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RELEASED RenTek: Reni's Armory (Discontinued) v1.5.1 Spirited Giraffe

Add Another Set of Unique Equipment to your collection.

  1. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    unreal tournament 2004, ion painter, haha yeah, "shit happens" when you least expect it, haha due for a new one anyway
  2. EpicNomming

    EpicNomming Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    These are just some concepts for new weapons (change them how you like, I am not a modder, and as such do not fully understand the limitations of what is easy or possible)
    These weapons, in my idea, will charge similar to how bows do. They increase in power and effectiveness the longer you charge them.
    First Concept:
    Solar Burst Gun... Thing:
    Charges up using sunlight (doesn't have to be used in the sun, just as lore) using high efficiency solar panels. It fires out small plasma bullets in a burst, which lasts longer the more time it has to charge. Just spamming it uses more energy, but allows for more mobility (as you are slowed when charging, like with a bow), but charging it up gives it up to 20 (or another value, you choose) shots. It would be a low damage per shot, with a very small AoE on each bullet. Simply put, it is a burst rifle that uses charging up to fire huge volleys of bullets, allowing for you to rush an opponent and tear them apart before they can even reach you. While weaker and more energy consuming when not charged much (or at all) it allows for you to move faster and dodge fast moving opponents who may have caught you off guard.

    Plasma Morter? I don't know, honestly:
    Like stated before, this one also acts like a bow; the more it is charged, the stronger it gets.
    This gun is designed TO BE FIRED UPWARDS. It fires off a large ball of energy, which is, for unknown reasons, affected by gravity. The further it travels, the faster it accelerates and moves. The faster it is going upon impact, the bigger the damage and AoE explosion.
    This weapon may be quite difficult to make exactly like this, but as I said, it is merely a concept. I would like to see these implemented, but I won't mind that much if not.
    As with the previous gun, the weapon can be fired, like a bow can, with very little charge time. However, the same consequences occur, with it having shorter range, much lower damage and being far slower. However, this also means that you can bombard bosses or annoying foes with half-charged shots while still safely behind cover.

    The final weapon concept:
    Energy Spear/Javelin:
    A thrown/Melee weapon imbued with special properties. If used/crafted as a javelin, it can be thrown to deal high damage with great range and the effect to (very optional) pin enemies to the spot if they are on the ground when hit (grounding the electrical charge stuns them. maybe look to the Magic mod; it has a stun/grab mechanic).
    As a spear, it could have two functions; it could send out a short wave pulse of energy/plasma at short range on left click, and a long range "after image" of light on right. I have seen dual-element randomly generated weapons. Or, if not possible, it could simply have the shock element from the vanilla game (again, I am not a modder, and have not seen elemental melee weapons with custom projectiles, so I do not know the difficulty of this)

    I know this is kinda a wall of text, but I like these ideas and wanted to share them. If you don't it's fine. If you do, it's great. I'm tempted to go into modding myself, and try to eventually become good enough to make these myself, but 1. I have a lot of school stuff at the moment in grade 11, and 2. I'm a bit daunted. Also, I have tried to keep these concepts sort of similar to the other weapons, but I'm not sure.

    If you managed to survive navigating my wall of text comment, congrats! Treat yourself to a cookie.

    PS: I hope your computer isn't completely dead; it can be a pain to buy/build a new one and load everything back on. You always forget a few things.
    Good luck.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2014
    Dilrax likes this.
  3. GuardianofHarmony

    GuardianofHarmony Big Damn Hero

    Huh, didn't know that. Maybe I should give Unreal Touney a go....
  4. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Yeah I thought that too at first, love that series to death.
  5. GuardianofHarmony

    GuardianofHarmony Big Damn Hero

    Still play Tiberium Essence, a mod that brings back Tiberian Sun gameplay on Tiberium Wars, quite often. Wish I had more people to play with though, since there's practically no one who has it in the servers.
  6. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Desura maybe?
  7. GuardianofHarmony

    GuardianofHarmony Big Damn Hero

  8. GuardianofHarmony

    GuardianofHarmony Big Damn Hero

    You know my steam if you want to have a go mate.
  9. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    I don't think I do know your steam. And I have to use origin to run it (stupid collector's pack)
  10. GuardianofHarmony

    GuardianofHarmony Big Damn Hero

    ....... I meant its the same as my chucklefish forums account. And how bout just going to the game then? I could set up a server.
  11. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Lets make this into a conversation then.
  12. EpicNomming

    EpicNomming Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  13. The Maneiac

    The Maneiac Void-Bound Voyager

    when i get the Gun Mount and the Minigun the Recipie to get the mounted minigun shows as a perfectly generic item.
  14. EpicNomming

    EpicNomming Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think you may be on the wrong thread. If I'm not mistaken. there is no mounted minigun.
  15. GuardianofHarmony

    GuardianofHarmony Big Damn Hero

  16. EpicNomming

    EpicNomming Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    One word replies are cool.. Oh wait... Nvm.

    EDIT: If you could, I wouldn't mind seeing the rest of the picture so I can replicate it myself, or if you could possible put up the shipworld file? It looks very good.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
  17. GuardianofHarmony

    GuardianofHarmony Big Damn Hero

    He is, and I think he know's, mostly becuase I saw the exact same comment on Reni's armory.... which also doesn't have a mounted gun.... I don't think.

    How do?
  18. EpicNomming

    EpicNomming Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    1. Open up the player directory (default C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\player , change to “Program Files (x86)” if it doesn’t work) and find the shipworld file that was edited last, save it in a different location
    2. upload it to dropbox or a similar website
    3. put the link.

    I think that should work, because then I can just replace my shipworld file. If not, I may need a mod or something to run it so it will generate a new ship. If all else fails,. put it on the avali race mod page and ask if it can be an optional addon. :3
  19. Virulenz

    Virulenz Void-Bound Voyager

    I have i little problem.
    I can only craft 3 weapons the other weapons dont show up in the crafting station.
  20. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    nice weapon idea's though i never really worked out how to modify the bow and make a working alteration of it, if i did the hypercannon and Coil rifle would charge up before firing, and iv been abt to retrieve my old laptop from my uncle but it really hates starbound, terraria, minecraft and the like haha, its disk space is also pretty well capped out.

    mounted minigun? not here there is, you might have the wrong mod topic, or a possible mod clash

    if you got probs making the weapons, craft the tier card(s)

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