Mob Rare Giant Squids Octopus Shark, etc.

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Odinite, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. Odinite

    Odinite Aquatic Astronaut

    At the moment the Ocean levels feel a little lifeless, especially mid-depth Ocean, It would be nice if CF included some rare spawns to spice things up a bit. Including Giant Squids Octopi, (Plural?), Sharks, Orcas, etc...

    It would also be cool if the octupi had the ability to merge with the background as they are known for their color-changing abilities. Also they should have a move which inks you, maybe restricting visibility (think ink move in mario kart).
  2. fallingorbit

    fallingorbit Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I thought I saw Sharks in their latest trailer for the ocean, but it's a good suggestion.

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