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Outdated Rise of the Hylotl 1.8 - Dungeons Fixed

Hylotl-themed dungeons, lore-based armors, weapons, items, tiles, objects, etc.

  1. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    Yes, I accidentally left an overwrite value in there. However, I've been trying to figure out why only the Monastery Bath dungeon spawns properly with npcs and objects, but every other dungeon does not.
  2. Cauchemare

    Cauchemare Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yep, figured it out already. But not only baths spawn npc. I somehow managed to make first part of monastery spawn npc's too. I can't even imagine what makes them unspawnable. Btw furniture also doesn't spawn in many other dungeons. May I suggest you to try creating new test dungeon from a scratch? Maybe that will help to figure out something
  3. Cauchemare

    Cauchemare Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Btw you seem to keep paying no attention to collisions. Does all your furniture placed right? Also I figured out that spawners have some rules to follow. I mean, I've tried placing them in different places, but only the ones that are 1 block over the ground worked
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2014
  4. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    Yes only the bath dungeon works for some odd reason. And then, in the village, some doors and objects spawn. So it can't be something wrong with the objects, because they all work fine in the bath dungeon. And it's not placement, because everything is placed correctly. I keep checking them in starstructor, and everything is in its proper place, npcs are also one block up. Update 1.6 might show an npc really high in the air for some reason, but the build I'm working on now, it's all fixed and proper, and still doesn't work.

    I did restart the village dungeon from scratch, and it produces the same results. I figured maybe the problem lies in how starstructor changes the code formatting, but that didn't work either. I've really no idea why this is not working.
  5. Cauchemare

    Cauchemare Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, as I said before I've managed to make first part of your monastery (not village) work as planned. Though the second one spawns with only one door and chest inside. I really can't find the reason for that, but maybe you can give me your last build? I'll try to mess with it in starstructor and see what I can do. Since I just love your mod I just can't sit still doing nothing
  6. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    I'll be releasing an update by tonight at least. But most likely, the update will just be taking away all the dungeons except the baths until a solution is found.
  7. Cauchemare

    Cauchemare Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've done the same thing already. As soon as I get back home I'll show you my build
  8. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    seancruz updated Rise of the Hylotl with a new update entry:

    Small Fix to Dungeons

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. Jaxzilla

    Jaxzilla Void-Bound Voyager

    I'd like to preface this quickly by saying I am not a modder, I'm just some nerd on the internet with a hunch and too much time on my hands. :D

    At some point prior to the update that caused the issues with the dependency, there was another update that changed the way beds and chairs are called on. It broke the RotH dungeons in the exact same way they are now (missing furniture, mass spawning, bath house still working for whatever reason). Our little private server's admin was able to adjust the files in a way that fixed it, but I honestly have no idea what he did, but I do know that the only files he modified were the beds, stools, and the modinfo to change the beta version.

    So! I downloaded Notepad++ and did a little spelunking. Like I said, I'm not a modder, so I pulled up the chair and bed files from the Avali mod (a mod that also had a similar issue when the changes to chairs/beds were made), which has fully functional settlements as of right now, and did a little hackjob that looks like this:


    And I can confirm that this did fix the gshome2 golden sponge home dungeon type.

    I did something similar to the monastery bed and stool files, and can confirmed that this did not fix the monastery2 monastery dungeon type.

    I haven't been able to track down any instances of monastery, gshome, or the large villages to say whether or not my butchering did anything for them. Nor have I since found a bath house to confirm that my meddling didn't break them in the process.

    My plan had been to try to find instances of everything to see what was still broken, and then try to further mangle your code to try to remove any chairs and beds in the broken layouts to see if that would get the rest of the objects and the NPCs to spawn, but I just haven't had the time to have a go at it yet.

    But hopefully this at least gives you some place to start bug-hunting. :)
    Silavor and seancruz like this.
  10. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    This is definitely so helpful! I'll soon get on to this! Thanks so much! I had no idea about the bed/chair issue.
  11. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    So I changed the beds and stools. GShome2 works well. I haven't seen GShome1 though. Monastery Villages still do not spawn properly. Monasteries 1 and 2 do not even spawn at all for some odd reason. Currently taking out monbeds to see if the lack of beds makes things spawn right.

