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Outdated Rise of the Hylotl 1.8 - Dungeons Fixed

Hylotl-themed dungeons, lore-based armors, weapons, items, tiles, objects, etc.

  1. Glitchtonite

    Glitchtonite Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Im having the same problem only the structure appears the npcs and furniture inside dont come with it
  2. Gila

    Gila Big Damn Hero

    After unzipping it and putting it in my mod folder I tried launching starbound but it wouldn't let me.
  3. Silavor

    Silavor Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't know what to do about the missing NPCs. Someone with actual modding experience will have to sift through the code to find out what's wrong.
  4. Gila

    Gila Big Damn Hero

    I downloaded the fix and put it in the mods folder but im a bit confused about the .modinfo
  5. Gila

    Gila Big Damn Hero

    Any ideas
  6. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Ketchup Robot

    you need to open the .modinfo file and modify it so it has

    "name" : "riseofthehylotl",
    "version" : "Beta v. Enraged Koala",
    "path" : ".",
    "dependencies" : []

    in it.
    you can do so by using C++ or Notepad++
  7. Gila

    Gila Big Damn Hero

    Is there any way to do it without downloading notepad++ or c++
  8. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Ketchup Robot

    In all honesty... you could open it with notepad... but it's a bit of a mess to do so. You are better off downloading and installing either Notepad++ or C++
  9. Silavor

    Silavor Pangalactic Porcupine

    I have not had any issues with using basic Notepad to edit mod files.
  10. Gila

    Gila Big Damn Hero

    It looks like it already has something like the in it
  11. Gila

    Gila Big Damn Hero

    Alright, I finally got it to load... yay
  12. Superfluous_Helium

    Superfluous_Helium Intergalactic Tourist

    Where can I find the wood flooring as seen in the photos? I don't think I can craft it but I haven't seen it elsewhere either.
  13. Gila

    Gila Big Damn Hero

    Are the monasteries already there or do you have to build them?
  14. Superfluous_Helium

    Superfluous_Helium Intergalactic Tourist

    I've seen monasteries on lower level planets but none in 5-10 level ones.
  15. Gila

    Gila Big Damn Hero

    Are they in alpha? Haven't seen any...
  16. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Ketchup Robot

    If you have Variety is the spice of the universe, strangely I've found Monasteries and Hylotl buildings on Toxic type planets, mainly Toxic Forests, Toxic Jungles, ect, ect. Any biome that has moisture in it apparently somehow the buildings spawn on them. Of course there is the issue of no NPC's but that's a bug with RotH itself.
  17. Gila

    Gila Big Damn Hero

    Have you found any of those new plants I have heard about?
  18. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Ketchup Robot

    if you mean the potted plants? then yeah they are in them, you can also use the pixel printer to print them, as well as pretty much every other block in the mod save for the actual plantable items which you get from the crafting tables this mod has. Refer to the description page for that.
  19. Superfluous_Helium

    Superfluous_Helium Intergalactic Tourist

  20. NeutralLimbo

    NeutralLimbo Void-Bound Voyager

    Starbound Error(RoHs) 1.png Starbound Error(RoHs) 2.png I can not seem to run the mod, do these error messages help? I would love to use the mod but no matter what I do it doesn't work, keep in mind I don't understand programming very well. I only extracted the file into the mods folder and when I attempt to run Starbound, this ^ happens. Thank you in advance for the help, I can't wait to run the mod, I want to use it in my lets play.

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