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Outdated Rise of the Hylotl 1.8 - Dungeons Fixed

Hylotl-themed dungeons, lore-based armors, weapons, items, tiles, objects, etc.

  1. Sephu

    Sephu Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Deleting this line entirely doesn't work, You have to edit it to "[]". Thanks for the heads up, And thanks for getting a fix out there. Love this mod.
  2. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    all of the above worked for me. thanks guys!

    edit: that being said, it seems like much of a grind. I mean, 6k for one plant? eee c'mon man.
    oh well. I'll probably get back into it when more content is added and/or the Floran/Hylotl relationship improves.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2014
  3. Otherworlder

    Otherworlder Void-Bound Voyager

    So, will your file read as follows:

    "name" : "riseofthehylotl",
    "version" : "Beta v. Enraged Koala",
    "path" : ".",
    "dependencies" : []


    Mine isn't working. Do we have to change the version if using stable, if so, what do we call it now?
  4. Silavor

    Silavor Pangalactic Porcupine

    Do you have any other mods that could be giving you issues? My RotH.modinfo file looks exactly like what you posted here, and it works fine for me.
  5. Otherworlder

    Otherworlder Void-Bound Voyager

    Only these two mods: Species Extension and Avali Race Mod.

    Also, @seancruz: I hope you don't mind us players doing these quick edits to our downloaded files in order to get the mod running again while you are busy. I know I enjoy your work so much that I just want to be able to play RotH and build with it even though Chucklefish's updates outdated the last RotH update.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2014
  6. Silavor

    Silavor Pangalactic Porcupine

    What specifically is going wrong when you try to load the game? I switched out my mods so I only have the modified RotH, Species Extension, and the Avali, but there doesn't seem to be anything wrong.
  7. Otherworlder

    Otherworlder Void-Bound Voyager

    Wow. I figured it out. It was "user error". I accidently saved my updates to the RotH.modinfo to my back-up folder and not the one in the /mod folder. /duncehat

    Thanks for your response, Silavor!

    Last edited: Mar 8, 2014
  8. Silavor

    Silavor Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ah, alright. At least everything worked out in the end. :D
  9. Otherworlder

    Otherworlder Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes, I got it running and renewed my search for Hylotl's on a planet. Finally found one too. Sadly no NPCs were spawning in it.
  10. Sh0elace

    Sh0elace Phantasmal Quasar

    Hylotls are my favourite race and if I used mods I would probably use this.:D
    Looks awesome!
  11. Efa43

    Efa43 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm getting the same thing. I've been scouring the galaxy and got so excited when I finally found a small hylotl-style house but there were no NPCs. It seemed like the same small house was appearing over and over but no sign of a monastery or village yet.
  12. Otherworlder

    Otherworlder Void-Bound Voyager

    That's exactly what's happening with me. I must have passed 6+ houses so far. All the same. Missing the same door. Totally empty.
  13. Glitchtonite

    Glitchtonite Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hey any new update coming for enraged koala?
  14. Gerhardt

    Gerhardt Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey can you help me every time i try to start my game with the mod an error appears. Its like that : StarExecption: Mod dependecies from a cycle
    _Function_handler<void (String)

    Do you have an Idea how I can fix it?
  15. Superfluous_Helium

    Superfluous_Helium Intergalactic Tourist

    Dear Seancruz,

    I am having a very difficult time launching Starbound with your mod. I've been looking up installation tutorials for mods in general, but I still haven't figured out what I need to do to make yours work. I've edited the .modinfo file to the current version of Starbound, but I keep encountering an error every time I launch Starbound that states "mod dependencies form a cycle". If I'm right, this exception is causing a loop. I noticed in the .modinfo file that there is a line of code in brackets that says "dependencies" but I don't know if that is the problem. With Starbound updating how it handles mods, I'm just not sure what to do now. If you have the solution, or any ideas as to fixing it, please instruct me.
  16. Silavor

    Silavor Pangalactic Porcupine

    You're right about the .modinfo file having a bad dependency, due to some engine changes in the past few Starbound updates. The same issue first popped up at the end of page 8 of this thread. The fix is to edit the .modinfo file to read:

    "name" : "riseofthehylotl",
    "version" : "Beta v. Enraged Koala",
    "path" : ".",
    "dependencies" : []

  17. Superfluous_Helium

    Superfluous_Helium Intergalactic Tourist

    Thanks! I will go try it out.
  18. Superfluous_Helium

    Superfluous_Helium Intergalactic Tourist

    Does deleting the lines "interactable" make them interactable or allow the game to run?
  19. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Ketchup Robot

    Right I've also got the no NPC issue. I don't know what it is but something in the files must be messing with NPC generation. Either that or a mod is conflicting, I remember seeing this issue between the Avali Mod and MMN mod where the Avali NPC's wouldn't generate because MMN had a merchant file it no longer needed and it was by mistake not removed. Could this be the same instance?
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
  20. Superfluous_Helium

    Superfluous_Helium Intergalactic Tourist

    Has anyone found a fix for the missing NPC's in villages and monasteries? I've found that only Healing Centers have Hylotl NPCs in my game.

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