Absolutely! ; ) I tried breathing some life into them (Harvey needed some HONEST CPR haha,) by giving them some well-deserved traits. I also - well - expanded upon what little was available with their dialogue. Harvey himself is done, but, I have yet to work on his marriage dialogue, in itself.
D'aw, it's nothing much (//stares at the seas of dialogue, pft)! All's worth it for one of my favorite games of all time. Thanks for tagging along through the efforts, you gem!
Hi, i see that you put a lot of work into this dialogues mod. I read that you had very big pain, i am sorry for you . I think i can feel the pain ouch, I hope that you are feeling better by now . So my question is that when will you release the Penny after Marriage dialoges?
Penny, herself, has her every day dialogue completed, and I have yet to work on the marriage dialogue. :'0 I planned to work on the marriage dialogues last out of everything, BUT, if you REALLY want it, I suppose I can kick it into a higher gear and get all of her released for bug testing sooner!! Thanks for following along, you gem.
hi! this mod looks super cool, i don't really have anything useful to say except thanks and ur a saint for putting so much time into it~
Hey, thanks so much! :'0 While it is, unfortunately, taking MUCH MORE TIME THAN expected due to some real life issues, it IS coming along like sugar and honey haha! I can't wait to release it for bug testing, here shortly!!
This mod sounds like it's gonna be perfect, and much needed in my game. You can never have too many dialogue options imo. I'm bookmarking this thread for sure!
I can agree with you there, haha!! :') Thanks for following along - a real gem, you are, giving me all this support!
i'm so in love with your dialogue shown in the previews & i can't wait to download when it goes up! (i'm especially excited for shane's and the direction you'll take him in) i know how rough it is to deal with those kinds of pains (pcos here), so keep your chin up and take your time
I'm really looking forward to this mod! It looks absolutely wonderful and I can't wait for it. Thanks so much for your hard work and please take as much time as you need ♥
Aw, gosh, that oughta stink! :'( I hope the PCOS isn't SUPER hard on you, eh?... As for the mod itself, I appreciate your support! :'0 Inspiration has been running dry for me lately, with college sucking my LIFE AWAY, haha...! But! The mod is getting done at a pretty decent pace, I can assure you! Again, thanks so much for following along, you gem!
B'awww, its the gems like you that help me keep going! Thanks for your support there, bud! :'0 I'll be sure to work as much as I can on it, heh!
Not yet, unfortunately! :-( A lot of things have been holding me back from working on this mod, and, it's thus taking me almost twice as long to make. Sorry that you gotta wait! I'm trying to push it out as fast as I can.
Just hang in there. So far this idea has a 100% approval rating out of 89 votes. That's pretty amazing.
It's amazing at how kind and considerate the community is! Most importantly - thank you for hanging in there, too!
This looks absolutely amazing. I've been looking for an excuse to come back and play the game again and this looks like exactly that I do have a couple questions though. 1. Are you editing the heart events as well or just building around them? 2. How are planning to deal with Haley? Her whole personality shift is a big part of her character in the game but at the same time some people (myself included) have trouble getting the desire up to get to know her because she starts off so obnoxious. Not trying to influence you either way just curious how you are planning to handle her?
Fair enough. I'm perfectly happy with the building around them idea I was just curious as there is the inherent risk if you are changing dialogue that the events might not match up with the adjusted personality. Would it be possible to just change some of the lines around but leave the core dialogue you are responding too alone? For example you mentioned Elliot's event, could you just change the events dialogue to fit the personality you are writing around but have him still ask the same which genre question. That way you don't have to worry about rebuilding the events but still have the ability to make sure they match. Basically just keep the same event but change the phrasing of it. That seems like it would solve your problem though I don't necessarily know what you are planning so I could very well be mistaken.
Makes sense. So basically the idea is that the default events should fit in and work as is but you hope to figure out how to change them later on down the road if possible?
Exactly! : ) The default events will fit in just fine, and, if I plan to change them, that will also work out!