Pixel Request Weapons!

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Frey Cloudseer, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. StarBatman

    StarBatman Void-Bound Voyager

    On the contrary! That you responded and did such a good job on them made me very, very happy. Sure, there are other people doing similar stuff! That's how life works. If Raphael had been put off by seeing the works of other artists of the time (Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello) and just given up painting there and then, we wouldn't have The Parnassus in the palace of the Vatican, and the fourth ninja turtle might be named 'Dave'. Or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles might not even exist at all. That's not a world I'd want to raise my fictional kids in.

    Rambling argument aside, you should just do what makes you happy. Keep arting, keep pixelling. Seek to collaborate with other similar-minded artists, not compete and fight to the death over the little things. And let's face it, in the big scheme of things, pixels are very little things. :love:
  2. Frey Cloudseer

    Frey Cloudseer Cosmic Narwhal

    The TMNT bit made me chuckle, I see where you are coming from, and I still plan to keep doing what I do, but I might wait a bit before I start doing more requests.
    NinjaDuckie likes this.
  3. Evinagro

    Evinagro Cosmic Narwhal

    Spiral Knights weapons? I'm surprised there haven't been any copyright claims
  4. cwolf042

    cwolf042 Pangalactic Porcupine

    How about the Infinity Blade
  5. TheSpawn

    TheSpawn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Fang of Vog Pixelated (Big).png Fang of Vog Pixelated.png I'm late, but I just felt like making it. :catface2:
    Ado, Maxtar and SquarelyCircle like this.
  6. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

  7. mountaindew

    mountaindew Subatomic Cosmonaut


    this one please?????
  8. Frey Cloudseer

    Frey Cloudseer Cosmic Narwhal

    Infinity Blade.png

    mountaindew likes this.
  9. mountaindew

    mountaindew Subatomic Cosmonaut

  10. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    This is a beautiful thread.
    I would like the M-8 Avenger from the Mass Effect series.
  11. Frey Cloudseer

    Frey Cloudseer Cosmic Narwhal

    Sorry, been a busy week for me, here you go:
    M8 Avenger.png
    Maxtar and F-ranko like this.
  12. Nynjah

    Nynjah Void-Bound Voyager

    Heheh... guess what this one's from...
    It would be so awesome if you made this!!! :rainbow:
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  13. Frey Cloudseer

    Frey Cloudseer Cosmic Narwhal

    Heeee heeeee heeeee I just made 2 swords that I had been thinking about for a while, I hope you guys like them! I spent like 30 minutes getting the designs right!
    AnotherSpecter likes this.
  14. Minihax

    Minihax Pangalactic Porcupine

    This and...

    This, pwease?
  15. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    Screenshot (20).png
    If the "Edit" screen opens as blank, you can press the "More Options" tab on bottom of the "Edit" screen to edit it.

    Also, that M-8 Avenger is awesome! Makes me want a Mass Effect mod already!
  16. Minihax

    Minihax Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh,i never knew the more options did that. Sorry.
    F-ranko likes this.
  17. Fatelys

    Fatelys Space Spelunker

    Could you make an Iron Man Glove? It would be amazing!
  18. Minihax

    Minihax Pangalactic Porcupine

    If i could suggest something to you, you should probably provide an image for the artist to work off of.
  19. Fatelys

    Fatelys Space Spelunker


    You're perfectly right, here it is!
  20. Frey Cloudseer

    Frey Cloudseer Cosmic Narwhal

    These will be finished soon, it has been a very stres- HAHHAHAHAHA Could NOT say that with a straight face, Pokemon X babeh

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