Rylou bolted upright, woken by the explosion. He pulls a piece of metal out of his hand and walks towards the sound of the explosion He taps a Novakid he sees on the shoulder and shrugs as if asking a question.
Lloyd, clearly suprised and embarrassed that he caused more damage than good, dashes out of the opening before anyone can confront him.
Cobalt tells the guy"alright. Stay safe." He then turns to the guy that tapped his shoulder."what's up?"
Kyle looks back to see the horrifying mess that surrounds the doorway, simply stating: "...Sh*t". Before he can ask if anyone's alright (even though they clearly aren't), he sees the culprit run out the opening, trying to escape his consequences. "Oh, son of a..." he mutters, running so he can keep an eye on him so he can't cause any more trouble, but not trying to reach him.
Cobalt, attempting to get what the person is saying, says"oh, you wondering where that came from? Some guy summoned a fireball. If you are wondering what's outside, it's a forest. Hope that answers any questions, kiddo." He then looks for some people to help out of the ship.
Noticing someone following him, Lloyd uses the power of air to aid his speed, dashing out of his pursuer's sight.
Watching as the guilty mage begins to summon something, Kyle stops to make sure he's clear of whatever happens next.
Seeing the commotion, Rylou uses his plant magic to snag the wizard's leg with a vine, then climbs out of the tree.
Tripped by the vine, Lloyd curses, and sends as small a spark as possible at the vine, praying he can control his madiar traits.
Stranger stalks from the shadows and watches as Lloyd escapes the vines. Immediately he summons a fog, causing unease and making Lloyd both lost and uncomfortable
After helping some of the injured out of the ship, cobalt tells the people"we need to get away from this flaming piece of ship. If the flames hit the erchius stores, then we will explode, and die."
Kyle decides to run to to the side of the battle as practically every Madaiar on the expedition start casting spells on eachother with the reckless abandon of a 5th grade dodgeball game.
Rylou walked out between the two people using their magic, raising his hands as if to tell them both to stop.
As the fog dissipates, Stranger jumps in the way of Lloyd and signals him to halt, whilst having his mana shield ready and sword in hand. "Halt, stra- uh person"
@Everyone The air hums with magic as spells are cast in what seems to be a rapidly escalating battle, and just as it appears that things are about to get further out of hand a voice bellows out, ringing painfully in the minds of all who are present. "Enough!" It immediately becomes clear that this voice belongs to a rather stern looking human, "What do you people think you're doing? Here we are, having crash-landed on an unmapped planet with no foreseeable way off, and already you fight amongst yourselves." He sighs, some of the aggression leaving his voice when he speaks up again, "We are trapped here, and I can tell you for certain, Cintal sure as hell ain't coming down here to get us. If we want to get off this rock we're gonna need to work together. As if to further complicate things, from what I understand, we're stuck with a ticking time bomb, primed to wipe this section of the galaxy off the map." He gestures behind himself, prompting the badly burnt apex from before to step beside him and clear his throat, "Yes, I ran a diagnostic on the ship before someone blew up the terminal", he shoots Lloyd an incredibly dirty look before continuing on, "it looks like all active electronics fried during the landing, and as you probably know, the Beacon runs off an experimental red matter drive. The good news is that the stabilisers were protected against EMPs and whatnot, the bad news is the stabilisers are now running off the backup generators and have little more than a few days before they shut off, and if that happens... well then we're all dead." There is a pause as if to let that statement sink in. "The way I see it right now we have three tasks, firstly, we should send a party to search the Neuretic's wreckage, if we're right about all electronics being fried, they shouldn't mind us taking their stuff. Second, it might be worth also searching some of the other nearby crash sites, they were smaller but might have survivors. Finally, if we're gonna be staying here for a while it'd be worth doing some general scouting. Decide amongst yourselves who is going to be doing what tasks, I don't care as long as you get it done, anyone staying behind will be helping me set camp."