Respawning - Not Cloning, Please - Teleport Idea

Discussion in 'Other' started by Shiokuri, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Oompaloompa

    Oompaloompa Aquatic Astronaut

    Agree with concept of cloning and the fact that somehow (dev's or forum insert idea here) you're mind set would be transferred into the new body, like the cloning machines simply hold a copy of your body and current inv, like a save game, and if you die you revert to the last save. But then im not sure how that would work with the items you lost, because nobody wants to loose everything, but then again if you just dropped everything people would abuse it...
  2. Matanui3

    Matanui3 Phantasmal Quasar

    Usually AFTER you go splat on the ground...
  3. burthstone

    burthstone Big Damn Hero

    How about the best of both worlds? Have the three modes they had from Terraria:
    Softcore: You only lose money (Teleport)
    MediumCore: You lose all items+Money (Clone)
    Hardcore: No respawn.

    Or, have some form of permutation:
    All: If you die within close proximity of LZ/healing Tank/Some other device that would make sense and there's a friendly NPC nearby, then you respawn at said item/station as if it there was no penalty (Except for obvious ones like fuel).
    Softcore: Late game you can attempt to rig the teleporter to not take your money.
    SoftiumCore: Have to build teleporter.
    MediumCore: You can save up to 10 items (Changeable? :D) at the cloning machine to have respawn with you, and have it save money (Also optional).
    HamiumCore: All Items lost, you only respawn if you build the cloaning machine.
    Hardcore: No respawn.

    Sound good to everyone?
    Oompaloompa likes this.
  4. Filipfonky

    Filipfonky Cosmic Narwhal

    You have my word.
    Isn't that the same thing?
    This reminds me of Boringlands 1 / 2. They had the same kind of respawn.
    But let's go on.
    This system has a huge flaw: death animations.
    We want to see out characters die in gorish and hilarious ways! Atleast, that's what I've seen suggested here.
    Your suggestion is good (despite all the "troll shield" you've made), but would remove one of the cooler features of dying in any videogame.
  5. Canopus

    Canopus Zero Gravity Genie

    In real life, I'm not okay with cloning from a moral standpoint, but for a video game, it sounds to me that cloning and teleportation are basically one and the same.

    I understand the desire to play one character continuously beyond any number of deaths, but even THAT concept is entirely (almost, I believe in Resurrection) fictitious anyway, so what's one more fantasy/sci-fi element like cloning?

    Besides, at the end of the day in SB, we're playing in a 2-D world. There's no depth to any of the's Mario with more technology.

    We play these fantasy/sci-fi games to participate in an alternate universe and play by its rules--it's okay if their laws don't match ours.
  6. Moon Star

    Moon Star Cosmic Narwhal

    I myself don't like the cloning idea. Besides, it wouldn't exactly make sense for you to get cloned along with whatever gear you had with you.
    Teleportation does sound neater.
  7. TheUnartist

    TheUnartist Pangalactic Porcupine

    As you make a fantastic escape from your home planet, you have time to pack one important item.

    -MedEvac Teleporter: Transports you to the ship when your life is low.
    -Easy-Clone Oven: Stores genes and memories(blueprints) for later use. Items left in body carcass container.
    -Picture of Mom: Decorative. No use.
  8. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    Hyperion Suggests that you do not think about the fact that this is only a digital reconstruction of your original body, which died the first time you respawned. Do NOT think about this!
  9. Witness

    Witness Giant Laser Beams

    I can get behind OPs idea. While I'd rather prefer some meta-game respawn with 'make your own explanation' I certainly prefer some emergency teleportation to cloning. A matter of taste, really.
  10. Dust

    Dust Giant Laser Beams

    I think this discussion is moot at this point. Cloning is going to be the way we're re-spawning. It's not to everybody's taste, obviously, but I think most people are not going to be bothered by it, and those that are, will live with it if they enjoy the rest of the game.
    Canopus and WoxandWarf like this.
  11. c2h5oc2h5

    c2h5oc2h5 Phantasmal Quasar

    When I last checked Starbound was still only a video game (albeit a great one!), so I don't care much what is the explanation how my character respawns, as long as it has some logic to it. It has, and it has some great animations, so I don't see any reason to complain.
  12. ChronoFlux

    ChronoFlux Big Damn Hero

    Totally agreeing with you I would hate to loss myself and all connection to the next me. I hope they would use this idea instead of the cloning method.

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