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RELEASED RenTek: Reni's Armory (Discontinued) v1.5.1 Spirited Giraffe

Add Another Set of Unique Equipment to your collection.

  1. RenTek: Reni

    RenTek: Reni Phantasmal Quasar

    well were open to the public again, good to finally update ^^
  2. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    oh wow, Reni, i just noticed we hit over 6,100 downloads, with 70 downloads in the first 5 hours of moving to upbeat giraffe, that's one heck of a starting mile stone in my book, i really never thought we would have gotten this far, heck i can only just remember when it got started, hahaha.

    Seriously, to everyone who has been keeping up with the mod, thank you for your support, even if your only downloading the mod, its still awesome to see people are downloading it, so thank you to everyone for being awesome!
    RenTek: Reni likes this.
  3. RenTek: Reni

    RenTek: Reni Phantasmal Quasar

    wait what... really!? *goes to check*

    ʘ-ʘ wow... i dont know what to say... but yes thank you to everyone for your support!
    Dilrax likes this.
  4. Crisium

    Crisium Cosmic Narwhal

    Not sure this could just be me but after installing the mod the game freezes after killing a monster. Was a new game I always start a new game after adding a mod donno why I just do :) I have other mods but none that I see touches the monster treasurpools. I think Banni's Leather Works only deals with the hunting pool and the other is FrackinUniverse that has a few but mostly deal with harvest and default both are .patch files. Any idea what I'm doing wrong Brah ?
    Not sure if it will help but this is what I get in the log.
    [13:35:12.137] Error: WorldServerThread exception caught: (TreasureException) Unknown treasure pool 'basicMonsterTreasure'
      TreasureDatabase::createTreasure(String, float, unsigned long long, HashSet<String, hash<String, void> >)
      TreasureDatabase::createTreasure(String, float, unsigned long long)
      TreasureDatabase::createTreasure(String, float)
      WorldServer::removeEntity(int, bool)
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
  5. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    i had a tiny feeling this might have been a possible issue, i'll see what i can do as i may have an idea on a work around, assuming my theory is right...
  6. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

  7. S00perEPICMrFox

    S00perEPICMrFox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  8. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    ahh things are a right mess now, first the fix for that doesn't get added and now the same previous version got uploded so i have to re-upload the new one x-x
  9. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

  10. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    Here I come, the bearer of bad news...

