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RELEASED RenTek: Reni's Armory (Discontinued) v1.5.1 Spirited Giraffe

Add Another Set of Unique Equipment to your collection.

  1. EpicNomming

    EpicNomming Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  2. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    Dilrax updated RenTek: Reni's Armory with a new update entry:

    Imminent Awakening

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Welcome back @Dilrax we missed you. Glad to see you got an update out, I'll add it to the private Avali server I help run soon.
  4. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    erm... thanks ^^; and you plan to add it to a server? O-o ... i dunno what to say, thanks again i guess ^^;, though im only able to make minor updates which may or may not work, as starbound wont run with this super-old temporary laptop im using for the time being but i'll try to keep up with the game updates
    Marxon likes this.
  5. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    It's been on the server a short while and at least a few of the weapons (90% being shared with the hypersaw and the almighty ion cannon) have been popping up and are being used by players.
  6. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    so it seems that accidental mistake of a discovery weapon dubbed hypersaw is a popular one then? interesting, though the ion cannon is as expected lol, if only it could` be modified to only be used outside on the surface, haha, after all it is kinda overkill...
  7. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    You haven't seen all the moons that have scorched surfaces from that thing, the planet as a whole got smaller.
  8. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    pardon my language but... "well... shit..." hahaha
  9. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    It's a big universe... what's a few planets shredded in the grand scheme?
    Marxon likes this.
  10. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Yeah it's all fun and games till the other players realize I have a knack for coding custom weapons on the fly, (I made a crossbow shotgun out of a rocket launcher in 2 minutes without leaving the server. )
  11. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    dont get any ideas :p
    ... it took me about 1-4 hours average just to make one gun depending what effect i was after... usually an hour or two more just for a sprite
  12. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Well this was 2 minutes because it was an improvised weapon, I have a lot of them. 10 guns that all use the same sprite. It's nothing compared to the polished works that come out of that lovely station.

    Edit: got to remember this was just using existing assets to make a quick solution to a problem, this one solved the problem that it was currently not raining meat.
  13. paintzer

    paintzer Big Damn Hero

    Nice weapon and all but i think those weapons are overpowered :p
  14. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Space Kumquat

    hay. mind if I lend my brain to you guys. I have a lot of ideas and I would love to share them.
    that, and I am rather interested in Reni :)
  15. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    [​IMG] interested i me? you have questions maybe? and keep in mind weapon development is currently on hold and will resume in due time, but i would love to hear these ideas of yours as the starbound network could always use more people with big idea's.
  16. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Space Kumquat

    indeed I am my fine feathered friend. I am Professor Madman, and not only do I have a few ideas, but I am also an Idealist, so Ideas can come like hot cakes. and I can grow simple ideas into Big ones. and fine tune an idea, and even modify it all together. at the moment, I am thinking of ways of modifying the Avali Aerotech weaponry to have... unique features and effects to make them more effective. and I even have access to, rare and unique goods you have find... intriguing.
  17. ProkhorVLG

    ProkhorVLG Existential Complex

    May I ask, where did you guys get the sound effects for the more unique weapons? Or did you guys make them? Having a bit of trouble finding unique sounds myself.
  18. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    yeah finding sound effects can be a bit of a pain, especially finding that right one, and for free at that too, a lot of sites were searched but it all came back to one, "pond5.com" its not free and each sfx will cost you a small bit but they got the range of sfx i sought out.
  19. ProkhorVLG

    ProkhorVLG Existential Complex

  20. gigaiDX

    gigaiDX Void-Bound Voyager

    I seem to be in a bit of an odd situation .-.
    Install the mod, hop onto my avali character, open up the metalwork station, scroll through the entire list and no armory printer to be found .-.
    Can I get some help or has anybody else ran into the same situation?

    EDIT: Wow. I'm blind.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2014

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