Is he not that good or am I playing it all wrong? His damage output is hilariously high, true, and hitting perfect reloads is pretty easy, but I still feel weak. He also falls off way too much late-game, where almost every enemy requires a fully-charged Steady Aim to be killed, which is suicide if you didn't find a lot of Syringes.
Earlier, you struggle to survive. If you do, you struggle to control all the hundreds of enemies around you.
I think all he needs are small changes, like:
- Reload does not stop you from moving
Hitting perfect reloads is simple, your damage output per shot most of the time compensates for the time each shot takes and getting increased attack speed turns you into a dps monster. But all that is wasted by having to stop to reload, leaving you vulnerable for too long.
- Less cooldown time (4 seconds?) on Backflip
It doesn't make much sense that Huntress gets a 3sec cd on her Blink and Sniper's 6sec. He needs it way more to stay safe and position himself. A 4 second CD seems fine, but maybe that would mean less travel distance.
- Sniper can't "roll the dice" like other characters
Most items are chance-based, and he has no other way to take advantage of %-based effects (Like Engineer's mines and three-hit basic attack) outside of basic attacking, so getting great items like the Ukulele feels like a waste of money. Of course, buffing every single %-based item would mean that every single class would need rebalancing, so maybe Sniper could benefit a bit more from levels than other characters?
Well, that got bigger than I expected. I could be completely wrong, sure, but I just wanted to share my thoughts on what I think is one of the most fun characters to play as.
Last edited: Nov 14, 2013