    Start logging at: 2015-02-27 04:26:51.333
    [04:26:51.333] Info: Star::Root using bootstrap file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\win32\sbboot.config'
    [04:26:51.333] Info: Star::Root using storage directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\giraffe_storage\'
    [04:26:51.333] Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    [04:26:51.392] Info: Detected mod 'Viera' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Viera\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'Starface' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\starface.modpak'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'munari' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\munari\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'WeaponTech' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\WeaponTech.modpak'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'RenTek_RenisArmory' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\RenTek_RenisArmory\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'Prismatic Stars' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Prismatic Stars\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'Felins' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\felins\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'charactercreationmod' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\charactercreationmod\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'Lightdrones 3.00' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\LightdronesContinued.modpak'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'BambooMod' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\BambooMod\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'aviandanceroutfitandinstrument' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\avian dancer outfit and instrument\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'racialcrafting' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\racialcrafting\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'Decorative Mech's By LouisDench' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\DecoMechs\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'Emily Vday Pack' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\emily\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'Concrete' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Concrete\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'Kineptic' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\kineptic\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'Kobolds' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\kobold\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'Drumsticks + Tail Feathers merged edition' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Drumsticks and Tailfeathers.modpak'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'lopunny' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\lopunny\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'Ground-Penetrating Radar Mapper' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\GPR Mapper v1.2 (UG)\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'lucario' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\lucario\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'Mantis' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\mantis\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'Extended Songbook' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\extended_songbook_1_0_6.modpak'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'MysteriousStars' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\MysteriousStars_v1.4.2\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'Ore Plants' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Ore Plants\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Detected mod 'nephilim' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\nephilim\.'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Loading Configuration with config file: 'starbound.config'
    [04:26:51.393] Info: Loading Star::Configuration from 'Just (.\..\giraffe_storage\starbound.config)'
    [04:26:51.539] Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '.\..\giraffe_storage\starbound.config'
    [04:26:51.548] Info: Initializing Star::Root with 28 assets sources
    [04:26:51.548] Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    [04:26:51.549] Info: Client version 'Beta v. Upbeat Giraffe - Update 2' Protocol: 668
    [04:26:51.549] Info: Initialized SDL
    [04:26:51.584] Info: Initialized SDL Video
    [04:26:51.596] Info: Initialized SDL Joystick
    [04:26:51.597] Info: Initialized SDL Sound
    [04:26:51.644] Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
    [04:26:51.645] Info: Loading Assets
    [04:26:51.645] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../assets/packed.pak'
    [04:26:51.647] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../assets/user'
    [04:26:51.647] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Viera\.'
    [04:26:51.647] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\starface.modpak'
    [04:26:51.648] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\munari\.'
    [04:26:51.648] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\WeaponTech.modpak'
    [04:26:51.649] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\RenTek_RenisArmory\.'
    [04:26:51.650] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Prismatic Stars\.'
    [04:26:51.650] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\felins\.'
    [04:26:51.650] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\charactercreationmod\.'
    [04:26:51.650] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\LightdronesContinued.modpak'
    [04:26:51.651] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\BambooMod\.'
    [04:26:51.652] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\avian dancer outfit and instrument\.'
    [04:26:51.652] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\racialcrafting\.'
    [04:26:51.652] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\DecoMechs\.'
    [04:26:51.653] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\emily\.'
    [04:26:51.653] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Concrete\.'
    [04:26:51.653] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\kineptic\.'
    [04:26:51.654] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\kobold\.'
    [04:26:51.654] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Drumsticks and Tailfeathers.modpak'
    [04:26:51.655] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\lopunny\.'
    [04:26:51.655] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\GPR Mapper v1.2 (UG)\.'
    [04:26:51.656] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\lucario\.'
    [04:26:51.656] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\mantis\.'
    [04:26:51.656] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\extended_songbook_1_0_6.modpak'
    [04:26:51.656] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\MysteriousStars_v1.4.2\.'
    [04:26:51.656] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Ore Plants\.'
    [04:26:51.657] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\nephilim\.'
    [04:26:53.293] Info: Done loading Assets