    EDIT: taking out the bed makes the villagecenter part of the villages to spawn correctly. However, if the villagecenter part spawns with the other village parts, it breaks. Hmm.
  12. Jenerix525

    Jenerix525 Void-Bound Voyager

    It is worth considering that the monastery item set includes the monastery cooking table, a crafting-bench style 'interactable'. I haven't seen the baths but beds, stools and cooking tables feel a little off from a bath-house thematically. I could maybe see the stools being included.

    Probably not the issue, since these are also the case for the baths, but all the .dungeon files seem to call up a ridiculous number of avian dungeon resources.
    Also, the Hylotl Guard Captain is listed as:
    "species": "avian"
  13. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    Figured it out! It's the new monastery cooking table! The villages spawn perfectly without the moncookingtables.

    Did something change for cooking tables in Enraged?
  14. Jaxzilla

    Jaxzilla Void-Bound Voyager

    Ah, I hadn't thought about that. Although I can say that I was getting the same weird, broken generation on the golden sponge layouts before I tweaked the bed/stool files as I was getting on the monasteries. It's like a perfect storm of crap chucklefish forgot to tell us about.

    And I noticed all the extra guff in the dungeon file as well, but I didn't really know what to think of it. The only programming knowledge I have under my belt is a year of AP comp sci in high school. And that was java, not.. whatever this is. And not to mention that was 6 years ago. >_>; So all I can really do at this point is cross-check things against files I know are working as intended and try to find the discrepancies.

    Lemme go poke around my mod folders some more and see if I see any glaring differences in syntax between Ryuujin's crafting tables and the monastery stuff.

    [EDIT] OH HEY LOOK AT THAT. A single line of code that appears to be mysteriously absent in the working mod's files. SURELY A SINGLE LINE OF CODE COULD NOT POSSIBLY CAUSE THIS MUCH DAMAGE.


    Dangit all Chucklefish you need to stop changing these things without telling people.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2014
  15. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    So I'll be releasing a new update with the dungeons fixed. Unfortunately, the cooking tables will not be present. You can craft the new medical items and teas in regular wooden tables though.

    I will try to clean out the avian stuff.
  16. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    seancruz updated Rise of the Hylotl with a new update entry:

    Dungeons Fixed!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    elusiveTranscendent likes this.
  17. Jaxzilla

    Jaxzilla Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm still in the process of creative mode fly-hacking my way over planet surfaces to see if removing the objectType line fixed the cooking tables, but I think.. I think I may have a culprit for your terrain issue on the monastery2 layout.

    Every other layout you've created either has ample negative space touching the natural terrain on either side, or has the single negative pixel on either side, in the case of the bath house. Monastery2 is the only one without, and consequently is the only one that feels the need to dig a goofy little hole in the ground to spawn in.

    [EDIT]: I'm just going to leave this here. :lickitung:

    Last edited: Apr 5, 2014
    elusiveTranscendent likes this.
  18. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    ahh yes I continue to forget the issue about the monastery ground. Glad you pointed that out, it helps!

    Nice photo!
    elusiveTranscendent likes this.
  19. Jaxzilla

    Jaxzilla Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm not sure if there's any size limitations on the .png blueprints, but I think extending out the sides a bit and just making sure there's a bit of flat natural terrain on either side of the end of the tiles would make it look a little nicer. I'm sad that it spawned with a little crater right next to the end of the tiles. But oh well, proof of concept! :3


    I'm done spamming your thread now, I promise. <3
    elusiveTranscendent likes this.
  20. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    The object line in the cooking table is the culprit for that, as it was changed a few patches ago so that by default all objects are intractable if designated with an existing interaction type. In this case it being the cooking UI part.

    It was in one of the notes. So that should fix the problem with that.

    That new change makes anything with the object type property redundant in a way.... I believe it was the initial enraged that changed it, but unsure when...
    elusiveTranscendent likes this.

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