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RoR Server List

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SkyHunter, Nov 9, 2013.

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  1. SkyHunter

    SkyHunter Void-Bound Voyager

    These are Servers by other players, so if you forwarded your ports and want people to join your Server you can add your Server to the list :)
    • Dzumeister

      Dzumeister Subatomic Cosmonaut

      I'm having trouble connecting to servers. When I try, I keep getting an ERROR message saying that I've been Disconnected From Host. Am I doing something wrong?

      Also, sometimes I get another message saying 'Host Version 1.0.0'. I looked in my SteamApps folder and Risk of Rain is still at 1.0.0 in properties. Does Steam auto-patch and I just don't realize it??
      • Burby

        Burby Phantasmal Quasar

        I redownloaded the game recently to try and update it, but the file properties still say it's version 1.0.0. What this means for the Steam updated version, I don't know.
        • SkyHunter

          SkyHunter Void-Bound Voyager

          Hey guys, I made a huge update today.
          There are no new features but the page should be waaayyy faster now :)
          I had so much traffic that at some point the page took about 5 seconds to load, lets see if it will work better now :D
          One thing I missed is the sorting after the rating on start but I'm too tired now to make it work... already 03:00am and got to work tomorow >.>
          Have fun!
            FelixJames likes this.
          • Dzumeister

            Dzumeister Subatomic Cosmonaut

            Ugh, I'm still getting Disconnected From Host and other Error messages.
            • meow247

              meow247 Pangalactic Porcupine

              disconnected by host means either the game already started or it is full
                SkyHunter likes this.
              • SkyHunter

                SkyHunter Void-Bound Voyager

                - Account system
                - Shoutbox
                - Fixed rating sorting
                • Sir_Light

                  Sir_Light Intergalactic Tourist

                  Don't listen to this guy, he's 100% wrong.
                  • meow247

                    meow247 Pangalactic Porcupine

                    ok Mister IAmAlwaysRight :V
                    • Mrfahrenheit742

                      Mrfahrenheit742 Intergalactic Tourist

                      How do I edit the max players on my server? It stops showing as open once 4 people join.
                      • meow247

                        meow247 Pangalactic Porcupine

                        open the prefs file

                        and find 'max_player_online=4'
                        change the 4 to whatever number. max player that can join a game is 10
                        • Mrfahrenheit742

                          Mrfahrenheit742 Intergalactic Tourist

                          Where do I find the prefs file?
                          • meow247

                            meow247 Pangalactic Porcupine

                            Program Files > Steam > steamapps > common > Risk of Rain > prefs.ini
                              Mrfahrenheit742 likes this.
                            • Bumpeh

                              Bumpeh Aquatic Astronaut

                              Sweet, this is awesome! I post my server on there.
                              • DemonWTF

                                DemonWTF Space Hobo

                                Somebody please delete the Sever named : Demon by DemonWOR
                                I forgot my password and can't edit it
                                • SkyHunter

                                  SkyHunter Void-Bound Voyager

                                  Hey guys,

                                  the page is down for a few hours because I have to switch my server. I'm currently uploading the image of the server to my new one :)

                                  Edit: Page is back online :)
                                    Last edited: Mar 1, 2014
                                  • asdfzxc920

                                    asdfzxc920 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    Site's down again.
                                    • A_Nagger

                                      A_Nagger Space Hobo

                                      Site's still down. :(
                                      • Darkmoone1

                                        Darkmoone1 Void-Bound Voyager

                                        It's back up I believe. Was able to find a nice game on Monsoon(and its still up and running, in game though).
                                        • LunarLion

                                          LunarLion Void-Bound Voyager

                                          It's still down for me, I dunno why.
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