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Bug/Issue Rock Placement in Southern Exit of Farm

Discussion in 'Support' started by Xylia, Feb 27, 2016.

  1. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    There's a rock placement in the very southern exit of your farm, that if you try to enter your farm from the south, you'll get stuck inside of this rock and be unable to move, and the only way out of it is to either close the game, or keep swinging a tool until you pass out from exhaustion. The first tile inside of the farm on all of the borders should be grass to prevent this from happening.

    Also, in the Mines, I got stuck because I was half inside of a down stairway that popped ontop of me when I killed the last enemy in a green area, but there was a blue bag laying on the floor I wanted to examine, but I had to pass it up because the stairs spawned ontop of me and I couldn't move.

    Could we, maybe, get some sort of unstick thingie, or maybe make stairs pop at least 2-3 tiles away from the player?

    Also, should more down ladders be appearing if there's already one down ladder in the level already?
    • vxxo0oxxv

      vxxo0oxxv Void-Bound Voyager

      Ditto, this also happens to me.

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