Modding Help Ragnarok FF8 Ship WIP

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Mwarner, Dec 20, 2013.


Worth finishing?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Here is the Ship so far.

    So pretty much was bored yesterday so I started this.
    I would love to finish it but started to lose interest so I wanted to share it before I completely forgot about it.
    If you wanna help me finish this thing, let me know and Ill send you what I have then we can finish it together!

    Also Mods I apologize if this is in the wrong area I was going to put it in General but Its more of a Mod so yeah <3
    p3de, douglasdamm and dante161 like this.
  2. amagicbox

    amagicbox Void-Bound Voyager

    You've put in a lot of work
    You owe it to yourself to finish it.
    Give yourself the gift of Completion
    Mwarner likes this.
  3. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Been a while since I got around to working on this
    (Special thanks to Stava)
    amagicbox, Thundercraft, p3de and 2 others like this.
  4. godfatherarts

    godfatherarts Yeah, You!

    please finish this Ship Mod! Looks great!
  5. Aurorialis

    Aurorialis Pangalactic Porcupine

    That head looks gorgeous. Where did all you people learn to sprite?!?
    The | Suit likes this.
  6. p3de

    p3de Orbital Explorer

    You gotta continue. YOU GOTTA.
  7. Daimoth

    Daimoth Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I agree, finish it. The nose shows you are a capable pixel artist.
  8. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Well I will finish this If I still have the regular sized image saved.. I'll edit this post if I find it. Cheers

    Edit: I still have it! though I will probably change the layout slightly since it is such a large piece..
    Also If I recall when I put this into SB it was really dark inside and you couldn't see the whole ship..

    But yeah I will probably edit back in an hour or so with an update.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
    The | Suit likes this.
  9. Keller63

    Keller63 Yeah, You!

    im using your idea mate, its frikkin awesome, LOVE this ship. making it out of magma rock though as i havent got material that bright a red. also, i thoguht the magma rock might make it look awesome (with scales?) gonna give it a shot
  10. Keller63

    Keller63 Yeah, You!

    i do recommend the magma rock, personally i love it gives a great effect. its a work in progress as you can see and i hope you enjoy it so far. please be gentle :)

    as you can see i did it from purple magma rock (i didnt have any red) but i think it gives an interesting look (purple still goes with the yellow too :) )

    Ragnarok head.png Ragnarok Neck Scales.png

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