    [04:26:53.302] Info: Fully loading Star::Root...
    [04:26:53.304] Info: Loading ObjectDatabase
    [04:26:53.305] Info: Loading PlantDatabase
    [04:26:53.305] Info: Loading ProjectileDatabase
    [04:26:53.307] Info: Loading MonsterDatabase
    [04:26:53.307] Info: Initializing SDL Window
    [04:26:53.313] Info: Loading NpcDatabase
    [04:26:53.315] Info: Loading PlayerFactory
    [04:26:53.325] Info: Loading EntityFactory
    [04:26:53.345] Info: Loading ItemDatabase
    [04:26:53.449] Info: Done loading PlayerFactory
    [04:26:53.449] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [04:26:53.449] Info: Loading ParticleDatabase
    [04:26:53.631] Info: Created initial window 1000x600
    [04:26:53.697] Info: Renderer initialized
    [04:26:53.701] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [04:26:53.701] Info: Initializing SDL Window
    [04:26:53.815] Info: Done loading PlantDatabase
    [04:26:53.815] Info: Loading TerrainDatabase
    [04:26:53.858] Info: Done loading TerrainDatabase
    [04:26:53.858] Info: Loading BiomeDatabase
    [04:26:53.922] Info: Done loading ParticleDatabase
    [04:26:54.473] Info: Done loading BiomeDatabase
    [04:26:54.473] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [04:26:54.572] Info: Done loading NpcDatabase
    [04:26:54.572] Info: Loading StatusEffectDatabase
    [04:26:54.663] Info: Done loading StatusEffectDatabase
    [04:26:54.663] Info: Loading DamageDatabase
    [04:26:54.750] Info: Done loading MonsterDatabase
    [04:26:54.751] Info: Loading EffectSourceDatabase
    [04:26:54.797] Info: Done loading EffectSourceDatabase
    [04:26:54.797] Info: Loading FunctionDatabase
    [04:26:54.941] Info: Done loading FunctionDatabase
    [04:26:54.941] Info: Loading TreasureDatabase
    [04:26:55.169] Info: Done loading ProjectileDatabase
    [04:26:55.169] Info: Loading DungeonDefinitions
    [04:26:55.201] Info: Done loading MaterialDatabase
    [04:26:55.202] Info: Loading EmoteProcessor
    [04:26:55.202] Info: Done loading EmoteProcessor
    [04:26:55.202] Info: Loading SpeciesDatabase
    [04:26:55.209] Info: Done loading LiquidsDatabase
    [04:26:55.209] Info: Loading ImageMetadataDatabase
    [04:26:55.209] Info: Done loading ImageMetadataDatabase
    [04:26:55.209] Info: Loading VersioningDatabase
    [04:26:55.211] Info: Done loading VersioningDatabase
    [04:26:55.211] Info: Loading QuestTemplateDatabase
    [04:26:55.321] Info: Done loading QuestTemplateDatabase
    [04:26:55.322] Info: Loading AiDatabase
    [04:26:55.350] Info: Done loading TreasureDatabase
    [04:26:55.350] Info: Loading TechDatabase
    [04:26:55.416] Info: Done loading DamageDatabase
    [04:26:55.513] Info: Re-created window 1366x746
    [04:26:55.542] Info: Done loading SpeciesDatabase
    [04:26:55.568] Info: Done loading AiDatabase
    [04:26:55.592] Info: Done loading TechDatabase
    [04:26:55.595] Info: Renderer initialized
    [04:26:57.120] Info: Done loading ObjectDatabase
    [04:26:57.121] Info: Done loading EntityFactory
    [04:26:59.121] Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '.\..\giraffe_storage\starbound.config'
    [04:27:01.479] Error: Could not load /dungeons/hylotl/hylotlprison/entranceright2-objects.png asset, using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No such asset '/dungeons/hylotl/hylotlprison/entranceright2-objects.png'
    [04:27:02.143] Error: Failed to process dungeon file /dungeons/hylotl/hylotlprison/hylotlprison.dungeon : (StarException) Exception (ImageException) (20, 4294967264) out of range in Image::get
      Image::get(Vector<unsigned int, 2u>)
      Dungeon::ImagePartReader::forEachTileAt(Vector<int, 2u>, function<bool (Vector<int, 2u>, shared_ptr<Dungeon::Tile>)>)
      Dungeon::Part::tileUsesPlaces(Vector<int, 2u>)
      Dungeon::Part::pickByNeighbours(Vector<int, 2u>)
      _Function_handler<bool (Vector<int, 2u>, shared_ptr<Dungeon::Tile>), Dungeon::Part::scanConnectors()::{lambda(Vector<int, 2u>, shared_ptr<Dungeon::Tile>)#1}>::(_Any_data, Vector<int, 2u>, shared_ptr<Dungeon::Tile>)
      Dungeon::ImagePartReader::forEachTile(function<bool (Vector<int, 2u>, shared_ptr<Dungeon::Tile>)>)
      DungeonDefinition::DungeonDefinition(Map<String, Variant, unordered_map<String, Variant, hash<String, void>, equal_to<String>, allocator<pair<String, Variant> > > >, String)
      _Function_handler<void (), SwallowReturn<_Bind<_Mem_fn<shared_ptr<DungeonDefinitions> (Root::*)()> (Root*)> > >::(_Any_data)
      _Function_handler<void (), WorkerPool::addWork(function<void ()>)::{lambda()#1}>::(_Any_data)
    in connector hentranceright2
    [04:27:17.754] Error: Could not load /objects/ship/brokennephilimfuelhatch/brokennephilimfuelhatchlitTier0.png asset, using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No such asset '/objects/ship/brokennephilimfuelhatch/brokennephilimfuelhatchlitTier0.png'
    [04:27:17.756] Error: Could not load /objects/ship/brokennephilimfuelhatch/brokennephilimfuelhatchlitTier0.png:default.default asset, using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No associated frames file found for image '/objects/ship/brokennephilimfuelhatch/brokennephilimfuelhatchlitTier0.png' while resolving image frame '/objects/ship/brokennephilimfuelhatch/brokennephilimfuelhatchlitTier0.png:default.default'
    [04:27:19.746] Info: Done loading DungeonDefinitions
    [04:27:22.934] Error: Exception caught loading asset: /recipes/tier0rt/misc/rtenergycore.recipe, (AssetException) Could not read variant asset /recipes/tier0rt/misc/rtenergycore.recipe
      StarException::StarException(string, exception)
      AssetException::AssetException(string, exception)
      _Function_handler<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> (), Assets::loadVariant(String)::{lambda()#1}>::(_Any_data)
      Assets::processAssetData(function<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> ()>)
    Caused by: (JsonParsingException) Cannot parse json file: /recipes/tier0rt/misc/rtenergycore.recipe
      StarException::StarException(string, exception)
      _Function_handler<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> (), Assets::loadVariant(String)::{lambda()#1}>::(_Any_data)
      Assets::processAssetData(function<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> ()>)
    Caused by: (JsonParsingException) Error parsing json: bad array, should be ',' or ']' at 8:24
      Variant inputUtf8Json<char*>(char*, char*, bool)
      _Function_handler<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> (), Assets::loadVariant(String)::{lambda()#1}>::(_Any_data)
      Assets::processAssetData(function<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> ()>)
    [04:27:24.701] Error: Exception raised during Root finishLoad: (AssetException) Error loading asset /recipes/tier0rt/misc/rtenergycore.recipe
      _Function_handler<void (), SwallowReturn<_Bind<_Mem_fn<shared_ptr<ItemDatabase> (Root::*)()> (Root*)> > >::(_Any_data)
      _Function_handler<void (), WorkerPool::addWork(function<void ()>)::{lambda()#1}>::(_Any_data)
    [04:27:24.722] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [04:27:24.824] Info: Shutting down Star::Root
    [04:27:26.082] Error: Fatal Exception Caught: (StarException) An error occurred during loading: (AssetException) Error loading asset /recipes/tier0rt/misc/rtenergycore.recipe
  11. S00perEPICMrFox

