Personality

Discussion in 'Other' started by AdventurerJ, May 24, 2016.


Would you like S.A.I.L to have a personality?

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  1. AdventurerJ

    AdventurerJ Orbital Explorer

    There is many things I like about Starbound, such as it's attention to detail, charm, and relative ease to do whatever. But there is one thing I don't like. The fact that S.A.I.L is an uninteresting A.I. I wish S.A.I.L Personality could be implemented. If you want a good example, search up the A.V.I.A.N mod, which gives your S.A.I.L a personality. It's a really good mod. I always saw the S.A.I.L as a companion, but just less interesting. What I want is S.A.I.L to have different personalities, depending on which species you are.

    Human-Humans have been known for being bold and explorative, so make the S.A.I.L reflect that. Make it so that S.A.I.L always want you to explore and discover new regions and planets.

    Apex-Apex has been known to be very intelligent, so make S.A.I.L as smart. Make S.A.I.L use higher thinking vocabulary, not enough that only a genius can understand, but enough to show that S.A.I.L is very intelligent.

    Avain-Avians have been known to nice and considerate birds, when they are not trying to hunt you down. Make S.A.I.L a nice and considerate A.I who can get a little hot-headed at times.

    Hylotl-The Hylotl has been known to peace keeping fish that place a lot of values to tradition. Make S.A.I.L a pacifist who wish they could keep their tradition alive, but knows they have to fight to survive

    Glitch-The Glitch has been known to rely on medieval values and see problems as logic puzzles. Make S.A.I.L reference the medieval times and research ahead of time to see if there is any problems, acting as a guardian. Talking all the and the and thou, my liege using medieval terms. (Lintton's Idea)

    Floran-The Floran has been known to be aggressive hunters, stealing and adapting any technology they may find. S.A.I.L could be an Apex S.A.I.L that only helps because he would be scrap metal otherwise (Zerukoba's idea)

    Novakid-The Novakids has been known to be wild with short attention spans. S.A.I.L could as wild as the Novakid and be a little forgetful at times, not enough to be annoying, but enough to be funny and charming.

    I'm not asking for a deep backstory of S.A.I.L, i'm just asking for S.A.I.L to have different personalities so it charming like the rest of the game.
    If this have been implemented or being planed to be implemented, sorry for the inconvenience.
    Last edited: May 26, 2016
  2. Zerukoba

    Zerukoba Pangalactic Porcupine

    Floran ship is a stolen Avain ship iirc. I think having an Avain S.A.I.L from your example also apply to them but they will always be hot headed and only help due to being otherwise scrap metal at that point. Heck, if you want to go full story mode with it then have the S.A.I.L grow to like the Floran overtime to maybe even liking them more than their old Avain master.

    I like the idea and it would make a great mod idea if nothing else but I believe S.A.I.L was standardize because they needed him to be a real character for 1.0 story. These ideas may not work with that they have planned.
    Last edited: May 24, 2016
    AdventurerJ likes this.
  3. AdventurerJ

    AdventurerJ Orbital Explorer

    Well the idea is out there it just depends if the developers or modders make this idea into a reality, this is a basis so anyone can think of what they want, Zerukoba you do make a good point. Thank you.
  4. AdventurerJ

    AdventurerJ Orbital Explorer

    Also the Floran Ship is a overgrown version of the Apex ship (correct me if i'm wrong).
  5. Wingidon

    Wingidon Phantasmal Quasar

    Floran Ship is at first an overgrown Apex ship... with pieces of other ships slapped in. When it is upgraded it's a mixup of most of the other races' ships.

    Now, the Glitch S.A.I.L. does actually have some degree of personality (it calls you "my liege", calls most of the procedures to activate your tools a "ritual), it's just that it only happens with it's first commands when you've just started the game (greeting you atfer you reboot, activating the teleporter and manipulator. Nothing else after that). After that it just says the same as the rest of the S.A.I.L.s.
  6. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

    Zerukoba is correct: They had individual personalities (to a greater or lesser extent) previously, but Chucklefish removed them deliberately in order to try to unify S.A.I.L as a character across all species for the purposes of the story mode (a decision I will deliberately defy in my mods).
  7. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    human- I kinda like the current one.

    Apex- technobabble, handles errors with with guru meditations.

    Avian -nice and friendly ui, BUT HANDLES ERRORS HARSHLY IN ALL CAPS.

    glitch- "yes my liege!" with thees and thous ,'tis perfect. handles errors with ye olden talk trying to decribe technobabble.
  8. Taink

    Taink Subatomic Cosmonaut

    They said in their video about 1.0 that S.A.I.L. became a full character into the storyline, and not just an A.I. I don't really know what they were meaning when they said that, but I guess they gave him a basic personality. If by chance it is a really full character, this will be great !
  9. GeneralBaB

    GeneralBaB Void-Bound Voyager

    :poke:Ya, this idea really sounds good and if the developers are going to notice it, it has to be before 1.0, though. This isn't something that could be implemented after 1.0.

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