Modding Help Running into the generic item wall once again.

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Hypertasty, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. Hypertasty

    Hypertasty Void-Bound Voyager

    Here's what I have thus far. I'm trying to create a decorative game object with the bone bed as the base. Intending for it to be animated (floating lid). Sadly I can't seem to get it right, as it only appears as the dreaded generic object in my crafting window.
    Attached is the entire setup for it, so a quick glance over from someone would be great. Most likely it's a comma out of place or something. ;(

    Spoiler is a quick view of the object file, more in depth example in the attached zip.

    "objectName": "uraniumenricher",
    "rarity": "Common",
    "category": "decorative",
    "price": "100",
    "description": "A uranium enricher.",
    "shortdescription": "Uranium Enricher",
    "race": "generic",
    "apexDescription": "XX?",
    "avianDescription": "XX.",
    "floranDescription": "XX.",
    "glitchDescription": "XX.",
    "humanDescription": "XX.",
    "hylotlDescription": "XX?",
    "statusEffects": [
    "kind": "Warmth",
    "amount": 20,
    "range": 5
    "inventoryIcon": "uraniumenicon.png",
    "orientations": [
    "Image": "uraniumenricher.png:<color>.<frame>",
    "imagePosition": [
    "frames": 6,
    "animationCycle": 0.5,
    "spaceScan": 0.1,
    "anchors": [

    Attached Files:

      File size:
      5.2 KB
  2. Westeller

    Westeller Space Penguin Leader

    I didn't get a generic item. It showed up in my crafting list at the crafting table, as you had it set.
    Unfortunately, trying to select it crashed the game, because it's missing the image used for the description thingy.


    You can fix this a few ways, such as by making another image and using it for that spot, but I think the way that suits you is to change your image code a tiiiiny bit..

      "orientations": [
      "dualImage": "uraniumenricher.png:<color>.<frame>",
      "imagePosition": [
      "frames": 6,
      "animationCycle": 0.5,
      "spaceScan": 0.1,
      "anchors": [
    As you can see, the only change I made was to write "dual" in front of "Image". This tells the game, I guess, that you're using this for both images, instead of assigning separate. The guy below me says all you need to do is change the I in Image to a lowercase, so that might work, too. Dunno. Now, either way, you'll have to assign a 'default' frame in your .frames file so that it knows which frame to use, or you'll just confuse it. Default.#, the way you have it, doesn't tell it which to use, but that's easy to fix:

      "frameGrid" : {
      "size" : [48, 24],
      "dimensions" : [6, 1],
      "names" : [
      [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5" ]
      "aliases" : {
      "default.default" : "default.0"
    Without assigning a default frame, you end up with this:


    Some bugs and whatnot, but it's not a generic item!
    Make sure you've installed it right, if you're getting one.

    With the .object "Image" change and the extra lines in .frames, it works perfectly~
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
    Nightmares likes this.
  3. Eathed

    Eathed Pangalactic Porcupine

    It work almost fine for me when I set it up. In the .object file you have "Image". You should use a lowercase i or the game will crash. How are you setting up the folders? Here is my setup for it. I changed the "Image" thing and I made it so you can craft it without a crafting table so it was easier to test.

    Attached Files:

  4. Hypertasty

    Hypertasty Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks a bunch both of ya'll! This is only my second day trying my hand at modding, so mistakes are bound to plague me for a while. Really appreciate it!
  5. Westeller

    Westeller Space Penguin Leader

    No problem. I'm sure you noticed I edited my post half a dozen times. Helping others is a good way to learn yourself =p

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