Apologize that I didn't upload sooner... So many games to play in free time, combined with school work and laziness... Also some of you guys add me on 3DS Here comes the topic derailment- Here is my FC:5300-8921-3828 ... Feel free to reply to me with yours as well. And for the guy with Combine Gun, I am going to do some touch ups to make it less rough.
The sword looks great! It would be nicer if the tip wasn't blocky, but now I see that it is white space, not the sword, so it is still amazing!
[PANIC] May I request this weapon?! http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130125073729/borderlands/images/6/64/Lvl50_Skookum_Cobra.jpg
Started working on my first mod for this game. One of the weapons is going to be an M16 variant. Can you please sprite this for me? I am currently tryinG my own, but failing. http://partyhardpolitics.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/M16.jpg
For the ones wondering where I am, I am helping work on a game with a group of friends, and I am the main art person, so naturally I have had a good bit to do. Here is a taste of what I have been working on (pretty much none of this is the finished product, and the characters you will see are just concepts. This is also my first attempt with making anything.... actually FOR a game with original ideas and concepts instead of pre-existing art, except for 3 weapons I have posted here.) So voila, I guess. Some of these are just repeats of each other with random changes, and opinions are always welcome.
So. It's been a while. I'm reopening to requests, and to make this not just a pointless bump, here's something I randomly finished from my image folder! It was literally just the head of the thing I made like... 2 years ago, so I finished it. Shading isn't great as this was like a 30 minute task as opposed to a ton of effort, and I didn't bother deleting the background. So here. I am also really bad with legs. Can't believe it's been a year since I did honest to god spritework for this thread. Seems like every year I get a little older.
Got a drawing tablet for Christmas. Didn't really use it for a while, but I decided I might as well try to pixel it up. This was my entire morning. Voila. Click it to make it bigger. Still working on the non-toony version. It just involves changing all the black outlines to colored, anti-aliased lines, but I want to play some games for a bit.
Here you go friend. EXTREMELY LATE but I did it. First weapon made using the tablet and my new method of making the sprites. I included a regular and 4x version in attachments. It looks best in small form though.
Ignore the poor man's horrible hand disorder. I am really bad with hands.[DOUBLEPOST=1424311569][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh yeah I don't just do weapons now. Reference images still required, but yeah. And nothing too ridiculous. As in the character above is probably the most complicated I am willing to do atm.