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RELEASED Reaper's Custom Extended Ships

Discussion in 'Vehicles and Mounts' started by Rawr_Dinosaur, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Rawr_Dinosaur

    Rawr_Dinosaur Poptop Tamer

    How did you manage to spawn a single jet for the engines in the back? I would love to know :D

    It looks awesome now.
  2. Rawr_Dinosaur

    Rawr_Dinosaur Poptop Tamer

    For everyone who is saying that adfly has given people spyware in the past, I was unaware of that, if I had known about it I probably wouldn't have used it.
    Being unemployed and taking time out of my day to try and work on a ship for people to use and enjoy is taking time away that I could spend being out looking for a job, so adfly was a small way that I could possibly be paid for doing said work. Since a moderator told me it is against the rules, support for this mod will probably slow down, and versions of this ship for other races will probably take a lot longer to get out.

    Other than that I apologize for using adfly, hope no one was given any spyware from an ad.
  3. Rik

    Rik Industrial Terraformer

    Yeah, sorry to say this, but it sounds like you need to get your priorities straight. You're not entitled to any compensation for your mod. Anything beyond asking for donations comes across as very selfish and makes you look like a spoiled child.

    (I'm usually not this aggressive, but something about your post sparks serious anger in me.)

    Edit: No seriously, the audacity for you to say such things!
  4. Rawr_Dinosaur

    Rawr_Dinosaur Poptop Tamer

    Yes, shame on me for apologizing for using adfly, and letting people know the updates will slow down since my time will be spent looking for work instead.
  5. Spitfire

    Spitfire Former Staff

    You're very welcome to put a paypal donate link/button in the first post in this thread, if you wish. If people like the mod enough, they'll donate to it.
  6. Rawr_Dinosaur

    Rawr_Dinosaur Poptop Tamer

    Alright thanks, I'll see about putting one up once I release another ship. ^^
  7. GrumpyZombie

    GrumpyZombie Dark Lord of the Sith

    This is just unnecessarily rude.
  8. Rawr_Dinosaur

    Rawr_Dinosaur Poptop Tamer

    Thread updated -

    Apex ship released.

    Wish I could edit the title of the thread.
  9. Emperor Arcadius

    Emperor Arcadius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hey. I simply opened the "dropship.structure" file of the Human ship and found the line:
          "value" : [167, 167, 255, 255],
          "foregroundBlock" : false,
          "backgroundBlock" : true,
          "object" : "boosterflamehuman",
          "objectParameters" : {
            "unbreakable" : true
    And changed it to:
          "value" : [167, 167, 255, 255],
          "foregroundBlock" : false,
          "backgroundBlock" : true,
          "object" : "boosterflame",
          "objectParameters" : {
            "unbreakable" : true
    After that, just use the ship engine boxes from the Apex dropshipblocks picture and copy them onto the Human one.
    Rawr_Dinosaur likes this.
  10. Rawr_Dinosaur

    Rawr_Dinosaur Poptop Tamer

    Awesome thanks! when I update the ship to V2 I will include this fix :D

    Edit: Updated the thread with the "A look at things to come" section.
  11. yk999

    yk999 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Download link for human ship isn't working.
  12. Jecoconono

    Jecoconono Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    When i click human v1 it leads me to Oops! Google Chrome Could Not Find ******
  13. Rawr_Dinosaur

    Rawr_Dinosaur Poptop Tamer

    Should be fixed now! let me know if its not.
  14. Jecoconono

    Jecoconono Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well its not really a problem anyway, cause i just copy the link
  15. Jecoconono

    Jecoconono Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The ship has broken textures for me anyway so :/
  16. Jecoconono

    Jecoconono Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    For some reasons when i load human race i always spawn in that extended ship even when i uninstalled it O-o
  17. Rawr_Dinosaur

    Rawr_Dinosaur Poptop Tamer

    Cause your characters ship file is still connected to it.
  18. Dead Squirrel

    Dead Squirrel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Eh, fine. Look I deleted my post as it was rash, you might want to delete your reply. Could you mention in the OP that that image is not something she painted, but would like to work off of? At the moment it looks like your trying to scam some quick cash, but I don't think that's the case.

    Aaaand, good luck on your ship. It's a big one.
  19. Rawr_Dinosaur

    Rawr_Dinosaur Poptop Tamer

    She did actually paint that, whether not not she painted it while looking at the image you found from google is something I'd have to ask her, more than likely she did, but I didn't just pull that off the internet to post here.

    If I was trying to scam some quick cash I wouldn't be releasing anything at all, I would just be making promises and never delivering, I am actually releasing my own ships, and my girlfriend is actually working on Firefly for me to use as a ship for starbound. I will never ask people to donate, but it doesn't hurt to put the link up if someone likes the work and wants to help out, I don't think anyone should be punished or look down upon for that.
  20. Dead Squirrel

    Dead Squirrel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah, ok, again, no, after-effect. Ask her.
    Which is fine to use for a mod. But pretending it's your own (her own) work is not cool. Someone put a helluva lot of time into this model, "cartoonify"-ing it does not mean you can call it your own. Your girlfriend's an artist, I'm sure she understands how important it is to get credit for what you make.

    Here ya go:


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