Can I request a pixel art of a starcraft 1 terran firebat in red <--- Kinda like that If someone could do this that'd be really cool! If they could make the dual flamethrowers on him go with it that'd be really neat! Please?
Someone that can make digital art can draw this?: A forest being sweeped by a gigantic laser that comes from the space and leaves a trail of destruction and death and fire in its way.
Could someone possibly make an Avian Tileset, like for the Avian Structures? So that we can make our own scenes
Personally that restriction is starting to seem a little silly, I mean it aint like we got an overflow of requests here after all.
Good point. Well, then again, not many of the requests have been fulfilled, so it's best to wait until the artists doing the requests are finished.
I would do more of them but most of them are either pixel art requests, or things that fall outside of the range of stuff I consider worth drawing.
If anyone wants to sort out my ugly logo and YouTube background it would be much appreciated. Willing to pay you in cookies and hugs. TY.
Well, I thought about what to do, and then I listened to some music. And then I finished your avatar. Don't worry. The jagged white lines won't show up... much.
I can honestly say, I'm with Bombzero and zooey. ... And when I say that, I mean, don't make seemingly pointless requests. Ok?