    S00perEPICMrFox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hey Dilrax, i'm really sorry to post again but in the \recipes\tier0rt\misc\rtenergycore.recipe you missed a comma between "anvil" "Armoryprinter" which is causing the game to crash.
  12. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    crud... *facepalms*[DOUBLEPOST=1425042492][/DOUBLEPOST]its going to take me at least 30mins - 1hr just to upload the fix... others decided downloading things >.<
    i think after i get this one up too, im gonna call it a night, been a long day for me, i'll send Reni a message just in case any more problems
    pop up so he should be around to work on them...
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
  13. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

  14. fernworrier

    fernworrier Giant Laser Beams

    quick question do yaw have anywhere ealse i can download this from as mideafire still won't let me download anything pass 1 MB.
  15. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    molten cores are a vanilla starbound item obtained from the penguin ufo boss, I assume you can still make a beacon to spawn it as per normal[DOUBLEPOST=1425082021][/DOUBLEPOST]
    sorry, mediafire is all i got.
  16. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    He's a quest boss now, but he does still drop it every encounter, iirc.
  17. fernworrier

    fernworrier Giant Laser Beams

    the ufo boss got changed a bit it drops ship fragments and a prossesor chip.
  18. RenTek: Reni

    RenTek: Reni Phantasmal Quasar

    guess that means molten cores are out and Energy Cores are in...
  19. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    seems reni already beat me to it, and sorted the recipe's, so an update will be soon...
  20. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

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