[Request] Flowers All Seasons - Making Delicious Honey and MEAD

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Skydruid, Mar 8, 2016.


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  1. Skydruid

    Skydruid Aquatic Astronaut

    I rather love making Honey in my game. Though the problem around it revolves around the fact you can only make the most profitable honey during the Fall.

    This seems counterproductive, as you do get honey all the growing seasons otherwise. Currently its workaround-able with getting Fairy Rose seeds in fall and stocking up with all crops all seasons enabled in various mods.

    However, those mods are too much for some. Else you could just grow blueberries forever and any variety is never needed. Works if you want to focus on other aspects of the game, but I want to do something different.

    I'd love to see the flower restriction on seasons removed, nothing else. Just made so they can grow in the Growing Seasons, and not winter obviously. Bees won't produce honey in winter, so no reason to have fairy roses in winter.

    Another possibility:

    Make it so Beehives can work inside the Greenhouse. I've been told they don't function if you put them inside the greenhouse. Would be another perfect solution as you can just have grids of hives, a sprinkler, and a single fairy rose in the center for all the honey production you could ever want.

    Hope people like the idea.

    Also: why can't we make Mead in this game again? Honey in the Kegs! Honey to Mead! MUST HAPPEN!
    • Zkaface

      Zkaface Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      The second idea is cool though, but not very realistic. In nature, bees gonna die in that situation. In that case one could use bumblebees... but. They do not produce any honey.

      I like your first idea and hope that there will be a workaround for it :)

      Plus: Mead! Yeah! Nice one!
      • miishic

        miishic Void-Bound Voyager

        yeah would be fine to have working beehives inside my greenhouse!
        • Jokerine

          Jokerine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          As someone who plans to run a honey farm, yes please! :)
          • She Meows

            She Meows Subatomic Cosmonaut

            Mead is a new word to me, so I just read an article about how to make mead while searching what that is. I loved it, planning to make my own mead. Lol.
            Btw I like the idea of the flowers in winter and greenhouse, otherwise it's pretty boring during the season. Although my mom is pleased by winter, because it looks clean ( oopsy! This comment went too far:D).

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