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Feedback Remarkable Anti-Cheat system.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Iaeyan Elyuex, Sep 30, 2018.

  1. Iaeyan Elyuex

    Iaeyan Elyuex Cosmic Narwhal

    My friend and I were messing around on my private server, and he revealed that he was using a third party cheat engine to make cool weapons, armor and cosmetic stuff rather than break servers, as well as to pinpoint hackers using cheat software to actually grief. He then revealed that his engine crashed several times due to the poor optimization of Starbound. Congratulations. Your game is so poorly optimized that it crashes cheat software. Usually, the person with the cheat engine crashes the game.

    Seriously, though. This game is so poorly optimized that I lag out for five whole seconds every time another player comes onscreen, sometimes even getting the "Not Responding" program state, letting hostiles have their way with me until I actually get the controls back. My character has actually been killed at least once due to this. I'm just glad I don't do hardcore, because that would actually be infuriating to permanently lose a character over something that wasn't even my fault. I keep getting thrown off of the rail platforms by physics lag errors. The sheer amount of lag in this game is astounding. My processor isn't the best, but it should at least be able to run this without a problem.

    Please, Chucklefish. Come in from the fields. The Starbound community needs you. You, or someone who will fix this.
  2. Echo710

    Echo710 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Starbound is actually quite horribly optimized, but even with a 2GB RAM PC, I can still run it decently (er, 10-20 FPS) without anything like that happening. There are many guides on how to make Starbound run faster if you go search it up.

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