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Outdated Rise of the Hylotl 1.8 - Dungeons Fixed

Hylotl-themed dungeons, lore-based armors, weapons, items, tiles, objects, etc.

  1. pixiesquisher

    pixiesquisher Big Damn Hero

    Does anyone have a basic guide as how to get it working? I installed directly into the assets folder on the server, and manually edited the player and planet config. Still no dice, sadly. I must be missing something.
  2. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    To be honest, I've no experience with servers. I'm just a feeble artist with no programming experience or anything of that sort. :/
  3. pixiesquisher

    pixiesquisher Big Damn Hero

    No worries! I'll leave the post up in hopes somebody who has done this sort of thing before notices it. Server modding seems to be a bit... tricky, to say the least. Thanks anyway!
  4. telles0808

    telles0808 Cosmic Narwhal

    Wow, amazing mod!
  5. pixiesquisher

    pixiesquisher Big Damn Hero

    This is the best mod I've come across. A MUST have!
  6. Pawtendo

    Pawtendo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I keep seeing a blue dot in front of me as i walk with the diamond lantern..
  7. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Ketchup Robot

    I noticed the furniture added by this mod is found in the weapons tab on any crafting like table... shouldn't they go into the furniture tab lol :p
  8. Ravenholme

    Ravenholme Big Damn Hero

    It shouldn't be, because of the way servers are run they crib assets straight from the Starbound Mod folder as they would your clientside one. I run an onsite server, so I just put it into my own installs' mods folder, but I imagine if you have a hosted server that gives you access to the root directory it should be the same thing. Just drop the RotH folder into the mods folder and it should run there after you restart the server (but clients need it installed locally, too)
  9. Bpenden

    Bpenden Space Hobo

    Hi I downloaded this mod and I have no idea about getting it to work. It downloaded for me as a Nexus Mod (for I have a Nexus Mod Manager that apparently takes .rar files) and it came as one file, not a zipped anything. It says that it is active but when I went to my 3D printer, my Robot Table and my Metal Work Station, I didn't see any crafting differences. How do I know it's working, that is if I have proceeded correctly.
  10. Ravenholme

    Ravenholme Big Damn Hero

    Well, it won't be working right now, because it's not been updated for the latest update. You -could- go into your starbound/mods/riseofthehylotl folder and edit the modinfo file to change the version name to that of the latest version. However, I suspect, from trouble that others have been having with changed code for spawning of villages etc (Specifically the Avali Race Mod), that it will not work as intended.
  11. Silavor

    Silavor Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't suppose this will be updated to Enraged Koala any time soon?
  12. Otherworlder

    Otherworlder Void-Bound Voyager

    There's nothing quite like spending hours farming, monster grinding, and raiding buildings for blocks, only to have it all turned into stacks of "perfectly generic items". /sadfish

    Hopefully we'll have our Hylotl 'hot tubs' and tea back soon.

    /makes bubbles
  13. XxSilentShadow2

    XxSilentShadow2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Was about to play then I realised it needed updating...
  14. Szympion

    Szympion Void-Bound Voyager

    So this doesn't work with new update right?
  15. Otherworlder

    Otherworlder Void-Bound Voyager

    Correct, until the mod is updated.
  16. XxSilentShadow2

    XxSilentShadow2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have just found a way to update the mod myself, Not sure if I am allowed to do it but you just change the .modinfo with notepad++ and change it from "Furious Koala" to Enraged Koala"

    (Sorry mod owner if I am not allowed to do this.)
    Shadewarp likes this.
  17. Shadewarp

    Shadewarp Pangalactic Porcupine

    You are allowed, but the mod creator can't take responsibility for harm to your game by doing so. Some things may not work, be broken with old code and so on.

    I know for a fact that you also need to rename the file: planetgen to worldgen, or dungeons won't spawn. And don't expect chairs/beds or anything else that is used to lounge in to work either.
  18. XxSilentShadow2

    XxSilentShadow2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I didn't know about changing the planet gen thing so I guess I'll do that now.
  19. green3y3

    green3y3 Pangalactic Porcupine

    as for beds and stools, go to the objects folder, find their .object file and replace those lines:

    "objectType" : "interactable",
    "interactAction" : "sitdown",

    with this one:

    "objectType" : "loungeable",

    (Found it here, posted by DrTrevers)

    Besides, I hope the author will continue his awful work on this great mod :up:
  20. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    Hey guys, I so apologize, I really can't update right now. Super busy with work. I'll be traveling soon, to make things worse. I don't mind if someone provides a guide to update it manually at all, until I get the time to update it myself.

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