REQUEST Replacers? or "outfits?"

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Corraidhín, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. Corraidhín

    Corraidhín Supernova

    I am not entirely sure what CAN and CANNOT be modded in SV, I ve seen some pretty sweet stuff and it inspired me to learn a bit about making pixel art, in full honesty im terrible at it, but im stubborn as fluff.

    I ve had a couple ideas I would like to try in game, but for now im just figuring out how to draw things in pixels and make them look not-so-eye-sore.

    Corri frame.png

    Tao frame.jpg

    This is what I started working on, a male and a female! altho I am still learning, and these are largely unfinished, I would like to work on these myself to either be the playable character or as outfits that replace your sprite when you have them equipped (I have no idea how far-fetched this might be)

    I took a gander at the farmer spritesheet... its quite a lot to take in...

    but yeah, here is what I am requesting... either an answer "yes this might work", "nah you are crazy" or maybe a volunteer to use (once I finish them) these sprites and add them to the game as a mod!

    (they still need a LOT of work, but I felt the need to ask ahead of time)
    • Logantron

      Logantron Poptop Tamer

      For NPC's the way you're currently making a sprite would work fine, however the farmer bases work a bit differently. Each row is a different animation that can be broken up into three different sections, the combination of which form the full sprite. From left to right you will see the base of the body, hands, and the legs. I'm not sure if you can just work with the base layer, and remove the leg and arm layers without issue or not. Maybe someone else knows the answer to that.
        Corraidhín likes this.
      • Corraidhín

        Corraidhín Supernova

        oh yeah I realized that after I decompiled them, I figured I could keep working like this, then once I had a better graps of the whole pixel thing, I could just break down these and replace the farmer assets. I am gonna keep my hopes high and think it ll work without everything breaking down to hell lol.
        • Juliet

          Juliet Void-Bound Voyager

          I'm also working on an anthro mod myself. Unfortunately you have to individually edit each sprite section on there. My thing is, though, is trying to figure out positioning? As in if I move the sprite piece's location over 1 pixel is it going to be affected in the game? I know that's confusing but..yeah. :p

          Also, I realized the pants are detached from the actual sprite. To include the tail you'll have to edit the trousers part in the sprite sheet to reflect it which..I"m not sure how it'll work out. If I get it working in a decent way I can let you know since I'm trying to accomplish the same thing at the moment. I do wish there was an easier way to do this.
            Corraidhín likes this.
          • Corraidhín

            Corraidhín Supernova

            Ye and me both bucko, those farmer sprites sure are a bloody hell to work with! and perhaps I need to tone down my own sprites, they might be a bit too complex lol, or maybe not. we will see.
            • Juliet

              Juliet Void-Bound Voyager

              Corraidhín likes this.
            • Corraidhín

              Corraidhín Supernova

              Ooooh that looks pretty sweet, sort of fennec-like!
              • Kamirose

                Kamirose Big Damn Hero

                I haven't looked at the farmer sprites specifically, but usually yes, that's how it works.

                The sprites are contained within 32px x 32px tiles. To display an animation, the game switches between tiles for that given animation, with each tile laying exactly on top of the other tile. Think of them as pictures stacked on top of each other, and each frame of the animation is determining which picture is 'turned on' at that time.

                So if you move the contents of that tile over by a pixel, the 32x32 "frame" is in the same spot, it's just the picture inside of the frame that has moved. So when that picture turns on, it'll still have the borders in the same spot, and the contents will show moved over.

                You can actually kind of see that in the base game. The adult goat sprite has a few tiles that seem to have been accidentally shifted over. One of the goats overlaps the tile of another goat, so if the goat is facing backwards and does its idle animation, you'll notice a small line appears off to the side of the goat. It's actually the sprite next to it popping into the frame. And the goat that is shifted, the right-facing goat, is the one that's bumped over. When the goat is facing right and does its idle animation, the entire sprite moves right a pixel, even though that isn't intended.

                Hope that makes sense :)
                  Corraidhín and Juliet like this.
                • Juliet

                  Juliet Void-Bound Voyager

                  Actually that really helps! Knowing the size now I can make any needed adjustments I want to do!
                  • Corraidhín

                    Corraidhín Supernova

                    I... understand... I think... Ill just reread that a couple more times until it makes sense on my thick skull
                    • Kamirose

                      Kamirose Big Damn Hero

                      Glad to help :) Again, I haven't looked at the farmer sprites specifically so I might be off, but the animal sprites are 32x32 so I'd assume they're the same.
                      • Corraidhín

                        Corraidhín Supernova

                        Almost done with how I want the walk/run cycle to look like, might tweak it a bit, making the girl sprites shouldnt be as difficult... tho maybe the run cycle is gonna be tricky, I hope my ideas are not too extreme as for what could be modified lol, but then again this is a lot of fun anyway! :3

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